antiX-16.3-full iso files available

I have made available updated point-release 3 iso files of antiX-16 (jessie) series – full versions only – for 32 and 64 bit arches. This is basically antiX-16.2 plus over 250 MB of upgrades.

Both isos fit on a cd.

If you already are using antiX-16 (16.1, 16.2) series, there is no need to replace your install with this newer version.

Get files from here

antiX-16.3 (Berta Cáceres) point release available

Bug fix version including all updates from Debian Jessie and security patched kernels.
Debian 8.10 (jessie), but systemd-free! And it fits on a cd! Great LiveUSB features!
Customised 4.4.10 LTS kernel with fbcondecor splash

antiX has been designed to be fast, light on resources and flexible.

Install it to hard drive, run it live from a stick or run as a frugal install on a partition.

Based on Debian Jessie, but without systemd nor systemd-shim.
Customised 4.4.10 LTS kernel with fbcondecor splash
libreoffice 4.3.3-2
firefox-esr 52.5.2
claws-mail 3.13.0
xmms -for audio
gnome-mplayer – for playing video
smtube 17.5.0 – play youtube videos without a using a browser
streamlight-antix – stream videos with very low RAM usage.
eudev is available in the antiX dev repo.

File managers and desktop:


Convert your video and audio files with:


Connect to the net with:

or gnome-ppp if you are still on dial-up


Midnight Commander

Tools for remastering and creating snapshots of installed system:

remaster tools


hexchat – gui chat
luckybackup – excellent backup tool. There’s nothing lucky about it!
simple-scan – for scanning documents
transmission-gtk – torrent downloader
wingrid-antix – turn the stacking window managers into tilers.
xf86-video-sis-antix – added since it is not in Debian jessie
Xfburn for burning cd/dvd
connectshares-antix for network shares
droopy-antix – an easy way to transfer files over the net.
flashplugin-nonfree – flash video
install-meta-antix – install applications easily and safely
antiX Control Centre – an easy way to do just about anything!

Why not try out our included ‘cli’ apps:

Editors: nano and vim
Newsreader: newsbeuter
Chat: irssi
Audio player: mocp
Video player: mpv
Audio ripper: abcde
Torrent: rtorrent
Cd burner: cdw
Writer: Wordgrinder

Great LiveUSB features:

o fast boot times without systemd (X in under 10 seconds on new boxes running live)
o auto-customizable bootloaders (legacy and uefi)
o easy persistence and easy frugal installs
o remasters and respins
o legacy and 32-bit uefi and 64-bit uefi