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.[/quote]I do agree with everything you have wrote because you care for the goodness of the world. You have many questions of many people. I felt with a responsibility to have to write and answer these with my own visions. Because you care and you suffer what it is incorrect, like me, and many others. maybe you will agree or disagree.

I did not want you to think that your good intentional visions and questions are not heard.
Life is a bitch.

It will remain like that until each of us decide to change inside first. We do not have to care for others personalities we have to really care for ours, because if I change I will help into the real change. I am not separated from society I am also it, part of it. the real change is each of us.,
Every country and person is out for what will get them the farthest ahead.

Most everyone and countries are like that because the populations have allow it, Populations are not ready. Populations are to change.
War between nations and people will never cease to exist as long as there are finite resources. Welcome to life.

I agree, but it could be change.
The question is are you prepared to defend yourself against the others willing to do anything, even kill you if they have to, to get ahead?


1.Getting ahead.

So far, ahead is leaving something behind, or someone behind, so at the end of the road you are on your own. Ahead always brings a lonely inner path, Isolation.

2.Kill you. To me death does not really exist. A transformation of the material body a mutation does exist, returning to it's original places. An example: Is the cloud ends, does it become death or it transform into water and this water goes into the ground, transforms into, inside living worms, grounds, plants etc...Then animals drink it from the plants,fruits returns back as cloud by evaporation? Is a cycle. No energy dies otherwise the Universe could not exist forever it continues transforming itself.

The spiritual energy is the one that humanity does not see, An example: we know the sun is there, because we have seeing it. But the rays of the sun could be easy see inside your home through your window, but you know is coming from the sun because you seeing it. if you would not see the sun then you would not be able to understand the rays. The ultraviolets rays we could not see it, but does not mean is not there etc...Where there is a material body there is an unseen energy.
Technology is changing and quickly to increase the killing power of man.

I totally Agree that the material technology has only increase the toxics in the environment the destruction of the earth and the killing of millions of people. I do not disagree with Natural alternative technology if these processes are not harmful to the Earth.
One day a person will walk into a city with a nuclear or biological weapon and that city will cease to be. How do you stop that?

The world must get ready off any material that can create these kind of weapons, ban it. nuclear energy it's not need it to heat, to give light in the homes, there are others alternatives cheaper, healthier etc... for humanity.

Time for a Mars colony. It could function as a"back up" for the human species.

I Agree with the idea but I do not think it will work, we must realize that we do not have any other choice but to live together in peace in one home, one place, one Earth for all of us, this is the signal of a needed change from whoever we think is the greater.
By the way death does solve problems. In the end someone dies and the problem no longer exists because one party is dead.

The cycle of nature will not allow anyone to live happy and the other to death for one salvation. Nature the ruler of our existence has created a no way scape system if you do something wrong against or in favor nature will make sure you will get plenty of what you have chosen. These are some of the rules: Night fallow day, Dryness to rain, heat to cold, etc... and vice versa. One fallows the other without separation. This is the rule and no one can scape from it. Some people called Karma, Jesus refer to something similar don't do others what you may not want someone to do you, or Natural rule etc... The problem will never go away from the consciousness, the cells, the mind and nature infinite memory etc...

Thank very much your questions are the questions of many. outstanding!

Excuse my english, I can speak it better than how I write it.

Best Wishes!
Last edited by Sakasa on 08 Apr 2008, 14:48, edited 1 time in total.
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There is a way the world could become what you want it to be. First, we have to eliminate diversity. This includes physical (ie skin color), mental (ie religion), and property differences. After we finish that seemingly impossible task we must eliminate human emotion. Finally, we have to find a way to have infinite resources of all kinds. Without the previous three conditions being met what you are asking for is an impossibility because there will always be a motivation for conflict.

Plato's Perfect City:
Alternatively, a society that has been brainwashed to focus on the group rather than the individual with a philosopher king and classed society giving every person there own spot that was unchangeable through out their life could work theoretically. Unfortunately, there are just too many things that can go wrong in this solution because it assumes people are good natured.

Just to clarify when I speak of death I am referring to our mental existence ceasing to exist. The elements of my body being ingested by some cow does not do anything for my consciousness ceasing to be.

I can tell the two of us will never completely agree because our basic philosophies are so fundamentally different. In your mind people are naturally good and society is the problem. In my mind people are naturally egotistical and society is a product of the people that make it up. Our differing viewpoints are a classic Locke vs Hobbes.
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Urban wrote: Our differing viewpoints are a classic Locke vs Hobbes.
You cannot imagine how much I wish all the political arguments would just *stop* until people own up to where they stand. I mean, you could scrape off 99.9999% of the vitriol by realizing that, look,"you're a Lockean, I'm a Hobbesian." No reason for name-calling. No reason for vilification. No *point* in having heated arguments until we first acknowledge the deeply rooted differences in conceptions of human nature--not only deeply rooted and profoundly archetypal, but pretty much invisible underneath the surface of the passionate political hectoring that passes for civic dialogue today. Just look at how readers responded to the Cheney remarks:

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To me, it's not the Cheney stuff that's interesting, it's the responses. I'm not defending Cheney; I'm just pointing out how invisible to each side is the philosophical ground underlying the position of the other. Sad.

You want to know how to realize some kind of utopia? Forget about first trying to alter human nature, or first trying to alter society (sorry, anticapitalista!!). Just understand the deeply underlying roots of these two basic poles (probably way back before Locke and Hobbes: Aristotle vs. Plato? St. Francis vs. St. Thomas?)
Posts: 852
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Urban wrote:
Urban wrote:people are good natured.
Excellent View from your part!

This my view and response from how I see things. Nothing against you but I hope that together we do not judge each other but to work together if possible. Here is my opinion about people are good natured, and what I tried to explain before about the mutation, transformation, maybe I could it add these also, etc...

I see conflict as the main problem between humans. It is possible to me that humans can end it. First I will look into the cause and the cause is to me, that in our minds we set patterns for everything, we name, we judge, etc... everything. We have obtained this patterns through school, systems, goverment, society, tv, family etc...This patterns are what has build each human Ego, it is limited in vision,in perception, all this patterns or identities is what have build this Ego on. The ego moves and see everything through each of his identities it does not see with freedom, it belongs to a set rhythm that when it is confronted with something new, unknown it looks for something similar known from it's past patterns or identities.

Each identity claims the seat according to the environment perception and need and believes through, that the identity is the reality at that moment.

What we have learn since childhood is not the fault of child that later on became an Ego and learned egoism, hate, etc..., because the mind only accepts what has been taught what has seen. Example: If we are to change, we really won't change because a past identity will take the seat and what it will do it will modified everything that needs to be change, making believe the mind that it has change. But the same identity remains in the mind and the change only becomes a modification. No identity wants to disappear it needs to be feed and makes us believe through her survival that we have change, but in reality we have only modified it. If I will ask anyone forget, through away everything that you have in your mind, everyone will tell me no way. This is the main problem of changing to me. The dissolving of the these identities can be achieve through the realization of the cause. If you don't feed it it will dissolve. This iswhat I do to change and it has work for me. The more we resist any type of identity the more she will try to modified itself and you end in the same place.

Example I wan to get ready off envy, the moment I said envy all the envy modifications types that I have become a greater envy by uniting and the identity that it is there is the envy itself and this is why there is no change, but if I observe it without judgement of the mind , only observe it you will see her dissapearing from your vision, this means that there is no more feeding to her, we are not giving her anything to feed on, because there is no judgement, no name, no place,no action to take therefore it has to dissapear. . With time it will dissapear. Children are pure but it us, the society, the systems etc... the ones that creates in them all this dark identities, they are born without it. Anyway I think you can understand me. Regarding the cow or the transformation of the physical world I was talking about the physical aspect of it.

The consciousness: Everything in the universe has her own each particular consciousness. Everything that moves must choose a direction, therefore it must have consciousness. There is not a single thing atom, nucleos etc... that does not move, therefore to me our consciousness could move also or transform to anywhere that we don't know.

Anyway thanks for your great response I do think we are thinking similar, we are almost there, with all respect.