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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Here is what I am going to try. I installed AntiX8.5 Upgrade Full Iso in Virtual Box 3.2 Oracle in my Asus dual core 64bit Ubuntu 10.04. I created a AntiX drive and installed AntiX 8.5. I am doing this because I want to remaster 8.5 with a Custom kernel supplied by oldhogshead.

I already installed the kerenl

Code: Select all

user@antiX1:~/ohhkernel$ sux
xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority
root@antiX1:/home/user/ohhkernel# dpkg -i linux-image- 
Selecting previously deselected package linux-image-
(Reading database ... 64255 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking linux-image- (from linux-image- ...
Setting up linux-image- ( ...

 Hmm. There is a symbolic link /lib/modules/
 However, I can not read it: No such file or directory
 Therefore, I am deleting /lib/modules/
 Hmm. The package shipped with a symbolic link /lib/modules/
 However, I can not read the target: No such file or directory
 Therefore, I am deleting /lib/modules/

Running depmod.
Examining /etc/kernel/postinst.d.
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms /boot/vmlinuz-
 * dkms: running auto installation service for kernel             
 *       ndiswrapper (1.56)...                                           [fail] 
dkms: WARNING: linux headers are missing, which may explain the above failures.
      please install the linux-headers- package to fix this.
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools /boot/vmlinuz-
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/pm-utils /boot/vmlinuz-
root@antiX1:/home/user/ohhkernel# update-grub
Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub
Searching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default
Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst
Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...
Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz
Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-
Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-1-mepis-smp
Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin
Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done
Installing AntiX in VB would not let me use demo as a user name on installation. So I opted for user. Everything else is default setup.

No password saved in browser or update or upgrades done either. No mail accounts set up either. Just a kernel install and user name change to"user". passwords are stock live cd.

What I am trying to figure out is. Should I worry about this? From

url was:""
linktext was:""

How do you use it?

There are some pre-requisites for the debian version that aren't there for the Ubuntu version.

You should install squashfs-modules for your kernel and either aufs-modules or unionfs-modules before you install remastersys. On initial testing from a net-inst lenny cd I had not installed these prior and something very bad happened to my install - it was unable to boot and the livecd created was also unusable. I feel it had something to do with building the initramfs. As another safeguard, its recommended to reboot your system after the modules are installed just to ensure it boots properly. If all that goes well, you are fully prepared to install and run remastersys for debian.
2nd. For the repository for debain squeeze (or should I install Lenny?)
# Remastersys Lenny
url was:""
linktext was:""
# Remastersys Squeeze
url was:""
linktext was:""
where should either one of those lines go in /et/apt/sources.list and do I need to change anything else in /etc/apt/sources.list.

I will make a backup of /etc/apt/sources.list so after I install remastersys. I will bring /etc/apt.sources.list back to stock configuration. The next part of my plan is to make a live Iso of said install in VM with the new Kernel (2.6.32-1 mepis smp will still be there. I am not removing it).

If succesful. I will use Unetbootin to make a live Pendrive of new Iso. Slap it into my 701SD. Watch the Fireworks. __{{emoticon}}__

Any tips are welcome. Of course. As Usual. I have never done anything like this before.

Happy Trails, Rok
Posts: 516
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Joined: 01 Oct 2007

Code: Select all

mm. There is a symbolic link /lib/modules/
However, I can not read it: No such file or directory
Therefore, I am deleting /lib/modules/
Hmm. The package shipped with a symbolic link /lib/modules/
However, I can not read the target: No such file or directory
Therefore, I am deleting /lib/modules/
After installing the kernel and rebooting to it, check in /lib/modules/(kernel_version) that you have the symlinks build and source linked to /usr/src/linux-headers-(kernel_version). If not, the following commands in a root terminal will fix it:

Code: Select all

cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
rm build
rm source
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) build
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) source

If not running the new kernel, replace the string $(uname-r) with the actual kernel version, such as

ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.33-custom build

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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Booted into the new kernel in VM OHH. I couldn't connect to the internet with it. Using landline. Posting now in VM with 2.6.32 mepis smp kernel which connects up fine.

Went into ceni on new kernel. No interface found. Exit was only option. So I can't post using the new kernel yet (to show screenshots or termianl readouts). Kinda the Catch-22 syndrome here.

I just copied down on paper the fix it commands and ran em.
cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
rm build
rm source
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) build
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) source
Figured it couldn't hurt. Rebooted. Ceni still couldn't find a interface.

Below shot is what is shown in Ceni with stock 2.6.32-1 mepis smp kernel.

Nothing found under Hardware Interface is what shows in Ceni with 2.6.35 rok1 kernel.

It's a wonderment. Edit. Just hit me. is there a space between")" and build/source or should build/source not have a space after"("
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) build
ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) source

since I can't copy and paste. My eyes are not like they used to be.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2007

looks like the syntax is ok, of course this is new territory for me too. Did you try to as root

I compiled the kernel with the rtl8187se to be in the kernel, maybe something is amiss there,
could you check the /boot/(config of new kernel) and use the search function for rtl8187se and see if it finds it, if not then the build went amiss, maybe I needed to compile it as a module?

but anyway you could try as root

modprobe rtl8187se


ifconfig (wlan0, eth1, etc, whatever you iface is, exclude the parenthesis ) up

Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
I ran as root. Used the space bar in build and source entries also after")".
I compiled the kernel with the rtl8187se to be in the kernel, maybe something is amiss there
What is confusing you is I am running VM ware in Desktop. Not The Netbook (I haven't wiped windows yet or installed any Linux yet to internal SSD 8gig drive Yet.) So rtl8187se don't apply to this hardwired IBM M57 Ubuntu Desktop running AntiX in VM.

I am guessing you just put the rtl8187se module in the kernel 2.6.35 rok1 and left everything else out. Hence why the stock 2.6.32-1 mepis smp works but custom kernel does not for land line. Just a guess. Thing is. If I just go ahead and abandon this VM ware remastersys (ever watch lost on TV?) project.

Install AntiX 8.5 normal like EXT2 File system to 8gig internal SSD ("/" 4gig."/home" 4gig. No swap.)
I won't do the ndiswrapper trick.
Install the 2.6.35 Kernel .deb and upgrade grub. Boot into it. Will land line connection work in it or not (being lazy and not trying it to see yet).

(ducks for cover, don't rat pack/kick my ass OHH/guys ) I am looking today at Easy Peasy 1.6 (ubuntu 10.04). Just looking so far. Run Easy Peasy 1.1 on Acer Aspire One ZG5s internal 120gig sata drive dualbooting with Windows XP.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2007

rok, all I can say is to try and see if it connects. I actually just used a stock kernel and only added a few tweaks, if it does not work, then let me know and I will compile another kernel, using Warren's config as the template and add the rtl8187se to that one, then I know it will at least work ootb for landline and hopefully for the wireless.

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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Ok. Will go for the old Fashioned Install method later. Thanks for all the help OHH. I am going to give up on the remasterysys idea and VM and just go with what I know. It's only time (my wife like yours looks at me cross eyed __{{emoticon}}__ )

I will also ndiswapper (edit: Just realized doing ndiswrapper may confict with your rtl8187 module so scratch that til I install everything and test) the mepis kernel so I get wireless. I guess AntiX 701SD users are gonna hafta be on their own without my help I guess. They can just go over my threads.

Happy Trails, Rok
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
After 3 reinstalls and editing /boot/grub/menu.lst and getting out of a frozen Desktop after inserting pendrive at reboot.
I FINALLY am posting wirelessly in AntiX 8.5 with

Code: Select all

harry@antiX1:~$ inxi -F
System:    Host antiX1 Kernel i686 (32 bit) Distro antiX-M8.5-686-update 27 July 2010
CPU:       Single core Intel Celeron M (-UP-) cache 512 KB flags (nx sse sse2) bmips 1796.48 clocked at 897.832 MHz 
Graphics:  Card Intel Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller X.Org 1.7.7 Res: 800x480@60.0hz 
           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI Intel 915GM GEM 20091221 2009Q4 x86/MMX/SSE2 GLX Version 1.4 Mesa 7.7.1 Direct Rendering Yes
Audio:     Card Intel 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller BusID: 00:1b.0
Network:   Card-1 Realtek RTL8187SE Wireless LAN Controller driver r8180 at port d800 BusID: 01:00.0
           Card-2 Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 Gigabit or Fast Ethernet at port ec00 BusID: 03:00.0
Disks:     HDD Total Size: 8.1GB (21.4% used) 1: /dev/sda ASUS 8.1GB 
Partition: ID:/ size: 7.4G used: 1.7G (23%) fs: auto 
Info:      Processes 89 Uptime 11 min Memory 97.9/1001.3MB Runlevel 5 Client Shell inxi 1.4.12 
Whew. I tried installing with seperate root and home partition. First I get grub error 21. I edited grub till I got to slim. Slim fails to log in. I drop down to ini3 to see what is up. I start slim as root. Log in. Log in to default Icewm from root (kinda useless)
So I drop back down into init3 and try slim as user. I get a xinit file error.
Try reinstall again. Same stuff.
So I delete all Partitions and give the whole drive over as Ext2 file system"root" no /home. No Swap.

Reinstall. Have to edit grub at the boot screen again to load. This time I have ohh kernel on pendrive inserted. Slim Logs me in. Yay. Greeted by a frozen mouse and frozen Icewm Desktop.

At least I am getting closer. Pull Pendrive and reboot, Edit grub. Log Into slim. Got a working Desktop. Insert Pendrive. Use AntiXCC>Disks>Mount a connected Drive. Type in /dev/sdb1 and hit mount tab. Pendrive is now in /media/flash folder.

Hit run on menu and open pccmanfm as root. Go and grab ohhkernel and move to /home/ohhkernel folder. While in ohhkernel folder select tools/open terminal here.
dpkg -i l (tab for the rest)

Got those

Code: Select all

mm. There is a symbolic link /lib/modules/
However, I can not read it: No such file or directory
Therefore, I am deleting /lib/modules/
Hmm. The package shipped with a symbolic link /lib/modules/
However, I can not read the target: No such file or directory
Therefore, I am deleting /lib/modules/
while installing kernel again.

so I did

Code: Select all

harry@antiX1:~$ sux
root@antiX1:/home/harry# cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
root@antiX1:/lib/modules/ rm build
root@antiX1:/lib/modules/ rm source
rm: cannot remove `source': No such file or directory
root@antiX1:/lib/modules/ ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) build
root@antiX1:/lib/modules/ ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) source
in terminal as root still

Code: Select all

let iit do it's thing.

Close pcmanfm as root. Open it back up again with run from menu as root.
Go to /boot/grub/menu.lst
Now kernel= shows uid address instead of sdb1 so I leave that alone (I left the top sdb1 mepis kernel alone to show what I mean. I had to change it to sda1 to boot)

On root=
everything was showing as (hd0,1) which would not boot. I had to change every entry to {hd0,0)

Fun and games. Wife is looking at me like"why are you always on the computer" __{{emoticon}}__

Code: Select all

timeout 10
color cyan/blue white/blue
foreground ffffff
background 0639a1

gfxmenu /boot/grub/message

title antiX at sda1, kernel 2.6.32-1-mepis-smp
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-1-mepis-smp root=/dev/sdb1 nomce quiet nosplash vga=791 
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-1-mepis-smp

## lines between the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST markers will be modified
## by the debian update-grub script except for the default options below

## DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, Just edit them to your needs

## ## Start Default Options ##
## default kernel options
## default kernel options for automagic boot options
## If you want special options for specific kernels use kopt_x_y_z
## where x.y.z is kernel version. Minor versions can be omitted.
## e.g. kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro
##      kopt_2_6_8=root=/dev/hdc1 ro
##      kopt_2_6_8_2_686=root=/dev/hdc2 ro
# kopt=root=UUID=43f8bca6-5193-4fb2-a78b-78c33c2e24ce ro
# kopt_2_6=root=UUID=43f8bca6-5193-4fb2-a78b-78c33c2e24ce ro nosplash quiet

## default grub root device
## e.g. groot=(hd0,0)
# groot=(hd1,0)

## should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options
## e.g. alternative=true
##      alternative=false
# alternative=true

## should update-grub lock alternative automagic boot options
## e.g. lockalternative=true
##      lockalternative=false
# lockalternative=false

## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the
## alternatives
## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda5
# defoptions=

## should update-grub lock old automagic boot options
## e.g. lockold=false
##      lockold=true
# lockold=false

## Xen hypervisor options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenhopt=

## Xen Linux kernel options to use with the default Xen boot option
# xenkopt=console=tty0

## altoption boot targets option
## multiple altoptions lines are allowed
## e.g. altoptions=(extra menu suffix) extra boot options
##      altoptions=(single-user) single
# altoptions=(init-3) 3

## controls how many kernels should be put into the menu.lst
## only counts the first occurence of a kernel, not the
## alternative kernel options
## e.g. howmany=all
##      howmany=7
# howmany=all

## should update-grub create memtest86 boot option
## e.g. memtest86=true
##      memtest86=false
# memtest86=true

## should update-grub adjust the value of the default booted system
## can be true or false
# updatedefaultentry=false

## should update-grub add savedefault to the default options
## can be true or false
# savedefault=false

## ## End Default Options ##

title        Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.32-1-mepis-smp Default
root        (hd0,0)
kernel        /boot/vmlinuz root=UUID=43f8bca6-5193-4fb2-a78b-78c33c2e24ce ro nosplash quiet 
initrd        /boot/initrd.img

title        Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.32-1-mepis-smp Default (init-3)
root        (hd0,0)
kernel        /boot/vmlinuz root=UUID=43f8bca6-5193-4fb2-a78b-78c33c2e24ce ro nosplash quiet 3
initrd        /boot/initrd.img

title        Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
root        (hd0,0)
kernel        /boot/vmlinuz- root=UUID=43f8bca6-5193-4fb2-a78b-78c33c2e24ce ro nosplash quiet 
initrd        /boot/initrd.img-

title        Debian GNU/Linux, kernel (init-3)
root        (hd0,0)
kernel        /boot/vmlinuz- root=UUID=43f8bca6-5193-4fb2-a78b-78c33c2e24ce ro nosplash quiet 3
initrd        /boot/initrd.img-

title        Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.32-1-mepis-smp
root        (hd0,0)
kernel        /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-1-mepis-smp root=UUID=43f8bca6-5193-4fb2-a78b-78c33c2e24ce ro nosplash quiet 
initrd        /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-1-mepis-smp

title        Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.32-1-mepis-smp (init-3)
root        (hd0,0)
kernel        /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-1-mepis-smp root=UUID=43f8bca6-5193-4fb2-a78b-78c33c2e24ce ro nosplash quiet 3
initrd        /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-1-mepis-smp

title        Debian GNU/Linux, kernel memtest86+
root        (hd0,0)
kernel        /boot/memtest86+.bin

The top entry kernel line is wrong. I haven't edited it yet permanent yet. Instead of sdb1. It should say sda1. Will do it later. Whats funny is that mepis installer calls the live AntiX pendrive sda1 and gparted calls the internal SSD drive sdb1. So you install grub to sdb and it installs ok. It just puts in the wrong entries. for booting. Hence the grub error 21.

Your kernel OHH loads wireless just fine in Wicd. No problems other than the before HMMMM errors. Tired now. Will investigate later. Have not tried landline yet. But I got this half licked. Tomorrow I will check back here before I do a apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade. Don't want to screw the pooch yet till I check back here.

Working AntiX 8.5 install on Asus 701SD with kernel supplied by my bro OHH with wireless working out oof the box after new kernel install and some grub/partition editing and a few reinstalls. Still have to figure out why alsa and sound is missing. Plus whatever else I don't know is working yet.

Happy Traills, Rok
Posts: 516
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Joined: 01 Oct 2007
Well at least we know the wireless does work, so If needed I'll use Warren''s config and roll a kernel and enable the wireless and everything should work then, Mepis Magic + a tweak should solve any problems

Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
OHH and I have been talking in PM. Just a update.

I downloaded

url was:""
linktext was:" ... l=en&pli=1"

Edited /boot/grub/menu.lst again after update-grub in terminal again.
Booted Kernel."Everything" works but mic in alsamixer. All other sound works though.
Something to sort out later I guess.

Uninstalled 2.6.32-1 mepis smp
Uninstalled 2.6.35 rok1
Edited /boot/grub/menu.lst again to just show stevo kernel as normal boot and init3 boot and memtest.

New stevo kernel boots fast (about 20 seconds) shutsdown in 17 seconds. Cameram Touch/tap, Camera, Sound (except for mic), Screen resolution. All work. So we decided (OHH and I) that things are sorted.

Happy Trails, Rok
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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Have you tried the liquorix kernel?
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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
I tried smxi Anti when I had OHH hand rolled Kernel 2..6.35 rok1. Smxi reported no kernel update available. I guess when it saw I already had a 2.6.35 kernel. That it decided to leave well
enough alone. Just a guess though.

That was why I went the other route with stevos kernel. Just got done doing a

Code: Select all

# apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
Leaving stock repos in place. Told Halevt default No. Nothing else was asked to be changed by
maintainers script. Was pretty painless. Installed jreu6-21 also before update and upgrade.

Do you want me to test and see what happens running smxi and see if the Liqourix 2.6.35 kernel
will Boot on this Netbook. You know me. I am always game. My history with Liquorix Kernels leave much to be desired though. __{{emoticon}}__

url was:"antix.freeforu"
linktext was:"antix.freeforu ... t2585.html"
Posts: 5,955
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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
For liquorix kernel, you don't actually need to use the smxi script.

The latest I'm using is 2.6.35-3
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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
So go with the synaptic install then?

Code: Select all

~$ inxi -F
System:    Host antiX1 Kernel 2.6.35-3.dmz.1-liquorix-686 i686 (32 bit) Distro antiX-M8.5-686-update 27 July 2010
CPU:       Single core Intel Celeron M (-UP-) cache 512 KB flags (nx sse sse2) bmips 1795.83 clocked at 897.915 MHz 
Graphics:  Card Intel Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller X.Org 1.7.7 Res: 800x480@60.0hz 
           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI Intel 915GM GEM 20091221 2009Q4 x86/MMX/SSE2 GLX Version 1.4 Mesa 7.7.1 Direct Rendering Yes
Audio:     Card Intel 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller driver HDA Intel BusID: 00:1b.0
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Version 1.0.23
Network:   Card-1 Realtek RTL8187SE Wireless LAN Controller driver r8180 at port d800 BusID: 01:00.0
           Card-2 Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 Gigabit or Fast Ethernet driver ATL1E at port ec00 BusID: 03:00.0
Disks:     HDD Total Size: 12.0GB (20.5% used) 1: /dev/sdb ASUS 8.1GB 
           2: USB /dev/sda Flash_Reader 4.0GB 
Partition: ID:/ size: 7.4G used: 2.3G (33%) fs: auto 
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 60.0C mobo: N/A 
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: 1610 
Info:      Processes 95 Uptime 12 min Memory 150.3/1001.3MB Runlevel 5 Client Shell inxi 1.4.14 
Git er done, Rok
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Liquorix Kernel Killed tap on mouse pad. I fixed it by making a text file in


Named it


whiich left me


typed in it

Code: Select all

options psmouse proto=imps
Now tap works in Liqourix Kernel on EEEPC 701SD.