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Joined: 16 Dec 2007
Quick is not the same file as xorg.conf .
Posts: 47
Joined: 20 Apr 2016
"P.N.E.W.B.I.E." (ie Post-Newbie; silent"n"; copyright waived).


(Bit cryptic. I know."Why?", do ya' think?)
Posts: 1,028
Joined: 21 Aug 2011
boombaby wrote:I'll not yield yet.
Combative terms often do not promote helpful contributions. Additionally, you should refrain from capitalising words in your posts. That is seen as shouting. Bold capitals are seen as shouting very loudly. The antiX forums have a well deserved reputation for friendliness which everyone is asked to respect.

Re the caveat
The following is the warning that was offered before it was referred to as a caveat in a subsequent post.
SamK wrote:The following is offered on the basis that I have no idea whether it is relevant or appropriate to your reported problem. If you decide to investigate it further you should do so only after deciding for yourself whether it represents any danger to your particular kit.
In your opening post, antiX was being referenced to multiple other distros. This pointed towards a possibility that you might try mixing code from different distros. Allied to that, no-one else offered the same kit as you for testing. So it was not possible to predict the outcome. In such circumstances, providing information together with a warning was a sensible precaution. However, there is no way to ensure the reader does not put their own spin on it, or that it is heeded.

Because of the above it is natural that a user has to put in some time and effort to move forward. Whether you see that as unreasonable is a different matter. What remains clear is the information you eventually used was provided in an early post in the thread.

This will be my last contribution to this topic. It is in danger of declining into, I said/you said, he said/she said.

What should not be lost is the outcome of a working antiX system.
Enjoy it.
Posts: 47
Joined: 20 Apr 2016
Well, here I wrap-up the SiS story I started.

At the start of this thread I sought help for Display problems, particularly for driving my ancient SiS-6326 AGP grahics card.

As I have stated elsewhere...

url was:""
linktext was:""

...I am (was then) a person who ONLY works in the GUI.

After using Windows I have - for years - flatly refused to work at the Command Line (CLI) to fix Linux problems. (It interferes to much with the actual work"process".)

That approach with Linux made me a permanent"Newbie". So when Antix Member Samk offered his resolution in post #Fri-Apr22,2016-9:42am I switched off. I did NOT read his post properly. I took a look at the xorg.conf stuff (never done one of those before), and tried to go beyond it. (Post #Fri-Apr22,2016-8:58pm)

After installing another distro, Korora, and (surprise, surprise) needing a driver for their setup too, a Member in the Fedora sister-forum gave me help. (
url was:""
linktext was:""
) It came in 3 stages:
(i) try out an old-version driver (which he provided);
(ii) create my own driver from source (Yikes! CLI!); and/or
(iIi) use a vesa driver (which I discovered probably meant it setting up within xorg.conf).

[Of course, we all know the other"tip" everyone offers is,"Buy other hardware". NUP!]

Well, the"old-driver" solution failed, and I don't compile (anything).

So after trying many, many distros and encountering this same"unsuported-SiS" problem I FINALLY decided to tackle the problem at CLI in xorg.conf. However, I told myself that if it works on Korora then it must also work on Antix. [I wanted to retain Korora (a Fedora-based distro) intact as much as possible, so I came back to Antix (non-systemd) to fix it.]

So after that it was a case of getting the xorg.conf right. To do that I read the manual, and info off the Internet. With that info I knew more about modules, drivers and stuff. While working with that knowledge I discovered a sisimedia driver already sitting in the Antix Modules directory. Since it had a"similar" name-fragment - and - I remembered something about it from way back somewhere on the Net, I gave it a try. It worked!!

[I NOW know setting up xorg.conf would not have been very hard to do, but (anyway) the whole experience has taught me quite a bit about "xorg.conf" issues, and that's good.

So this solution (pathway) made me think >> I << had resolved the problem much by >> myself << (although having been pushed into it via guidance from the Korora forum).

Having crowed in Antix forum that >> I << had fixed the problem >> myself << and had become a"Pnewbie" [Post-Newbie; silent"n"; copyright waived] - which was true - Member Samk pointed out that HE had given that advice to me already, in his first posts.

However, remember when he gave that help I was still a"Newbie" - AND (more-or-less) switched OFF to it [ie as a non-CLI-User].

So, for anyone else trying to fix this particular problem this is the bottom line tip...

SOLUTION: Go back to the top of this thread and read Samk's advice in his post #2

Samk is 100% right. His advice was best. Thanks, Samk.