Dinit on antiX now possible

I have managed to get Dinit (0.19.1) running on antiX (sid and bookworm) thanks to the work started by this team Dinit-on-Devuan
It still needs a lot of work and thought about how best to package the various service scripts so it is very much in alpha stage on antiX at the moment.

The following init systems are available for running on antiX: sysVinit, runit, s6, s6-66 and Dinit.

Kernel upgrades available

Users are strongly recommended to update to one of the latest available antiX kernels.

antiX-23 series (bookworm base)

6.1.118-antix.1 (x64 only)
6.6.62-antix.1 (x64 only)

antiX-22 series (bullseye base)


antiX (sid/testing)

6.1.118-antix.1 (x64 only)
6.6.62-antix.1 (x64 only)

antiX-23.2 released

antiX-23.2 (Arditi del Popolo) is a bug-fix release and users of antiX-23 and antiX-23.1 do not need to reinstall.

As usual we offer the following completely systemd-free and elogind-free flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture. Available iso files for sysVinit or runit.

antiX-full (c1.8GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm plus full libreoffice suite. x64 versions come with 2 kernels. Legacy 5.10 and Modern 6.1

antiX-base (c1.2GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm.

antiX-core (c520MB) – no X, but should support most wireless.

antiX-net (c220MB)- no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build.

(If using core or net versions, to connect to the Internet, you might need to type as root user ifup eth0 or ifup eth1 or if using core – type ceni)

The 32 bit version uses a non-pae kernel.

Known issues

* /etc/lsb-release shows antiX-23.1 rather than 23.2. User can edit (as root/sudo) this file if they wish.
* antiX-23.2-full_x64.iso (sysVinit) does not include the latest menu generation. To include it simply install antix23-desktop-files from our repos.
* The sysVinit iso boot menus wrongly says ‘runit’ version.

Note: After installation of antiX-23.2_x64-full editions, the default kernel will be Modern 6.1 even if Legacy 5.10 was booted during the live boot.

* Based on Debian 12 (Bookworm), but without systemd/libsystemd0 and elogind/libelogind0.
* eudev instead of udev
* Customised 5.10.224 kernel
* Customised 6.1.105 kernel (x64 full only)
* libreoffice 4:24.8.2-1
* firefox-esr 128.3.0esr-1 on antiX-full
* seamonkey on antiX-base
* claws-mail
* cups for printing
* pipewire/wireplumber on full editions
* alsa on base and core editions
* xmms -for audio
* celluloid and mpv – for playing video
* qpdfview – pdf reader
* arc-evopro2-theme-antix
* App Select – Much more than a launcher app.
* User Language – set up localisation of popular apps eg Libreoffice

* No snaps (systemd) and no flatpaks (elogind)!

So what do we have.

File managers and desktop:

* zzzFM
* rox-filer
* mc

Convert your video and audio files with:

* winff
* asunder

Connect to the net with:

* connman
* gnome-ppp (if you are still on dial-up)
* ceni


* geany
* leafpad

Tools for remastering and creating snapshots of installed system:

* iso-snapshot
* remaster tools

General tools:

* bootrepair
* Package Installer
* Network Assistant
* User Manager
* Package Installer
* Repo Manager
* ddm-mx – install nvidia drivers


* hexchat – gui chat
* luckybackup – excellent backup tool. There’s nothing lucky about it!
* simple-scan – for scanning documents
* transmission-gtk – torrent downloader
* wingrid-antix – turn the stacking window managers into tilers.
* Xfburn for burning cd/dvd
* connectshares-antix for network shares
* droopy-antix – an easy way to transfer files over the net.
* mirage – image viewer
* antiX Control Centre – an easy way to do just about anything!
* streamtuner2 – listen to streaming radio
* cherrytree – note taking application

Why not try out our included ‘cli’ apps:

* Editors: nano and vim-tiny
* Newsreader: newsboat
* Chat: irssi
* Audio player: mocp
* Video player: mpv
* Youtube video: ytfzf
* Torrent: rtorrent
* Cd burner: cdw
* Repair: Chroot Rescue Scan

Many in-house scripts and applications have been tweaked and further improved.
Some new apps include
* antiX TV – antiX streaming tv receiver
* antiX Radio – antiX streaming radio receiver GUI for MPV
* Finder – Simple yad script to search for everything (Files, Installed apps, web)
* antiX SAMBA manager – Script for managing SAMBA shares in antiX control centre.
* antiX equaliser toggle – tool for activating or deactivating pipewire-equaliser »Easyeffects«
* antiX acoustic colours – script allowing to change the acoustic colour of audio output
* meld – graphical tool to diff and merge files

Cool in-house antiX apps available in the repos:

* 1-to-1-voice-antix – Voice chat between two pcs via encrypted mumble
* 1-to-1-assistance-antix – Remote access help application
* ssh-conduit – Remote resources via an ssh encypted connection

Many thanks to all the contributors, supporters, and antiX enthusiasts.

Special thanks to:

* all alpha and beta testers
* PPC for numerous user improvements
* Robin for antiX radio and tv and many other scripts
* forum members Masinick, christophe, caprea, olsztyn, Xunzi_23, madibi, BobC, sybok, techore, rokytnji, calciumsodium, RJP, madanadam, blur13, stevesr0, abc-nix, fladd and anyone else I might have missed for helping out at the forums and/or writing scripts/apps for antiX
* Sakasa for default wallpaper
* Freja for one-point and Beta-inspiration wallpaper
* AK-47 for further impressive work on the installer’s extended features
* fehlix for improvements to our already wonderful antiX live system.
* dave for tireless work keeping the antiX repos going and up to date
* peregrine for all the work on the website
* BitJam for developing the antiX live system and build system and making antiX what it is today
* all translators. Special mention to Kempelen, verdy, marcelocripe, Wallon and Robin for rightly insisting on supporting localisation and putting it into practice

Download here


anticapitalista, 06 October 2024, Thessaloniki

Monthly antiX Full snapshots

These snapshots are officially supported by the antiX devs.
Many thanks to abc-nix.

This is the announcement from abc-nix.

What are these snapshots?

Official antiX releases occur only once or twice a year, which may result in an outdated Linux system. These monthly snapshots provide a fully updated version of the FULL antiX release (the most popular flavor). They offer the same experience as downloading the official release and fully updating the system packages, including any necessary fixes.


  • Reduced download size, ideal for metered connections
  • Latest firmware (when available)
  • Minimal updating time after installation
  • Potential fixes included out-of-the-box

Snapshot Characteristics

  • Based on the FULL antiX release (not base, core, or net)
  • Available in both normal (sysvinit) and runit versions
  • 32-bit and 64-bit ISOs available
  • Single bootable kernel (modern kernel for 64-bit, legacy kernel for 32-bit)
  • Up-to-date packages
  • Created using iso-snapshot
  • GPG key fixes applied (when necessary)

Future Plans

  • Possibly including the most up-to-date kernel version in future snapshots

Downloading the Snapshots

To download the snapshots, navigate to the sourceforge folder (alternatively, you can dowload from protondrive from this download folder) and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate the folders: Simple/Double-click on each option to open folders and select the files you want to download.
  2. Select the correct ISO:
    • For the normal (sysvinit) release, you will find the latest version in the main folder (or in protondrive, link here)
    • For the runit release, you can download the ISO files from the antiX-runit folder (alternatively, from protondrive (Note: Runit ISOs will have “runit” in the file name)
  3. Understand the file types:
    • .iso files are the snapshot images.
    • .md5 files contain the md5sum value to check for download file integrity. Use the command `md5sum filename.iso` to verify the file.
    • .sha512 (or .sha256) files contain the sha512sum value to check for download file integrity. Use the command `sha512sum filename.iso` to verify the file.
  4. Choose the correct architecture:
    • For 32-bit ISOs, download files containing the word “i386”.
    • For 64-bit ISOs, download files containing the word “x64”.
  5. Kernel information:
    • The default kernel version for the release is included in the file name (example, 6.1.60 means the ISO boots with the 6.1.50 version of the Linux kernel)
    • 64-bit ISOs will include a newer kernel release than the 32-bit ISOs.

Download only what you need: You don’t need to download all files at once. Select the files you want and download only those.

Many thanks to BobC for setting up the sourceforge repo, for faster and more consistent downloads.

Here is the forum post link – https://www.antixforum.com/forums/topic/unofficial-monthly-antix-full-snapshots/

antiX-23.1 released

antiX-23.1 (Arditi del Popolo) is a bug-fix release based on Debian bookworm.

As usual we offer the following completely systemd-free and elogind-free flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture. Available iso files for sysVinit or runit.

antiX-full (c1.7GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm plus full libreoffice suite. x64 versions come with 2 kernels. Legacy 5.10 and Modern 6.1

antiX-base (c1GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm.

antiX-core (c520MB) – no X, but should support most wireless.

antiX-net (c220MB)- no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build.

(If using core or net versions, to connect to the Internet, you might need to type as root user ifup eth0 or ifup eth1 or if using core – type ceni)

The 32 bit version uses a non-pae kernel.

Note: After installation of antiX-23.1_x64-full editions, the default kernel will be Modern 6.1 even if Legacy 5.10 was booted during the live boot.

* Based on Debian 12 (Bookworm), but without systemd/libsystemd0 and elogind/libelogind0.
* eudev instead of udev
* Customised 5.10.197 kernel
* Customised 6.1.60 kernel (x64 full only)
* libreoffice 4:24.2.0-1
* firefox-esr 115.8.0esr-1 on antiX-full
* seamonkey on antiX-base
* claws-mail
* cups for printing
* pipewire/wireplumber on full editions
* alsa on base and core editions
* xmms -for audio
* celluloid and mpv – for playing video
* smtube – play youtube videos without a using a browser
* qpdfview – pdf reader
* arc-evopro2-theme-antix
* App Select – Much more than a launcher app.
* User Language – set up localisation of popular apps eg Libreoffice

* No snaps (systemd) and no flatpaks (elogind)!

So what do we have.

File managers and desktop:

* zzzFM
* rox-filer
* mc

Convert your video and audio files with:

* winff
* asunder

Connect to the net with:

* connman
* gnome-ppp (if you are still on dial-up)
* ceni


* geany
* leafpad

Tools for remastering and creating snapshots of installed system:

* iso-snapshot
* remaster tools

General tools:

* bootrepair
* Package Installer
* Network Assistant
* User Manager
* Package Installer
* Repo Manager
* ddm-mx – install nvidia drivers


* hexchat – gui chat
* luckybackup – excellent backup tool. There’s nothing lucky about it!
* simple-scan – for scanning documents
* transmission-gtk – torrent downloader
* wingrid-antix – turn the stacking window managers into tilers.
* Xfburn for burning cd/dvd
* connectshares-antix for network shares
* droopy-antix – an easy way to transfer files over the net.
* mirage – image viewer
* antiX Control Centre – an easy way to do just about anything!
* streamtuner2 – listen to streaming radio
* cherrytree – note taking application

Why not try out our included ‘cli’ apps:

* Editors: nano and vim-tiny
* Newsreader: newsboat
* Chat: irssi
* Audio player: mocp
* Video player: mpv
* Youtube video: ytfzf
* Torrent: rtorrent
* Cd burner: cdw
* Repair: Chroot Rescue Scan

Many in-house scripts and applications have been tweaked and further improved.
Some new apps include
* antiX TV – antiX streaming tv receiver
* antiX Radio – antiX streaming radio receiver GUI for MPV
* Finder – Simple yad script to search for everything (Files, Installed apps, web)
* antiX SAMBA manager – Script for managing SAMBA shares in antiX control centre.
* antiX equaliser toggle – tool for activating or deactivating pipewire-equaliser »Easyeffects«
* antiX acoustic colours – script allowing to change the acoustic colour of audio output
* meld – graphical tool to diff and merge files

Cool in-house antiX apps available in the repos:

* 1-to-1-voice-antix – Voice chat between two pcs via encrypted mumble
* 1-to-1-assistance-antix – Remote access help application
* ssh-conduit – Remote resources via an ssh encypted connection

Many thanks to all the contributors, supporters, and antiX enthusiasts.

Special thanks to:

* all alpha and beta testers
* PPC for numerous user improvements
* Robin for antiX radio and tv and many other scripts
* forum members Masinick, christophe, caprea, olsztyn, Xunzi_23, madibi, BobC, sybok, techore, rokytnji, calciumsodium, RJP, madanadam, blur13, stevesr0, abc-nix, fladd and anyone else I might have missed for helping out at the forums and/or writing scripts/apps for antiX
* Sakasa for default wallpaper
* Freja for one-point and Beta-inspiration wallpaper
* AK-47 for further impressive work on the installer’s extended features
* fehlix for improvements to our already wonderful antiX live system.
* dave for tireless work keeping the antiX repos going and up to date
* peregrine for all the work on the website
* BitJam for developing the antiX live system and build system and making antiX what it is today
* all translators. Special mention to Kempelen, verdy, marcelocripe, Wallon and Robin for rightly insisting on supporting localisation and putting it into practice

Download here


anticapitalista, 22 February 2024, Thessaloniki

UNOFFICIAL antiX-23 “init-diversity” spin.

We offer you a development release of antiX-23-full edition (32 and 64 bit) shipping with 4 init systems out of the box and still systemd-free!


This ‘spin’ has been developed by ProwlerGR and is fully supported by the antiX team, even though it is in development stage.

* Multiple grub (isolinux) entries available allow to boot live into any of the 4 available inits
* The s6-rc Service Manager (inspired by the runit Service Manager), comes preinstalled making s6-rc management a breeze.
* Service files have been optimised, providing a very strong foundation for any official work to come.

Just a few notes to all that plan to try it:
– Running it live works as expected for what it is intended.
– If you plan to install, it is important to boot into the “default” boot entry prior to installing. The installer has unpredicted behaviour breaking a few things (reboot, poweroff) if you install using the non default init entries.
– To enable the multi-init grub menu after first install from iso just run
sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-multi-init-enabler

Username = antix
Password for user and root = antix

This work would not have been possible without the active cooperation of Eric (Obarun), aitor (gnuinos) and antiX testers and devs.

Download here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix-linux/files/Testing/

Please post comments at the antiX forum.

antiX-23 released

antiX-23 (Arditi del Popolo) is a new release based on Debian bookworm.

As usual we offer the following completely systemd-free and elogind-free flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture. Available iso files for sysVinit or runit.

antiX-full (c1.7GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm plus full libreoffice suite. x64 versions come with 2 kernels. Legacy 5.10 and Modern 6.1

antiX-base (c1GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm.

antiX-core (c520MB) – no X, but should support most wireless.

antiX-net (c220MB)- no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build.

(If using core or net versions, to connect to the Internet, you might need to type as root user ifup eth0 or ifup eth1 or if using core – type ceni)

The 32 bit version uses a non-pae kernel.

Note: After installation of antiX-23_x64-full editions, the default kernel will be Modern 6.1 even if Legacy 5.10 was booted during the live boot.

Known issues.


Before installing
sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
This will update the gui and cli installers and bring in missing efivar and efibootmgr

sudo apt update && sudo apt install efivar efibootmgr

antiX-23.1 will have this fixed

On antiX-base versions:

1. the browser may not open from the menu or toolbar/taskbar.
Fix: Open Control Centre > Preferred Applications > Web-browser > Select first SeaMonkey option > Apply

2. ps_mem.py tool doesn’t open
Fix: sudo apt install python-is-python3

All versions:

1. The default repos for antiX and Debian are reported to be extremely slow.
Use Repo-Manager in full versions or manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list to a more reliable one.

* Based on Debian 12 (Bookworm), but without systemd/libsystemd0 and elogind/libelogind0.
* eudev instead of udev
* Customised 5.10.188 kernel
* Customised 6.1.42 kernel (x64 full only)
* libreoffice 7.5.5-4
* firefox-esr 102.14.0esr-1 on antiX-full
* seamonkey 2.53.17 on antiX-base
* claws-mail 4.1.1-2
* cups for printing
* pipewire/wireplumber on full editions
* alsa on base and core editions
* xmms -for audio
* celluloid and mpv – for playing video
* smtube – play youtube videos without a using a browser
* qpdfview – pdf reader
* arc-evopro2-theme-antix
* App Select – Much more than a launcher app.
* User Language – set up localisation of popular apps eg Libreoffice

* No snaps (systemd) and no flatpaks (elogind)!

So what do we have.

File managers and desktop:

* zzzFM
* rox-filer
* mc

Convert your video and audio files with:

* winff
* asunder

Connect to the net with:

* connman
* gnome-ppp (if you are still on dial-up)
* ceni


* geany
* leafpad

Tools for remastering and creating snapshots of installed system:

* iso-snapshot
* remaster tools

General tools:

* bootrepair
* Package Installer
* Network Assistant
* User Manager
* Package Installer
* Repo Manager
* ddm-mx – install nvidia drivers


* hexchat – gui chat
* luckybackup – excellent backup tool. There’s nothing lucky about it!
* simple-scan – for scanning documents
* transmission-gtk – torrent downloader
* wingrid-antix – turn the stacking window managers into tilers.
* Xfburn for burning cd/dvd
* connectshares-antix for network shares
* droopy-antix – an easy way to transfer files over the net.
* mirage – image viewer
* antiX Control Centre – an easy way to do just about anything!
* streamtuner2 – listen to streaming radio
* cherrytree – note taking application

Why not try out our included ‘cli’ apps:

* Editors: nano and vim-tiny
* Newsreader: newsboat
* Chat: irssi
* Audio player: mocp
* Radio: pmrp
* Video player: mpv
* Youtube video: ytfzf
* Torrent: rtorrent
* Cd burner: cdw
* Repair: Chroot Rescue Scan


* zzzFM/IceWM default ‘desktop’
* IceWM Control Centre
* New wallpaper and themes
* Onboard virtual keyboard
* magnus – screen magnifier
* Deb Installer – easily install debs from outside the repos.

Cool in-house antiX apps available in the repos:

* 1-to-1-voice-antix – Voice chat between two pcs via encrypted mumble
* 1-to-1-assistance-antix – Remote access help application
* ssh-conduit – Remote resouces via an ssh encypted connection

Many thanks to all the contributors, supporters, and antiX enthusiasts.

Special thanks to:

* all alpha and beta testers
* PPC for numerous user improvements
* forum members Masinick, christophe, caprea, olsztyn, Xunzi_23, madibi, BobC, sybok, techore, rokytnji, calciumsodium, RJP, madanadam, blur13, fladd and anyone else I might have missed for helping out at the forums and/or writing scripts/apps for antiX
* stevesr0 for alpha testing pipewire and wireplumber
* abc-nix for runit improvements
* Sakasa for default wallpaper
* Freja for one-point and Beta-inspiration wallpaper
* AK-47 for further impressive work on the installer’s extended features
* fehlix for improvements to our already wonderful antiX live system.
* dave for tireless work keeping the antiX repos going and up to date
* peregrine for all the work on the website
* BitJam for developing the antiX live system and build system and making antiX what it is today
* all translators. Special mention to Kempelen, verdy, marcelocripe, Wallon and Robin for rightly insisting on supporting localisation and putting it into practice

Download here


anticapitalista, 28 August 2023, Thessaloniki

antiX-23-beta2 iso files for testing

Debian 12 Bookworm was released today so I thought it a good idea to make available some up to date beta2 iso files.
We have had great feedback from our alpha1 and beta1 64 bit runit release.
Many thanks to all who participated in testing.

This is what is available for now –

antiX-23-beta2-full-runit (64 bit)
antiX-23-beta2-full-sysvinit (32 bit)
antiX-23-beta2-core-sysvinit (64 bit)

Get them here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix-linux/files/Testing/

This version is 99% certain to be fully dist-upgradable to final unlike alpha1 and beta1.

64 bit versions ship with a 6.1 series kernel
32 bit version ship with a 5.10 kernel
64 bit full editions ship with 6.1 (Modern) and 5.10 (Legacy) kernels.

Default is now zzzFM-IceWM ‘desktop’ and zzzFM is the default file manager
Rox is still available for those that prefer it.

No systemd
No elogind
No snap support
No flatpak support out of the box (it depends on libelogind0)

Give it a try and let us know what you think

Updated antiX-sid iso files available

For those that like to live on the bleeding edge and build upwards from a small base, antiX has made available iso files based on Debian sid. Users are expected to be proficient.

We offer the following completely systemd-free and elogind-free flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture. User can download sysVinit or runit versions.

antiX-core (c500MB) – no X, but should support most wireless (libdbus-1-3 is installed).

antiX-net (c200MB)- no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build (no libdbus-1-3).

The 32 bit version uses a non-pae kernel.

All versions default to using our legacy 4.9.0-326 kernel. 5.10 kernels are available.

Get them here: antiX-sid iso files
