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antiX-M8.2-test2 is available for testing. (c 450MB)

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Changes from test1:

You should now be able to boot into installed language environment you chose when using livecd
eg Livecd add lang=es
Installed antiX will be set for es. and xorg.conf will allow users to toggle keyboard from their lang choice and us using Alt Shift.

Fixed bugs from test1

Installer and msystem more suited to antiX

xclipand ripit apps added

PolicyKit.conf changed to add more options. Old version is available.
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Great, anti! I'm already using 8.2 test2 live-cd. The menus are perfect except for two little things:
In Fluxbox : 'Área de trabalho'>'Alternativas'>'Editor do menu', an 'r' got in there and you wrote 'Editor do menur' (in IceWM it's ok).
In Control Center (Central de Controle), 'Hardware' tab, 'Ajustar Misturador de Som' is just like that, without parentheses (I had put 'de Som' in parentheses so you could choose either 'Ajustar Misturador' or 'Ajustar Misturador de Som').

Now for propagating the news so some people install it here and, hopefuly, help to test it.
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i have some changes for the translation (romanian):
for the control centre so we could have 1 line of text, we should change:
Configure dialup connection= Configurare conexiune telefonica TO Configurare conexiune dialup
Change keyboard layout= Schimbare aranjament tastatura TO Schimbare limba tastatura
(this means: change the keyboard language)
for the icewm toolbar:
Show Desktop = Arata Birou (this i think is controled by icewm i don't see it in the toobar file)
Text Editor = Editor Text
Browser = Navigator
Volume = Volum
Control Centre = Centru de Control
Quit = Iesire (this is the very best IMHO means EXIT, because inchide translates as close and in romanian quit translates as give up, leave away or to exit and to exit doesn't work but EXIT (iesire) does. don't ask me why i had explained the verbs __{{emoticon}}__ )

also anti could you add the romanian layout to the keyboard layouts ? setxkbmap ro
very good job! love it!
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Thanks to secipolla and ice-m for the feedback.
I have made the changes for the next release.

Let me know how it runs.

Better/worse/same as previous antiX?
Too heavy/light/just right?
Keep/remove the logout part of icewm menu?
Apps to add/remove?
Do all apps work?

If you have the time and space, try the meta-installer options especially for wms/desktops like kde4, xfce, gnome, lxde and languages.
Do we need any more language options for meta-installer? If so what do we need to add, for example Brazilian-Portuguese or Catalan?
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I'm grabbing it now and I will be giving it a workout soon! Thanks again!
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Hello all:

I'm running the new test release right now from livecd. It's working great! wireless was picked up with wicd and ceni, and got it to connect with ceni without any problems (wicd had problems).

So far, it's running great. I'll keep testing it on this and other computers and will test the spanish language option, among other things.

Excellent job!! This release looks pretty solid.

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I let my buds at Newbies Linux and the USALUG know that a second test is available; maybe a few of them will try it. Melloe, who, like me, participates on both forums, told me that one of my Blogs made it, at least for part of a day, as the TOP search on Google when searching for antiX, and he said there were probably 1000 entries out on the 'Net that had something to do with antiX - whether all of them were this distro, of course, is doubtful (lots of plays on the word antics or antix, as you know).

Anyway, I'm ready to test shortly. Looking forward to it!
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I just finished installing antiX M8.2 Test 2, update-replace style, ie., without removing and adding a new partition, and retaining /home. Works fine as usual. I am posting this live, which also works fine, as usual.

Now that I have a test instance actually installed I will poke some more around the edges. My poking around the edges with the LIVE version of Test 1 did not reveal any issues (but I was not dealing with localization at all). So far, so good, will let you know if I spot anything, otherwise assume all positive from me, which is all I've experienced so far.
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Noticed the following boot message, guess your aware of it, does not seem to cause any errors as it is a warning about future changes.

Saving live config. to antiX ...... done.
Tue Jun 2 06:25:09 2009: ^[[0mConfiguring XOrg graphical display... udevadm[3321]: the program '/aufs/bin/bash' called '/usr/bin/udevinfo', it should use 'udevadm info <options>', this will stop working in a future release
Tue Jun 2 06:25:13 2009:
Tue Jun 2 06:25:14 2009: udevadm[3347]: the program '/aufs/bin/bash' called '/usr/bin/udevinfo', it should use 'udevadm info <options>', this will stop working in a future release
Tue Jun 2 06:25:14 2009:

looks like the symbolic link from /usr/bin/udevinfo is pointing to udevadm.

running the livecd on my old laptop today

demo@mepis1:~$ inxi -F

System: Host mepis1 Kernel 2.6.27-1-mepis-smp i686 (32 bit) Distro antiX-M8.2 Tȟašúŋke Witkó - Crazy Horse 30 May 2009
CPU: Single core Pentium III (Coppermine) (UP) cache 256 KB flags (sse) bmips 896.43 clocked at 448.050 MHz
Graphics: Card ATI Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x X.Org 1.4.2 Res: 1024x768@85.0hz
GLX Renderer Mesa GLX Indirect GLX Version 1.4 (2.1 Mesa 7.0.4) Direct Rendering No
Audio: Card ESS ES1978 Maestro 2E driver ES1968 (ESS Maestro) at port d800
Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Version 1.0.17
Network: Card Atheros AR2413 802.11bg NIC driver ath_pci v: svn
Disks: HDD Total Size: 40.0GB (-) 1: /dev/hda WDC WD400UE-22HCT0 40.0GB
Partition: ID:/ size: 16M used: 105K (1%) ID:swap-1 size: 1.08GB used: 0.01GB (1%)
Info: Processes 83 Uptime 25 min Memory 126.0/3

As you can see, this old rig still flys under antiX, it came originally with W98 2nd edition, wireless setup was a snap with Ceni, using wpa encryption, just try that on W98!!! That is what this rig came originally with W98 2nd edition, which has been sent to the cybergraveyard for good.

Streamtuner works great, no problems so far. Will update you later when I've done an install on my newer rig, I still have Lysistrata installed on this rig. I may retire it for the final of this release, as I only have 40g hdd.

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Anti, I'll soon install it to test it further. For now I'm not sure if it's useful to add Brazilian Portuguese to the Meta Installer since when I had it installed it did default to Brazilian Portuguese (I don't understand really why the apps default to pt_PT in the live-cd - don't bother to explain, though).
I've wrote on a couple of forums about this release but I'll write in a couple or so more.
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I think there is a problem with pr_BR (and maybe some other locales) as some of the translated files for some apps got deleted.
For example (live or installed) open geany and the menu at the top is in English.
apt-get remove --purge geany
apt-get install geany

and now the menu is in pt_BR.

Could people test this out for other languages, particularly the following:
German, French, Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, and Dutch.
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i tried test2 in liveusb with lang=ro added to the boot. geany is all in romanian, leafpad is in english and some programs are partially translated. as far as installled i have test1 and i didn't notice something wrong with it. i would like the boot time to be a little faster, if anything can't be paused from boot maybe a list with the start-up programs and their role will be good to know what to disable at start-up. a small thing that i noticed is that alsamixer in fluxbox is both in admin/tools and control centre. i'll give it a larger testing session but tomorrow. antix is better and better __{{emoticon}}__
Last edited by dark-D on 02 Jun 2009, 21:15, edited 1 time in total.
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I have fixed the locales problem for pt_BR (and maybe other affected locales).
I had installed localepurge and it was too aggressive in removing translation files.
The effect is that antiX-M8.2 is now approx 25MB bigger on the livecd.

You will notice that not all apps have all locales, so for example leafpad may not have a Romanian menu.

Have you tried the faster boot option for livecd, ice-m? It disables a lot of startup services.
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anticapitalista wrote: Let me know how it runs.

Better/worse/same as previous antiX?
Too heavy/light/just right?
Keep/remove the logout part of icewm menu?
Apps to add/remove?
Do all apps work?

If you have the time and space, try the meta-installer options especially for wms/desktops like kde4, xfce, gnome, lxde and languages.
Do we need any more language options for meta-installer? If so what do we need to add, for example Brazilian-Portuguese or Catalan?
I've installed it in a 2,5 GB partition. At first it occupied 1,3 GB, now it's at 1,5 GB.
I have to run it more to say if it's too heavy/light/ok.
I vote for you to remove logout as it is now in IceWM menu or, better, replace it with a logout entry that opens antiX's logout. What does 'Restart Xterm' do? If it's like 'ctrl+alt+backspace', that's a good thing to keep. I know you said that's an IceWM setting, but if you could just reconfigure that entry maybe you could rename it and keep 'Restart IceWM' and 'Restart Xterm'.
The only app I've installed yet is ImageMagick, I think its very useful and maybe it doesn't take much space.
Some observations till now:
- for the pt_BR menus you may replace 'Editores de texto' (plural) for 'Editor de texto' (singular) in IceWM toolbar (Text editor).
- I really think /home/username/.icewm/keys should be modified. The 'F' keys are already shortcuts for a lot of apps and uncommenting the entries in the above file wont make them work. Maybe they should be replaced by 'alt+ctrl+letter' combinations. A starting point is what's in /usr/share/icewm/keys.
- doesn't work (you removed it, right?) and is still linked in /home/username/.icewm/keys. I think it's a good thing to have as a screenshot app launched from the menu and found it a nice improvement it launching mtpaint. On the other hand, the option to quickly choose with the mouse an area to 'screenshot', like it was before, is a worthful option. If that was made by, maybe you could reintroduce it to be launched by the keyboard.
- about the languages at the Meta-installer, I know there's an excellent Brazilian version of OpenOffice, BrOffice (name changed for copyright issues here in Brazil) and it includes the unified Portuguese vocabulary with both variants that still remain (Portuguese and Brazilian). But if one installs OOo in a pt_BR system that's just the same.
- do you want to translate whatever is untranslated yet in the Meta-installer?
- I can try to install through it another WM, like LXDE (hope the space is enough) but I would like to know something: it seems it comes from sidux. That means it brings some sidux packages?
- I feel that Iceweasel 3.0.9, unlike the previous 3.0.6, is a bit temperamental. It more often than not fetches pages too quickly and throw a 'couldn't find the server' warning and some other issues at clicking buttons too.
- antiX defaults here (17" monitor) to 1280x1024. I use 1024x768 and it keeps resetting to 1280x1024 at every boot. AntiX 8 used to keep the setting I made.
- I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I think you should put the wallpapers from /usr/share/wallpapers to ~/Wallpapers. Otherwise one changes themes and the wallpaper vanishes at the next boot.
- whenever we click at something in the Control Center and it pops up that box asking for the root password there's a tick in 'Remember password' and another in 'Save for this session'. Shouldn't it remind the password and not ask anymore? Or should we select 'Save in the keyring'? Anyway, it's not remembering now.
- I did the 'apt-get remove --purge package'>'apt-get install package' with Synaptic and it replaced for a pt_BR version. I'm glad you got it fixed.

Otherwise things seem to be working fine (like Mplayer).
Networking gave me trouble again: I had to restart it after login, only this time the Wicd applet would interfere and at last I would have to quit it otherwise when trying to restart the network it would be a message saying eth0 is down. So I commented the line that starts wicd-client at startup and put again a line asking for networking to restart at /etc/rc.local. You see, network works fine both at the live-cd and at the first boot after installation. If I remember well in these cases the message at boot says only 'configuring network' and don't list all those parameters we see usually when it's starting 'networking'.
Anti, the observations I listed were thinking in new users so it would be more comfortable for them. I hope I didn't sound harsh.
EDIT- for IceWM keyboard shortcuts we could ask an expert like macondo.
Last edited by secipolla on 03 Jun 2009, 22:38, edited 1 time in total.
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i didn't seen the modifications to screenshot. it saves in jpg by default, i loved the option for different formats, when i wanted better quality i would choose png. and the custom area option i don't get it, when i press it, it saves the entire screen then opens mtpaint, i have the selection tool active, what should i do ? cut the selection and save it? if i select it and save i get the entire screenshot. i vote for the old version.

and gksu remember password isn't working for a month or so. i notice that on my installed m8 after an update.