I have been thinking about the test because I'm not sure the results are valid.anticapitalista wrote:We can fix conky, but you auto connect now, yes?
At the time of your post asking for the test to be run, the system was already booted using the nosavestate boot parameter to prevent the existing stored values being used. When you mentioned that I need not explicitly save the values, and before I shut down the system, I went in search of what was already saved and found it in /live/boot-dev/antiX/state/general/files/ etc/network/interfaces.
The saved value was identical to the one you requested. It had previously been saved automatically. Presumablby that happened when I had manually set up eth1 via ceni some hours earlier and then rebooted. In every reboot thereafter eth1 never automatically connected despite the saved setting.
Because the value you wanted was already saved, I did not create it as requested. I just rebooted the system without the nosavestate parameter. It did not automatically connect. This was in line with all previous experiences.
The system was rebooted again, this time using the savestate parameter. It did automatically connect. Those are the results I reported. My doubt is about how this will work when a USB stick has been created and booted for the very first time. If the boot parameter savestate, is required to use the setting, it will not exist at that time.
How do the nosavestate/savestate parameters work?
e.g. if the nosave parameter is given is the use of saved settings prevented for that single boot-up, or for every boot-up until the save parameter is given?
Is this stuff documented somewhere?
Tomorrow I will create a fresh USB antiX and test that.