I tried the suggestions in the previous posts and still couldn't get antiX to boot to a graphical screen.anticapitalista wrote:Will do.
Maybe afab4 has the same issue.
Then I got the brilliant idea to use the cli-installer to do a full install to my hda4 partition and see if I could get it to boot up.
Well, when I got to where it asked me if I wanted to install grub to my MBR I said no as I prefer to modify my menu.lst on hda1 to boot my partitions.
At this point, I got a multitude of disk access errors and my hard drive started clicking.....not a good sign.
Shut the laptop down and tried booting an older antiX M11 CD with no luck.
Meanwhile the hard drive is clicking and clunking.
Finally got a partedmagic CD to boot but it couldn't locate any hard drive to repair.
Pulled the hard drive and I can boot partedmagic into ram OK.
Looks like I am shopping for a hard drive.