topic title: AntiX 15 b3-V
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anticapitalista wrote:
skidoo wrote:Same as reported against earlier build, the default gtk theme is not displaying borders for tickbox inputs.
I tested using 2 different PCs (diff monitors, diff graphics cards) and see GRAY-ON-GRAY.

Here's an example of why i harp on the seriousness of this as a"usability issue":

Launch synaptic. First run, a dialog asks"show this each time". User MIGHT figure out the checkbox exists...
...but (for instance) in synaptic preferences dialog, fonts-n-colors tab
user wonders"WTF? the Use Custom Application Font button is grayed out, disabled?"
(Yeah, disabled until/unless you tick the unlabeled-and-rendered-as-gray-on-gray-invisible box to enable it)
OK, so what theme do you suggest as default?
I think there is a bigger issue here, maybe specifically to synaptic, maybe not. synaptic launched from the control center doesn't appear to comply with either the current user gtk theme or the root user gtk theme. I can give the root user a gtk theme and the default user a theme, and I can make synaptic open with yet a third theme. I think whatever is going on there is the reason you can't see the checkboxes.

In the attached screenshot, the current user theme is Orangine, the root user theme is NOX. The two instances of geany (the user and global desktop-session edit files) and synaptic all launch from the control center. Note that the correct themes are used for the two geany instances, but not synaptic. I think synaptic might have a general gtk problem and that's why the check boxes don't appear.

***edit*** roxterm might have the same or similiar issue, hard to tell.
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I think there is two issues going on with synaptic and the checkboxes.

1. just changing the gksu authentication method from gksudo to gksu is enough to get synaptic to use the default root theme.
2. mediterreanwhite still doesn't show the checkboxes. I installed zukitwo and it does show the checkboxes. bluebird and clearlooks do as well. not all the themes work though.
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skidoo wrote:bug ...or I'm just clueless?
live session, dynamic root persistence, boot to runlevel 3

I cannot figure out how to shutdown cleanly.
"persist-autosave" winds up being invoked during shutdown, throws an error"can only be used in a function"
and the system never proceeds to powerdown. It just acts hung.

I will look into this. It is possible that unstable versions of the persist scripts and libs made it into beta-3. You had previously reported"persist-save" seems to be working. Please don't put much more effort into this but I was wondering if you mean it was working when you shutdown via the GUI but not from the CLI? Or does this report supersede your previous one? It's possible the two problems you reported were already fixed but didn't make it into beta-3.
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user theme is Orangine, the root user theme is NOX
For followup, toward troubleshooting:

1) Does synaptic require a GTK3 theme? (i'll recheck, but I think it does)
2) Do Orangine, Nox (and which other among the preinstalled themes) include GTK3 support?
3) Which of the preinstalled apps utilize/require a GTK3 theme? (ver few, last time I checked)
4) Do checkboxes render as"invisible" in all apps while a particular theme is selected? In most app? In only a few apps?
5) Are"invisible" boxes rendered for only apps launched by demo user, vs"as root" sudo, or both?

Previously, when wrestling to achieve usable theming for synaptic (last October, and might have been a different distro)
I bookmarked the following references, but... although I understand that user-vs-sudo can be an issue, having same theme applied to
root-permissioned apps isn't an appealing"solution". FWIW, at that time, separate from the"seeminly invisible" inputs issue,
I was facing unusable"white text on canary yellow background" in synaptic toolbar searchbox
(a synaptic GUI feature absent in the current antix beta because apt-xapian-index is not preinstalled).

url was:""
linktext was:""

url was:""
linktext was:""

url was:""
linktext was:" ... gtk-theme/"

url was:""
linktext was:" ... untu-12-04"

At least one new post has been made to this topic. You may wish to review your post in light of this.
"just changing the gksu authentication method from gksudo to gksu is enough to get synaptic to use the default root theme."

That sounds painfully familiar. Last fall when I chased that angle my takeaway was {headspin} b/c gksu already _is_ operating in"sudo mode", not"su mode".
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BitJam, from within desktop session both persist-save and shutdown via GUI are working flawlessly.

Do you recall adding a check to the shutdown script (hmm, inside the persist-autosave script which is called during shutdown?) to conditionally prevent persist-save from being called? Seems to me the current problem is somehow related to that check.
Instead of checking whether persistence file was just modified xx minutes ago, is the shutdown script checking some flag/file ("remasterable" env var?) which is only ever set
when (if) the GUI version of persist-save is run?

^----- That's my guess. During back-to-back testing runs, I seem to recall finding an awkward but effective workaround.
Although I had booted runlevel 3 and didn't want to enter desktop session, period, during the session... achieve clean shutdown, I discovered that I could (must) launch/exit desktop session immediately prior to shutdown and perform (or dismiss) persist-save when prompted to do so (semi-automatic mode) during exit.
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Thanks skidoo!

I will fix this.
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Where can I find the source code for the installed iso-snapshot ?

I want to find out how/why it's reporting"17,162 duplicate files" are present.

Already checked these, and they do not match the installed version:

url was:""
linktext was:""

url was:""
linktext was:""

url was:""
linktext was:""

ps: after launching it, I noticed what seemed like an on-screen typo
"Creating 4.0 filesystem..." (should state ext 4.0 ?) (but, yeah, does anyone really care?)

I found it has been recently added here:

url was:""
linktext was:""

Last edited by skidoo on 06 Jun 2015, 03:44, edited 1 time in total.
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skidoo wrote:
user theme is Orangine, the root user theme is NOX
For followup, toward troubleshooting:

1) Does synaptic require a GTK3 theme? (i'll recheck, but I think it does)
2) Do Orangine, Nox (and which other among the preinstalled themes) include GTK3 support?
3) Which of the preinstalled apps utilize/require a GTK3 theme? (ver few, last time I checked)
4) Do checkboxes render as"invisible" in all apps while a particular theme is selected? In most app? In only a few apps?
5) Are"invisible" boxes rendered for only apps launched by demo user, vs"as root" sudo, or both?
1. I think yes, according to research. but some of our longstanding gtk3 themes don't work right with synaptic for some reason.
2. I do believe those themes are 2.0
3. so far the only one I've found for certain is synaptic. roxterm behaves a little strangly but its hard to tell what's going on with the rox apps. rox-filer appears to be fine.
4. The only app I've found with the issue at all is synaptic. the themes by and large have checkboxes defined that show up in other apps.
5. I think only for the sudo user. This is on an installed system, so default user and root appear to be ok once you have a gtk3.0 theme that supports synaptic's features. So far clearlooks and bluebird appear to be OK. I installed darklooks as well, but the theme doesn't appear dark, some I'm guessing incomplete gtk3 support there, at least as far as synaptic is concerned.
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back-to-back posts here, playing catch-up to report on last night's testing

additional testing feedback regarding iso-snapshot

The process took a lot longer than I'm accustomed to seeing (in antix-snapshot-cli) perhaps due to tighter squashing, zx vs gz?
FWIW, for testing I ran it without changing ANY of the defaults.

Ah, I did click the"edit excludes list" button (didn't edit/save though) and noticed a bug:
upon clicking the button, the GUI throws you back to the previous"screen" (for no apparent reason);
you must click 'Next' to return to the previously-displayed screen (wherein the 'edit' button is displayed).

It managed to complete, but as I reached to click the"OK" button dialog... the display flickered, and then I was staring a Yad dialog stating"Session is starting",
then the screen went dark and the system abruptly powered itself off. I'm reasonably sure the CPU overheated during the squashfs portion of the iso-snapshot operation;
the temps were still high (higher than I've ever seen) after I rebooted and entered bios setup to check.

Ouch! Although I suspected some thermal throttling was at play, from glancing at the conky"freq" display...
...the fans in this newer testing PC didn't noticeably ramp (get louder) while running iso-snapshot.
Until I find the time/patience to RTFM about cpufreq or whatever, I'm going back to testing on my trusty ol' winXP dual-boot PC.


jotted notes:
107000+ inodes
17,142 duplicate files found {--- say WHAT ?!?
a user account named"foo" with a 1001 UID exists, and is being copied to the new system ?!? (debian-native backdoor, vulnerability vector?)
The"spinner" progressbar during operation isn't displaying as originallly intended
The 'Help' button... its linked content is currently a cruel joke. Okay, a work-in-progress, a placeholder.

I'm pointedly wondering: is iso-snapshot (binary version, super-efficient C+ with looks-like-Win3.1 GUI)
is it a"solution"... or"a solution looking for a problem"?
(break/fix introducing new/different problems)
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thanks, dolphin. I didn't mean to dump that (troubleshooting list) in your lap, I was just thinking out loud.
"gdebi" is mentioned in one of those linked threads as another affected app, so I intend to at least check that.
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skidoo wrote:thanks, dolphin. I didn't mean to dump that (troubleshooting list) in your lap, I was just thinking out loud.
"gdebi" is mentioned in one of those linked threads as another affected app, so I intend to at least check that.
no worries. this gtk thing is driving me batty.
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OK, I started over with a liveCD. I've left the gksu auth method set to the default gksudo.

user theme is the default med-white. I used"gksudo lxappearance" to set the root level theme to bluebird. Synaptic launches properly with checkboxes and such from the control center. The desktop-session edit buttons in the control center also launch geany with appropriate themes.

Later I used"gksu lxappearance" to set the root level them to clearlooks. Again, synaptic appears properly with checkboxes and everything.

Then I used"gksu lxappearnce" to set the root level theme to kiwi. root Geany launches with the correct theming but synaptic's is incomplete, colors wrong, but in this case I did have checkboxes.

I think what I may have had going on earlier was that if you have a theme selected with incomplete support, then you get very confusing results. It looks almost like pieces of some default theme or some leftover theme info somewhere get used to fill in the gaps. It can lead to much confusion. In synaptic, colors are often wrong, and sometimes you get check boxes, and sometimes you don't.

I've only found five themes in our default set that work properly with synaptic. albatross, greybird, Raleigh, clearlooks and bluebird. the other themes appear to work fine with user-level apps and geany (both root and user). checkboxes and such appear to be OK. So maybe this issue is particular to synaptic.
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skidoo wrote: additional testing feedback regarding iso-snapshot

The process took a lot longer than I'm accustomed to seeing (in antix-snapshot-cli) perhaps due to tighter squashing, zx vs gz?
None of it is my code but this is very likely. The newer versions tend to use xz while the older versions tend to use gzip (since originally only gzip was available). The newest version of live-remaster (which is still under construction) gives you a choice. It also lets you cut the CPU usage in half on multi-core systems to reduce over-heating.
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controlCentre --} CLI --} Torrent -- rTorrent
when launched, an error/warning notice within the app is displayed."Could not read resource file: ~/.rtorrent.rc"
I'm not familiar with this program. That msg might be normal first-run behavior.

controlCentre --} CLI --} Torrent -- CD/DVD Burner - cdw
when launched, an error/warning notice within the app is displayed.
"Config file problems. Cannot open config file. WIll use default configuration"
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More of a notice / note for myself.
Selecting random wallpaper timed and restarting / changing sessions causes desktop-session to hang in startup.