antiX-sid iso files available

For those that like to live on the bleeding edge and build upwards from a small base, antiX has made available iso files based on Debian sid.

We offer the following completely systemd-free and elogind-free flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture. User can download sysVinit or runit versions.

antiX-core (c460MB) – no X, but should support most wireless (libdbus-1-3 is installed).

antiX-net (c185MB)- no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build (no libdbus-1-3).

The 32 bit version uses a non-pae kernel.

All versions default to using our legacy 4.9.0-294 kernel. 5.10 kernels are available.

Get them here: antiX-sid


anticapitalista 10 January 2022

antiX-17.5 point release update

antiX-17.5 is the final point release update of our 17 series based on Debian Stretch.

As usual we offer the following completely systemd-free (and for this particular upgrade – elogind-free) flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture. All iso files use sysVinit.

antiX-full (c1.1GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm plus full libreoffice suite.

antiX-base (c750MB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm.

antiX-core (c360MB) – no X, but should support most wireless.

antiX-net (c165MB)- no X. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build.

The 32 bit version uses a non-pae kernel.

This is mostly just an update of our last release (17.4.1), but with a newer 4.9.0-294 kernel, latest 2.9.4 IceWM, latest firefox-esr 91.4.1, improved localisation and fixed deb archive keys.
mps-youtube has been removed since it doesn’t seem to work anymore.
NOTE: elogind, libpam-elogind and libelogind0 have also been removed.

Those using previous versions of antiX-17 do not need to download this new version. Simply upgrade via apt or synaptic.

Get iso files from here: antiX-17.5/

More information about antiX-17 can be found here: antix-17-4-now-out

Latest antiX kernels

Latest antiX kernels should now be in the repos.
All users are strongly advised to upgrade (via synaptic, cli-aptiX or package-installer).

Latest versions for 32 (pae and non) and 64 bit – stretch (antiX-17), buster (antiX-19), bullseye (antiX-21), testing and sid:


antiX-21 (Grup Yorum) released

antiX-21 (Grup_Yorum) is based on Debian Bullseye and is fully systemd-free.

As usual we offer the following systemd-free flavours for both 32 and 64 bit architecture, running sysVinit or runit. The 32 bit versions use a non-pae kernel.

antiX-full (c1.4GB) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm plus full libreoffice suite. x64 versions come with 2 kernels. Legacy 4.9 and Modern 5.10

antiX-base (<<800MB – fits on 800MB cd) – 4 windows managers – IceWM (default), fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm.

antiX-core (c440MB) – no X, cli-installer without encryption, but should support most wireless.

antiX-net (c180MB)- no X, cli-installer without encryption. Just enough to get you connected (wired) and ready to build. For experts.

Note 1: antiX devs advise users to download and use the sysVinit versions ie any iso files NOT in the runit folder.

Note 2: runit editions now set up in a similar way to Void/Artix.
Users should be prepared to familiarize themselves with how runit services work.

Note 3: After installation of antiX-21_x64-full editions, the default kernel will be the Modern 5.10 one even if Legacy 4.9 was booted during the live boot.

* Based on Debian 11 (Bullseye), but without systemd and libsystemd0.
* eudev instead of udev
* Customised 4.9.0-279 kernel with fbcondecor splash
* Customised 5.10.57 kernel (x64 full only)
* libreoffice 7.0.4-4
* firefox-esr 78.14.0esr-1 on antiX-full
* seamonkey on antiX-base
* claws-mail 3.17.8-1
* cups for printing
* xmms -for audio
* celluloid and mpv – for playing video
* smtube – play youtube videos without a using a browser
* streamlight-antix – stream videos with very low RAM usage.
* qpdfview – pdf reader
* arc-evopro2-theme-antix

File managers and desktop:

* zzzFM
* rox-filer

Convert your video and audio files with:

* winff
* asunder

Connect to the net with:

* connman
* or gnome-ppp if you are still on dial-up


* geany
* leafpad
* Midnight Commander

Tools for remastering and creating snapshots of installed system:

* iso-snapshot
* remaster tools

General tools:

* bootrepair
* codecs installer
* Network Assistant
* User Manager
* ddm-mx – install nvidia drivers


* hexchat – gui chat
* luckybackup – excellent backup tool. There’s nothing lucky about it!
* simple-scan – for scanning documents
* transmission-gtk – torrent downloader
* wingrid-antix – turn the stacking window managers into tilers.
* Xfburn for burning cd/dvd
* connectshares-antix for network shares
* droopy-antix – an easy way to transfer files over the net.
* mirage – image viewer
* package-installer – install applications easily and safely
* antiX Control Centre – an easy way to do just about anything!
* streamtuner2 – listen to streaming radio
* cherrytree – note taking application

Why not try out our included ‘cli’ apps:

* Editors: nano and vim-tiny
* Newsreader: newsboat
* Chat: irssi
* Audio player: mocp
* Radio: pmrp
* Video player: mpv
* Youtube video: ytfzf
* Torrent: rtorrent
* Cd burner: cdw
* Writer: Wordgrinder


* zzzFM replaces SpaceFM
* slimski replaces Slim
* ytfzf replaces mps-youtube
* Login Manager
* runit service manager (runit versions only)
* App Select
* IceWM Toolbar Icon Manager

Cool in-house antiX apps available in the repos:

* 1-to-1-voice-antix – Voice chat between two pcs via encrypted mumble
* 1-to-1-assistance-antix – Remote access help application
* ssh-conduit – Remote resouces via an ssh encypted connection

Many thanks to all the contributors, supporters, and antiX enthusiasts.

Special thanks to:

* all alpha and beta testers
* skidoo for slimski and zzzFM
* forum members Masinick, ModdIt, skidoo, christophe, caprea, Xecure, olsztyn, PPC, BobC, sybok and anyone else I might have missed for helping out at the forums and/or writing scripts/apps for antiX
* linuxdaddy for artwork
* AK-47 for the impressive work on the installer’s extended features
* fehlix for further improvements to our already wonderful antiX live system.
* dave for tireless work keeping the antiX repos going and up to date
* peregrine for all the work on the website
* BitJam for developing the antiX live system and build system and making antiX what it is today
* all translators. Special mention to marcelocripe, Wallon and Robin for rightly insisting on supporting localisation and putting it into practice
* Kelly Sikkema ( for default wallpaper

Download here


anticapitalista, 31 October 2021, Thessaloniki

antiX-21-beta2 iso files available. (Debian 11 based)

We have 2 versions for experienced users to try. These iso files default to using SysVinit.

antiX-21-b2-x64-full and antiX-21-b2-386-full are beta quality releases for experienced testers of antiX to test and provide feedback before final release.
Do not use this as your main OS, though it *might* be possible to upgrade to final (no promises).

* customized antiX 4.9.0-279 and 5.10.57 kernels on the 64 bit live iso. Please try both in your tests.
* customized antiX 4.9.0-279-486-non-pae kernel on the 32 bit live iso. (pae versions available in the repos)
* grub/UEFI live boot changes. Select live boot options (persistence, etc…) from the boot menu and sub menus rather than using the previous console menus. Please check localisation.
* New installer partition selection area, including some lvm support if lvm volume exists.
* no virtualbox-guest packages so best to test on real hardware – live, frugal or installed.
* added mesa vulkan drivers
* improved localisation of apps and live system


We now include 2 (forked) in house apps provided by antiX user skidoo. (Many thanks).
* zzzFM replaces SpaceFM
* slimski replaces slim login manager.

Please post any feedback at antiX forums and state if you are testing live, frugal, in a virtual machine or on bare metal. We are particularly interested in testing the new UEFI live system boot menus as well as testing the installer. Virtualbox testing is welcome, but we are mainly looking for issues on real hardware(if any).

Files here: Testing

Known issue(s):

* libreoffice complains about missing java, but it still works ok.


Security updated kernels

Latest security fix kernels should now be in the repos.
All users are strongly advised to upgrade (via synaptic, cli-aptiX or package-installer).

Latest versions for 32 (pae and non) and 64 bit – buster (antiX-19), bullseye (antiX-21), testing and sid:


stretch (antiX-17) kernels have also been updated.

Firefox 91 available

Firefox 90 are subject to a vulnerability which is present on linux systems.
Users are strongly advised to upgrade to Firefox 91 series.

Security updated kernels

Latest security fix kernels should now be in the repos.
All users are strongly advised to upgrade (via synaptic, cli-aptiX or package-installer).

Latest versions for 32 (pae and non) and 64 bit – squeeze (antiX-a7), buster (antiX-19), bullseye (antiX-21), testing and sid:


antiX-bullseye-beta1 iso files available. 64 bit only

We have 2 versions for experienced users to try. One using SysVinit, the other runit.

antiX-bullseye-b1-x64-full is a beta quality release for experienced testers of antiX to test and provide feedback.
Do not use this as your main OS.

* 4.9.0-264 and 5.10.27 kernels on the live iso. Please try both in your tests.
* grub/UEFI live boot changes
* no virtualbox-guest packages

The implementation of runit in this edition is closer to how runit works on Void and Artix linux.
Sysvinit has been replaced with various antiX runit scripts and our much smaller sysvinit package.

Please post any feedback at antiX forums and state if you are testing live, frugal, in a virtual machine or on bare metal.

Files here:

Edit 11 June 2021 – Note the newly uploaded SysVinit version that fixes a bug in the repos.

antiX-19.4 runit bug and fix

There is a bug in the runit editions of antiX-19.4 (full and base) after installation via the gui installer.
Fix: As root user, remove all /etc/sv/* folders EXCEPT /etc/sv/getty-*

Alternatively, BEFORE installation, change line 25 (as root) of /usr/share/gazelle-installer-data/installer.conf to this:
