My initial response to this is that it is trying to do too many things and loses clarity of purpose as a result.BitJam wrote:Mock screen shot:Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?Code: Select all
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Console Desktop Manager User:[demo] Icons:[SpaceFM] dwm IceWM XBMC e16 [jwm] Fluxbox Razor [Configure] [Help] Arrow keys: select window manager Tab, Shift-tab: select active area space-bar: select, launch Hot-keys: (U)ser (I)cons (W)indow-manager (C)onfigure (H)elp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The acid test might be to present the mock-up to someone that has no technical background and no exposure to antiX. Simply pose the questions:
- What is your first reaction to this screen?
- What do you think it is for?
- What do you do next?
- Overly complex and not user-friendly
- Unfair as I know it is a login screen - although that is not mentioned anywhere
- I genuinely have no idea
- Icons:[SpaceFM]
- Tab, Shift-tab: select active area
- space-bar: select, launch
The screen title may accurately describe what it is, but does not describe what it does.
Ensure the default is to boot with a vga parameter that is suitable for people with impaired eyesight. This might be vga=788 or, for even larger text, no vga= parameter. Users with unimpaired eyesight can subsequently change the resolution.
Most users will perceive the purpose of this screen is to log-in to the system. Focus on this task in order to improve clarity. Perhaps the screen might contain only the following:
- Title=Login
- Field1=Name
- Field2=Password
- Fieid3=OK
- Field4=Help and Options
- Field5=Shutdown
- Field6=Tab to change field
Field5=Hot-keys: (N)ame (P)assword (H)elp (S)hutdown
- Possibly Field3 (OK) is not needed as pressing <ENTER> should attempt to login
- Only show one value for Field5 both together add little extra benefit
All optional items to be moved to a separate screen accessed via Field4 (Help and Options). As this is the area where the user makes choices, it seems appropriate to group them together but separated from the required info of screen1. Additionally, screen2 will be accessed less often than screen1 so the capabilities screen2 provides can be better described due to there being fewer fields than a combined screen. I see this approach as Keep It Simple and Straightforward.
Do not aim for shorthand descriptions. Focus on communicating the message using non-technical language.
On a wider aspect...
Might a pure CLI login/desktop management system produce the wrong impression of antiX? In all walks of life (not just computing) the way something looks is a (the?) major factor in how someone responds to it (including reviewers). Think car bodywork design, furnishings, designer clothes labels etc. It tends to be form first, function second.
From a technical point of view, a CLI login system might have a lot to offer. If it prompts the user to consider it old-fashioned, too technical, or simply too different, it might not be in the best long-term interests of the distro.
It is an unfortunate reality that the way it looks will determine whether or not it is widely accepted just as much as (if not more than) its technical excellence. As much (or more) effort is needed on its appearance as on the way it works.