Latest antiX-test2 allows booting from an ntfs partition (windows) with persistence. You need a working grub legacy. The following steps should work.
1. Download the latest antiX-test2.iso (full or base or even core) and run it live from a cd or usb stick.
2. Boot live cd/usb and once at desktop, click run. Type rox /media, check 'Run as root' - ok.
You will be prompted for your live password which is root
3. In rox /media click on your windows folder eg /sda1
4. Open another rox filer as root, but type rox /live/boot-dev
Copy all of those files to your windows partition.
Use midnight commander to transfer the live files from the iso to your windows partition if you have a running linux.
Now we set up persistence for the windows folder.
5. Menu->Applications->Other->RemasterCC, root password and click on Set up live file system.
6. Directory MUST be where you copied the files to on your windows partition. eg /media/sda1/antiX
7. You need a homefs file to save user files in /home and a rootfs file to save admin changes eg new apps.
8. Once you have added your rootfs and homefs files, persistence will be ready on first boot.
Your /media/sda1/antiX folder should have linuxfs, rootfs, homefs, vmlinuz, initrd.gz, linuxfs.md5, antiX (sym link to linuxfs).
Now we need to set up the working /boot/grub/menu.lst
The antiX live persistence entry should look like this. Obviously use your own partitions. The examples are for sda1 and sdb2 respectively.
Code: Select all
title antiXl-ntfs-sda1
root (hd0,0)
kernel /antiX/vmlinuz quiet noxorg bdev=sda1 vga=791 bdir=antiX antiX=LMXD
initrd /antiX/initrd.gz
Code: Select all
title antiXl-ntfs-sdb2
root (hd1,1)
kernel /antiX/vmlinuz quiet noxorg bdev=sdb2 vga=791 bdir=antiX antiX=LMXD
initrd /antiX/initrd.gz