Could you try the following for what I think is the version of desktop-session in antiX16 ( I do not have the original as I have been working out an update and as such am going off of github. ) I cannot seem to make the problem come about (with the version I have at least)
Each one would require a check I think.
Also make sure that the NOTIFICATION_DIALOG is set to false in desktop-session.conf
Also perhaps ~/.desktop-session/log might have some indication in it... maybe not....
1) comment out line 84
Code: Select all
# . /usr/local/lib/desktop-session/
Code: Select all
# if [ -f"$xmodmap_config" ]; then
# xmodmap"$xmodmap_config"
# fi
Code: Select all
#if [ -f"~/.$wm/startup.disabled" ]; then
# mv ~/.$wm/startup.disabled ~/.$wm/startup
#mv ~/.$wm/startup ~/.$wm/startup.disabled
4) comment out lines 93 - 99
#test -r $config || continue
#if ! /bin/bash -n $config; then
# shout"Errors in $config, cannot load $config."
# shout"desktop-session may crash"
# shout"Copy default config from /usr/local/share/desktop-session/desktop-session.conf"
# continue
# fi
5) change line 128 by removing echo_cmd