Firefox 90 are subject to a vulnerability which is present on linux systems.
Users are strongly advised to upgrade to Firefox 91 series.
Security updated kernels
Latest security fix kernels should now be in the repos.
All users are strongly advised to upgrade (via synaptic, cli-aptiX or package-installer).
Latest versions for 32 (pae and non) and 64 bit – squeeze (antiX-a7), buster (antiX-19), bullseye (antiX-21), testing and sid:
antiX-bullseye-beta1 iso files available. 64 bit only
We have 2 versions for experienced users to try. One using SysVinit, the other runit.
antiX-bullseye-b1-x64-full is a beta quality release for experienced testers of antiX to test and provide feedback.
Do not use this as your main OS.
* 4.9.0-264 and 5.10.27 kernels on the live iso. Please try both in your tests.
* grub/UEFI live boot changes
* no virtualbox-guest packages
The implementation of runit in this edition is closer to how runit works on Void and Artix linux.
Sysvinit has been replaced with various antiX runit scripts and our much smaller sysvinit package.
Please post any feedback at antiX forums and state if you are testing live, frugal, in a virtual machine or on bare metal.
Files here:
Edit 11 June 2021 – Note the newly uploaded SysVinit version that fixes a bug in the repos.
antiX-19.4 runit bug and fix
There is a bug in the runit editions of antiX-19.4 (full and base) after installation via the gui installer.
Fix: As root user, remove all /etc/sv/* folders EXCEPT /etc/sv/getty-*
Alternatively, BEFORE installation, change line 25 (as root) of /usr/share/gazelle-installer-data/installer.conf to this:
New builds of 4.4 and 4.9 kernels
New builds of 4.4 and 4.9 kernels should now be available in the repos.
Newly named to 4.4.0-264 and 4.9.0-264 to avoid the libc6 message ‘Your kernel version indicates a revision number of 255 or greater’
Firefox update
Firefox 87.0 available
mtPaint upgrade
mtPaint has been upgraded to latest git version (3.50-9)
antiX-17 kernel updates
There have been various security patches applied upstream so users are strongly advised to update to the latest kernels via Package Installer, synaptic or cli-aptiX. Available for 64 and 32 bit.
kernel updates
There have been various security patches applied upstream so users are strongly advised to update to the latest kernels via Package Installer, synaptic or cli-aptiX.
5.10.27 (antiX-19, bullseye, testing and sid)
4.19.184 (antiX-19, bullseye, testing and sid)
4.9.264 (antiX-19, bullseye, testing and sid)
4.4.264 (antiX-19, bullseye, testing and sid)
antiX-bullseye-alpha2 iso files available. 64 bit only
We have 2 versions for experienced users to try.
* sysvinit – antiX-bullseye-a2-x64-full is an alpha quality release for experienced testers of antiX to test and provide feedback.
Do not use this as your main OS.
Some basic differences from a1.
* 4.9.261 and 5.10.22 kernels on the live iso. Please try both in your tests.
* no virtualbox-guest packages
Hopefully many of the bugs found in a1 have been squashed.
* runit – Unlike the previous antiX-runit edition which uses Debian’s implementation of runit (basically a mixture of runit plus sysvinit), this version is closer to how runit works on Void and Artix linux.
Sysvinit has been replaced with various antiX runit scripts and our much smaller sysvinit package.
Please post any feedback at antiX forums and state if you are testing live, frugal, in a virtual machine or on bare metal.
Files here: