Sam, the console background is generally independent of programs that run in the console but I think it makes sense to let the users have a choice so I made an fb-theme-select program that lets the user select the background image. I've got about 100 themes installed but some of them have a limited range of resolutions. Only themes that work at the current resolution get displayed. I've attached a couple of screenshots of the program. It's actually pretty cool IMO. I could easily add this functionality to the console-dm but the tricky part would be to actually change the default background image/theme (not just the current background/theme) which I believe would be distro dependent. Still, the fb-theme-select program makes it very easy to sample the different themes.SamK wrote:Background Image
I'm making a working assumption that the choice of background image is at a preliminary stage and still open for discussion. From a cursory look at this theme site it appears others have gone down this route previously:
url was:""
linktext was:""
WM Descriptions
If a user has only a small number of WMs installed then I could incorporate the descriptions you suggest. The tricky part is to create a database of short yet meaningful descriptions for a variety of WMs. ISTM the more general solution is to move the description off of the front page. We certainly would need that anyway for the case where the user has many WMs installed.
Another possibility for people with a small number of WMs is to incorporate the Space- and Rox - prefixes. The benefit is that people can instantly see which WMs are Rox- and Space- enabled and which are not. One alternative would be to append a asterisk to WMs that are Rox- and Space- enabled. Another would be to somehow blank out the Icon-manager selection when a WM that does not support the current Icon Manager is selected.
We've already been around the block on this a few times but I don't think it would hurt to go around again and drag a few more people along. I've noticed that the one thing novice users see that distinguishes one desktop from another is whether it has desktop icons or not. The next thing they notice is the background image. Everything else is a blur to them. So for novices, it makes sense that"Rox-IceWM" is a different WM from plain"IceWM". Maybe we will have to experiment to see which ways work best.
I'm not adverse to adding short description of the WMs as long as it does not entail lots of extra complication. We have maintained a flat file database of WMs in the past. We moved away from that and now just use the files in /usr/share/xsessions. These do contain short descriptions but the ones I've looked at are worthless e.g."This session logs you into Fluxbox". ISTM the most difficult thing will be coming up short meaningful descriptions.
At some point, it might just be easier to make it very easy for users to switch from one WM to another. One of the features of console-dm will be to enable switching the WM from within the desktop menu. For example
Code: Select all
Window Manager -->
Rox Icons -->
Space Icons -->
No Icons -->
I've used this same idea for bookmarks. I have a small program that creates a set of desktop menus that match all of my Firefox bookmarks. That way if I want to launch a bookmark in a new Firefox window I just make a selection from the bookmark section of my desktop menus. I find this to be extremely convenient. I also have menu items to switch to the different virtual consoles but the ones I use most often do a search based on whatever the currently selected text is. My searches include: Google, Wikipedia, a dictionary/thesaurus, the Internet Movie database, and Amazon. I also have buttons on my desktop to perform these searches. I highlight text, and hit a button then a browser window pops up with my search results. I can't imagine being without these conveniences.
Sorry for the digressions but maybe they add some context for my vision of the WM section of the desktop menus.
PS: I've also added a toggle to switch between centered labels and left aligned labels. This will make it easier for us to evaluate the alignments. I agree with you Sam. I tend to prefer having things line up left aligned and that was my first choice but there's something I like about the centered labels that is hard to see in the static screen shots because the hightlighted selector stays the same size. It can certainly be a config option. I can also try making the hightlighted bar the same size for the left aligned labels.
PPS: I tried using a constant width highlighted selector on the left aligned labels and it really doesn't look good.
Here are the screenshots of the theme selector: