Fixed BlueZ security vulnerabilities kernels available

All users should update to the latest kernels via Package Installer, synaptic or cli-aptiX.

5.8.16 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.19.152 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.9.240 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.4.240 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)

New kernels available

Latest secure kernels available in the repos for 32 (pae and non-pae) and 64 bit architecture.

5.8.7 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.19.143 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.9.235 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.4.235 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)

Note: The 5.8.7 kernel might not build broadcom-sta wifi, nvidia drivers or virtualbox drivers (yet).

Latest browsers available

Waterfox-classic-2020.08.1-0 (64 bit only)
Waterfox-current-2020.08-0 (64 bit only)

Available for antiX-17, antiX-19(x) in 32 and 64 arch (buster, testing and sid repos).

Wifi with connman – antiX 19.2

This is from antiX user and helper, Xecure.

For a long time, people have been having problems setting up their wireless connections with connman. Some were not able to find it, for some connman did not perform as expected. Others started using CENI before trying out connman.

I have created a video for all those users who are having difficulties with connman. It includes a few case scenarios:
– Connman is not in the Control Centre.
– Wifi is softlocked
– Connman doesn’t scan for Wireless Access Points.
– Connman gives out a strange error.

I hope this video can help all those who have problems with connman.

The only case I forgot to include is “The user set up wifi with CENI before trying out connman”.
For those reading this, the solution is to edit /etc/network/interfaces and remove the configuration created by ceni.
To edit the file, execute in terminal:
sudo geany /etc/network/interfaces
Edit the file until it only contains these lines:
# /etc/network/interfaces
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
# Used by ceni but not by connman

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

Save the file and restart your system.

Latest IceWM 1.8.1 available

For those using testing or sid repos, there is an automatic upgrade the the very latest IceWM version (1.8.1), which is not even in Debian sid yet.

If you want to test this out on buster/stable antiX-19 series, add dev to the antiX sources list and do

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade

I have been running it on antiX stable for 3 days without issue.

Latest browsers available

Waterfox-classic-2020.05-0 (64 bit only)
Waterfox-current-2020.05-0 (64 bit only)

Available for antiX-16, antiX-17, antiX-19(x) in 32 and 64 arch.

New kernels available

Latest secure kernels available in the repos for 32 (pae and non-pae) and 64 bit architecture.

5.6.10 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.19.120 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.9.221 (antiX-17, antiX-19, testing and sid)
4.4.221 (antiX-16, antiX-17, antiX-19)

Note: The 5.6.10 kernel might not build broadcom-sta wifi, nvidia drivers or virtualbox drivers (yet).