Seeing That PaleMoon is a sse2 cpu browser, plus it is Sunday and my mind goes a little off kilter on such a nice day.Any suggestion?
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In my off kilter way of thinking. I was wondering if the age of the T61 is factoring into this.
Cpu's are dropping sse2 support (for a microsecond) while running. Hence PaleMoon crashes.
Just a theory. I know newer flash player requires sse2 cpu support. Wondering if flash videos exhibit the same
syptoms as pale mood does while playing like a 2 or 3 hour video. I remember some one here posted a cat running video
that is animated and runs for 10 hours. I wonder if that video crashes while playing flash video (using latest flashplayer) in iceweasel.
If I am wrong. Won't be the first time.