Exactly!!! I similarly suspect the little blighter has snuck in during a dist-upgrade somehow; but I have not had time to track it down.i fear the hand of systemd here, but I can't prove it.
edit: btw, this was testing with a wired interface, so I don't think wireless is really the culprit here anymore.
I did an install that ignored the choice of 'testing' and installed 'Jessie/stable'. That's ok for now I thought. I did my 'basic' setup routine that I do post almost any install; then, when I had stuff looking the way I wanted & my essentials installed, I installed a Liquorix kernel (4.04) and did a dist-upgrade to 'testing' from outside X. Changed antix & debian repos only. After reboot, I had no sound AT ALL. Standard Intel onboard sound; never gives a problem. I looked very quickly at the upgrade log and thought I tried all the normal checks mentioned here and elsewhere for sound trouble. Nothing changed it.
After deciding I was going to reinstall and leave it on Jessie, I thought, why not try pulseaudio before I wipe it. Of course that brought in a swag of systemd stuff so I can no longer prove whether it was there before or not. However, sound worked without a problem, so the dist-upgrade somehow killed alsa?!
As a separate matter, bringing in a heap of systemd seemed to screw with the graphics under certain themes.
I am no longer optimistic that running without systemd installed is feasible at any level above Jessie? Just too many variables & inter-dependent changes to catch you up?
Anyway, FWIW, antix (spacefm/fluxbox) using stable is working just fine at the moment.