video 1 - So a right wing Jew rants. Same as all right wing bigots whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, atheist etc. It is the POLITICS that are the problem, not anyone’s race, religious belief (or none).
video 2 - maybe the speaker needs to understand that those billions living in poverty are as a result of US and Western imperialism. Read the book"How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" and apply that to today ie add USA/Japan.
article 3 - where is the surprise? This has been happening for decades and not just since the new mass migration of fleeing refugees.
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Unprecedented Threat Thomas PM Barnett From
The influential American commentators simply have to kill critics of the neoliberal world order
The disease, whose main symptom is the ability to detect the real total loss of reality, the liberal ideological grounds particularly quickly spread.
For many, it may seem surprising that there are infectious diseases that spread in the form of inductive effect of psychological influences. French doctors was described in 1877 for the first time the mental disorder in which the patient takes the form of a kind of paranoid vision views of persons who are close maniacal affection for lying. - Which was also mentioned at the end of the 19th century for the first time in the literature - stealing itself only under certain conditions public consciousness, but in this case a very broad masses fall victim to the infection. Politicians describe a characteristic pathological lying for a modest addition to the scientific knowledge presented here no one has yet ventured.
Based on our observations it can be far-reaching confidence that the disease, whose main symptom is the ability to detect the real reality of loss manifests itself fully, particularly liberal ideological basis spreads rapidly. Advanced stage, the patient's brain to such an extent complicated the overwhelming obsessive fantasies that their utterances are only able to understand who are also infected with the disease or the spread of ideas guide the background.
It would be difficult to judge whether Thomas PM Barnett, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's former adviser, who has been a favorite of the American entertainment industry népieskedő, the former or the latter category as a representative listed in the US public consciousness. The"American" designation emphasis should be emphasized, since Barnett has prohibited foreign-language edition of his works. Before turning to the discussion runs are known, must forgive in advance to Barnett in 2004 at Blueprint for Action published works not won the general public appeals to you, then it does not even fertilized by the"progressive" political forces her mind. The known military expert and political scientist set book was considered the beginning of the new millennium, even madness bordering visions as a collection, a good ten years had to pass before some of today escalated political formations have recognized the potential of the ideas potential and considerable financial sacrifices not sparing created the appropriate induction processes Operations basis.
Barnett geopolitical chessboard of four free flow (flow) and launching military force to ensure considers it essential to preserve and build up the hegemony of the United States. These processes a wide flood of globalization must be"smoothly and without obstacle" to unite. First, the immigrant masses of free movement to the need to call Barnett Pentagon chiefs of staff's attention - he dreams of that one and a half million people in Europe annually stream of mass will result in a homogeneous population, which then undermines nation-state identity. An artificially created, community-skinned Creole average man could have a much expertise that it can work, but be so simple-minded to impose political control do not show any resistance. All this adds even more to the expert, that the flow should not impede anyone or anything: neither the government nor institutions. In such a way actions of the United States of juice knees infringe, that should take care of it on their even soon". They need to kill" ("And When They threaten violence against global order, I say. Kill Them" Blueprint for Action, page 282 .)
The longer the oil, gas and mineral resources ensuring the free flow of talking to the author. In his opinion, this can only be achieved if non-state bodies, but also international companies decide on the rules on traffic and trade. Third Thesis Barnett of the free entry of capital from certain countries and exports to the US dollar profit, America demands. The military experts is devoted to the geopolitical concept of fourth thesis, casually, attention to traditional operational objectives. Yet it requires less than uninhibited flow of US security apparatus and armed forces:"A State shall not stand on the path of military interventions that serve the interests of the United States."
In short, the draft of the Pentagon's all worked out in 2004, which today timed"obstacle-free and friction" on the implementation everyone can decide on their own observations. It is true: after the Cold War-era sealing these thoughts still seemed madness to everyone, and of course they have remained to this day. So what had happened in that a significant part of the (Western) European citizens, if not the vast majority, not only that he does not reject, but also serve a wide range of implementation of the processes of globalization?
Viktor Orban said in a statement many expressed the view that the concept, which is based on the EU's leading politicians highly debatable decisions are taken is based on a logical contradiction, common sense is no longer detectable. The Prime Minister in gently, statesmanlike manner worthy of expressing himself. We ourselves crazy to lie about talks. The diagnosis of this magnitude take off from the requirements of the reality already given an introduction. We believe that the worst version of liberal ideological grounds ranging from mental disorders this disease.
To be fair, it should be noted that not all belong to the Liberal Party officer threatened by the epidemic in Hungary. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate US President Barack Obama seems resistant to the disease, for example, will not hear of Thomas Barnett's call for the implementation of a homicide. As evidence I see is that Obama's words did not drop that those - Barnett's phrase -"frenzied right-wing politicians" who act against the massive Immigration must be eradicated by all means: you have to kill them. Obama just says"No, the question is whether the world is dominated, only to dominate the world. [...] If a country is not doing what we want, we'll have to break your arm."
The citation read all genuine Europe can attest, the US president, if there appears to be receptive to some extent Barnett for her mind, not a military expert takes over the vulgar style of speech. Nobel Peace Prize winner speaks only politician worthy enough for a batch that every American herdsman himself may demand case of defamation.
The author's research psychologist
The influential American commentators simply have to kill critics of the neoliberal world order
The disease, whose main symptom is the ability to detect the real total loss of reality, the liberal ideological grounds particularly quickly spread.
For many, it may seem surprising that there are infectious diseases that spread in the form of inductive effect of psychological influences. French doctors was described in 1877 for the first time the mental disorder in which the patient takes the form of a kind of paranoid vision views of persons who are close maniacal affection for lying. - Which was also mentioned at the end of the 19th century for the first time in the literature - stealing itself only under certain conditions public consciousness, but in this case a very broad masses fall victim to the infection. Politicians describe a characteristic pathological lying for a modest addition to the scientific knowledge presented here no one has yet ventured.
Based on our observations it can be far-reaching confidence that the disease, whose main symptom is the ability to detect the real reality of loss manifests itself fully, particularly liberal ideological basis spreads rapidly. Advanced stage, the patient's brain to such an extent complicated the overwhelming obsessive fantasies that their utterances are only able to understand who are also infected with the disease or the spread of ideas guide the background.
It would be difficult to judge whether Thomas PM Barnett, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's former adviser, who has been a favorite of the American entertainment industry népieskedő, the former or the latter category as a representative listed in the US public consciousness. The"American" designation emphasis should be emphasized, since Barnett has prohibited foreign-language edition of his works. Before turning to the discussion runs are known, must forgive in advance to Barnett in 2004 at Blueprint for Action published works not won the general public appeals to you, then it does not even fertilized by the"progressive" political forces her mind. The known military expert and political scientist set book was considered the beginning of the new millennium, even madness bordering visions as a collection, a good ten years had to pass before some of today escalated political formations have recognized the potential of the ideas potential and considerable financial sacrifices not sparing created the appropriate induction processes Operations basis.
Barnett geopolitical chessboard of four free flow (flow) and launching military force to ensure considers it essential to preserve and build up the hegemony of the United States. These processes a wide flood of globalization must be"smoothly and without obstacle" to unite. First, the immigrant masses of free movement to the need to call Barnett Pentagon chiefs of staff's attention - he dreams of that one and a half million people in Europe annually stream of mass will result in a homogeneous population, which then undermines nation-state identity. An artificially created, community-skinned Creole average man could have a much expertise that it can work, but be so simple-minded to impose political control do not show any resistance. All this adds even more to the expert, that the flow should not impede anyone or anything: neither the government nor institutions. In such a way actions of the United States of juice knees infringe, that should take care of it on their even soon". They need to kill" ("And When They threaten violence against global order, I say. Kill Them" Blueprint for Action, page 282 .)
The longer the oil, gas and mineral resources ensuring the free flow of talking to the author. In his opinion, this can only be achieved if non-state bodies, but also international companies decide on the rules on traffic and trade. Third Thesis Barnett of the free entry of capital from certain countries and exports to the US dollar profit, America demands. The military experts is devoted to the geopolitical concept of fourth thesis, casually, attention to traditional operational objectives. Yet it requires less than uninhibited flow of US security apparatus and armed forces:"A State shall not stand on the path of military interventions that serve the interests of the United States."
In short, the draft of the Pentagon's all worked out in 2004, which today timed"obstacle-free and friction" on the implementation everyone can decide on their own observations. It is true: after the Cold War-era sealing these thoughts still seemed madness to everyone, and of course they have remained to this day. So what had happened in that a significant part of the (Western) European citizens, if not the vast majority, not only that he does not reject, but also serve a wide range of implementation of the processes of globalization?
Viktor Orban said in a statement many expressed the view that the concept, which is based on the EU's leading politicians highly debatable decisions are taken is based on a logical contradiction, common sense is no longer detectable. The Prime Minister in gently, statesmanlike manner worthy of expressing himself. We ourselves crazy to lie about talks. The diagnosis of this magnitude take off from the requirements of the reality already given an introduction. We believe that the worst version of liberal ideological grounds ranging from mental disorders this disease.
To be fair, it should be noted that not all belong to the Liberal Party officer threatened by the epidemic in Hungary. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate US President Barack Obama seems resistant to the disease, for example, will not hear of Thomas Barnett's call for the implementation of a homicide. As evidence I see is that Obama's words did not drop that those - Barnett's phrase -"frenzied right-wing politicians" who act against the massive Immigration must be eradicated by all means: you have to kill them. Obama just says"No, the question is whether the world is dominated, only to dominate the world. [...] If a country is not doing what we want, we'll have to break your arm."
The citation read all genuine Europe can attest, the US president, if there appears to be receptive to some extent Barnett for her mind, not a military expert takes over the vulgar style of speech. Nobel Peace Prize winner speaks only politician worthy enough for a batch that every American herdsman himself may demand case of defamation.
The author's research psychologist
Posts: 307
- Joined: 23 Aug 2015
People often become right-wing out of fear. There are definitely other psychological meachanisms which can play a role, too. Killing phantasies are a rich source of hormons which help to overcome fear or can be trggered just for pleasure. It is also very useful to trigger fear and hatred among the masses in order to distract them from asking really inconvenient questions about gouvernance failure.
Interestingly, such distraction tactics are widely used by regimes of all political colours. For the right-wing it is U.S./Jewish/Liberal/Socialist/Multi-Culturalist/Feminist conspiracies and the (castration) fear of being out-fucked by foreigners. For the left-wing it is U.S./world-finance/Neo-Liberal/Neo-Conservative and the fear of losing their belief (illusions) that a better world is possible.
Interestingly, such distraction tactics are widely used by regimes of all political colours. For the right-wing it is U.S./Jewish/Liberal/Socialist/Multi-Culturalist/Feminist conspiracies and the (castration) fear of being out-fucked by foreigners. For the left-wing it is U.S./world-finance/Neo-Liberal/Neo-Conservative and the fear of losing their belief (illusions) that a better world is possible.
Posts: 307
- Joined: 23 Aug 2015
Alan, the article is recklessly incomplete. __{{emoticon}}__
Posts: 307
- Joined: 23 Aug 2015
Very useful references, especially the last one. Ancient Greek philosophers have taught us critical thinking. Their teachings even survived the Middle Ages - with the help of Arab, Jewish and Persian scholars. On the one hand it is a wonder how philosophy could survive in such an envirionment. Not so long ago I probably found an explanation. It sometimes became to costly to resolve religious arguments by the means of force. Talking was even back then sometimes cheaper for both parties. People capable of understanding other persons' thinking and capable of formulating it in clear word were needed for this. After having done their job of making things clear, however, philosopher became more dangerous than useful and often ended up executed, imprisoned or in exile. (Funny that I wanted to descibe a general tendency in the Middle Ages, but actually hit the nail summing up the biographies of most Ancient philosophers.)
Posts: 60
- Joined: 07 Oct 2015

The Bible was theirs when they came
And the land was ours.
But it was said that you close the our eye
and you are praying.
The Bible was ours when we opened our eye
And the land was theirs.
url was:""
linktext was:"Religion explanation"

The Bible was theirs when they came
And the land was ours.
But it was said that you close the our eye
and you are praying.
The Bible was ours when we opened our eye
And the land was theirs.
url was:""
linktext was:"Religion explanation"
eric52eric52Posts: 60
- Joined: 03 Nov 2015
Alanarchy, try Harold Bloom"Yahweh and Jesus, the Names Divine." He argues there is no possible connection between the God of the Jewish Bible (whom Jesus worshiped), the God of the Christianized Old Testament (who was still arbitrary and unreliable). and God the Father of the New Testament (loving and forgiving). His point is that the merciful God is a completely contradictory church creation. Interestingly, Allah is construed as a reformed"back to the original" Yahweh, but he is also supposed to be forgiving and merciful. I wouldn't count on it. The people of the world do live in fear of Manifest Destiny. It's another crazy rationalization of reality that's dangerous. Like it or not, that's what we've got to work with.
Posts: 60
- Joined: 07 Oct 2015

All two device onto the maintenance of the power he is found out.
Christ founded an any kind of religion, Christ's pupils were pursued and it was murdered. From among the apostles only two belonged to the selected crowd, one Pál, the other one heavy to identify. Interesting, that the Muslim religion the same ones the lll. shaped up in a hundred circles brought it onto a life.
url was:""
linktext was:"Mat Damon quotes Howard Zinn"

All two device onto the maintenance of the power he is found out.
Christ founded an any kind of religion, Christ's pupils were pursued and it was murdered. From among the apostles only two belonged to the selected crowd, one Pál, the other one heavy to identify. Interesting, that the Muslim religion the same ones the lll. shaped up in a hundred circles brought it onto a life.
url was:""
linktext was:"Mat Damon quotes Howard Zinn"
Posts: 60
- Joined: 03 Nov 2015
Blurey, we don't have totalitarian government in the US. We have a totalitarian economy protected by a democratic republic. The Bible is by far the most published book in human history. It's a real money maker. We have a huge weapons market with pop guns for the populace that can't stand up to anything military. It's another real money maker. Those won't get banned here. They're high-profit, low-risk items. The Internet, however, is a no-profit, high risk matter. Watch out for any bans based on cyber-terrorism.
Posts: 60
- Joined: 07 Oct 2015
eric52, I would like to dispel a mistake, USA no whole world, if many people believe it so! There are more countries where the religion was banished, and his self-defence ability was demolished totally, and it was disarmed.
Anyway you the Weterantoday publicly if Youtube is the identical one with a property circle implies it, cyber-terrorism?
It interesting, that New York Time from the harmful censorship at us, and from a corruption tales is screaming

apt to be overlooked-
Bishop Charles Ellis for Big mercy church Detroit-i his clergyman said it, is not worried about it, America drawn in order for the sculpture to depict the Satan the proverb and is built on freedom of religion.
Excuse me Google does not translate everything correctly!

Anyway you the Weterantoday publicly if Youtube is the identical one with a property circle implies it, cyber-terrorism?
It interesting, that New York Time from the harmful censorship at us, and from a corruption tales is screaming

apt to be overlooked-
Bishop Charles Ellis for Big mercy church Detroit-i his clergyman said it, is not worried about it, America drawn in order for the sculpture to depict the Satan the proverb and is built on freedom of religion.
Excuse me Google does not translate everything correctly!

Posts: 60
- Joined: 07 Oct 2015
The religion not with an identical god, but many sins were committed referring to the god!
In the miraculous healer's trace - documentary 1/3
^---- embedded YouTube-hosted video:
In the miraculous healer's trace - documentary, 2/3
^---- embedded YouTube-hosted video:
In the miraculous healer's trace - documentary 3/3
And let us never forget what the Christians did to us Saxons:
url was:""
linktext was:""
Especially now, when we get politicians like Dipshit Dave calling us a"Christian Country". Christianity forced on us at the point of a sword will never be"our religion". It is just fascism!
The religion not with an identical god, but many sins were committed referring to the god!
In the miraculous healer's trace - documentary 1/3
^---- embedded YouTube-hosted video:
In the miraculous healer's trace - documentary, 2/3
^---- embedded YouTube-hosted video:
In the miraculous healer's trace - documentary 3/3