Suggestions? I like what you remembered:"apt-antiX". It may cause less confusion even though it doesn't directly imply the program uses the command line.eugen-b wrote:* The name cli-aptiX is so"crazy" that I memorized it wrong with apt-antiX.
As for using Synaptic as a model, part of that grew organically. We still offer the option to directly install packages without marking them first. Marking was added because it is much faster to mark N packages and then install them all at once rather than install N times. If installing N times was nearly as fast then marking wouldn't have been added.
Will fix.* mpsyt is two times in antiX-cli-cc
Will fix by disabling these entries when run in X-windows. The fb* commands usually only run correctly inside a framebuffer (virtual console).* fbgs gives this ...
* fbi gives ...
The changes can only be applied in a framebuffer. These should also be disabled in X-windows.* console-font-select and console-width-select seem not to apply the changes.
Thanks! If you have the time and inclination, please switch to framebuffer (Ctrl-Alt-F2, for example) and see if things work any better.* all the rest in antix-cli-cc seems to work. Great job!!
The primary purpose of antiX-cli-cc is to run in the virtual console, for people who are using the core system, for people who prefer working there, and for people who have run into a problem starting X. But it should still work smoothly in X so I thank you for the feedback.