3 versions to play with:
full (610MB) - features 5 windows managers! icewm(default), fluxbox, jwm (all with or without a Rox desktop) wmii and dwm. LibreOffice replaces Abiword and gnumeric. Iceweasel replaces iceape. claws-mail included as email client. qmmp replaced by the mighty xmms, yad replaces zenity, thunar removed, Asian fonts removed and many others.
base (330MB) - features fluxbox, jwm, wmii and dwm. iceweasel, antiX-control-centre for base edition.
core (115MB) - no X, cli-installer only.
Both full and base use Debian Testing repos by default, while core uses Debian Stable.
All versions use the latest kernel available (3.2.2) - customised for antiX to allow booting with PI and AMD K5/K6 CPUs.
Note: antiX has its own repo (thanks to Dave).
All built from scratch using debootstrap. This version of antiX is not remastered from MEPIS nor any other existing iso.
Available here:Please use sourceforge to conserve bandwidth on mepisimo.
url was:"http://www.mepisimo.com/antix/Testing/"
linktext was:"http://www.mepisimo.com/antix/Testing/"
url was:"https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix-linux/files/Testing/"
linktext was:"https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix- ... s/Testing/"
Edit: I'll add more information later, particularly referring to antiX-live and persistence and also the ability to remaster your installed to hard drive version.
Edit1: If using usb device to just test the live system ready to install to hard drive, you can use the dd method or unetbootin.
If you want to run persistence, unetbootin should work, but the antix2usd one won't (yet). Instead you will have to use the new_usb.sh script from a root terminal. Instructions will be posted.
Edit3: How to use the new_usb.sh script to install 'live' to usb stick.
1. Make sure you are not using auto-mounting
2. Plug in device and in a root terminal type fdisk -l or fdisk.distib -l or blkid to find out what your usb devices shows up as. Mine shows /dev/sdc1
3. Open a root terminal and simply type
new_usb.sh path_to_iso file.file_name.iso usb device path -b grub
where b=bootloader, options =grub (recommended ext2/3/4 or fat), or ext (extlinux for fat32) or iso (isolinux).
Real example on my box.
Code: Select all
new_usb.sh /media/sda3/remasters/antiX-base/antiX-base-test1.iso /dev/sdc -b grub
Edit: Expect to find lots of bugs.