I have made available the latest version of the 4.4 LTS series kernel.
Available for 32 and 64 bit architecture (jessie (antiX-16), stretch (antiX-17), buster (antiX-19), testing and sid).
new kernels available
Latest secure kernels available in the repos for 32 and 64 bit architecture (stretch, buster, testing and sid).
5.2.15 (64bit and 32 bit pae and non-pae-486)
4.19.73 (64bit and 32 bit pae and non-pae-486)
4.9.193 (64 bit and 32 bit pae and non-pae-486)
Users are strongly advised to upgrade.
swapgs mitigations kernels available
Latest secure kernels available in the repos for 32 and 64 bit architecture (stretch, buster, testing and sid).
5.2.8 (64bit and 32 bit pae and non-pae-486)
4.19.66 (64bit and 32 bit pae and non-pae-486)
4.9.189 (64 bit and 32 bit pae and non-pae-486)
Users are strongly advised to upgrade.
Bugfix kernels available
Latest kernels available in the repos for 32 and 64 bit architecture (stretch, buster, testing and sid).
4.9.186 non-pae, pae and x64
4.19.61 non-pae, pae and x64
5.2.3 non-pae, pae and x64
These kernels mainly fix issues reported about mounting sd devices
“SACK Panic” Security fix kernels in repos.
Latest kernels available in the repos for 32 and 64 bit architecture (stretch, buster, testing and sid).
4.9.182 non-pae, pae and x64
4.19.52 non-pae, pae and x64
5.1.11 non-pae, pae and x64
Users are strongly advised to upgrade.
Zombieload security patched kernels
Latest kernels available in the repos for 32 and 64 bit architecture (stretch, buster, testing and sid).
4.9.176 non-pae, pae and x64
4.19.43 non-pae, pae and x64
5.1.5 non-pae, pae and x64
Users are strongly advised to upgrade.
Kernel updates
A new set of kernels are available for 32 and 64 bit architectures for stretch, buster, testing and sid repos.
4.9.170 non-pae, pae and x64
4.19.36 non-pae, pae and x64
5.0.9 non-pae, pae and x64
Debian jessie repo changes (antiX-16 users)
This is for antiX-16 users.
Due to changes made in upstream Debian, a new apt-antix deb will arrive shortly.
You should be prompted to accept new changes or not.
The default is N(o). You should choose Y(yes) to get the new ones.
debian.list should now look like this
# Debian Stable. Default for antiX-16.
# Use for maximum stability INSTEAD of the ‘rolling’ TESTING release concept.
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free
# Debian Jessie Updates
deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free
EXPKEYSIG error and fix
For those users getting the EXPKEYSIG error.
Method 1:
3 steps, in a terminal
1. wget 'https://download.tuxfamily.org/antix/releases/antix-archive-keyring.asc'
wget 'http://repo.antixlinux.com/antix-archive-keyring.asc'
2. sudo apt-key add antix-archive-keyring.asc
3. sudo apt-get update
Method 2:
1. Download antix-archive-keyring_20019.3.13_all.deb from here: http://repo.antixlinux.com
In the directory where you downloaded the deb
2. sudo dpkg -i antix-archive-keyring_20019.3.13_all.deb
3. sudo apt-get update
ISO download links not all working
We are experiencing a problem with the rsync server, with the result that many of the links on our ISO download page
downloads produce a 404 error.
The two “Anywhere” sources are still functioning and can be used.
Thanks for your patience!