topic title: xterm font
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Posts: 142
- Joined: 10 Aug 2013
get bigger as the xterm font?
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- Joined: 20 Feb 2009
I guess
is no help?
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man xterm
Posts: 72
- Joined: 16 Aug 2013
I tried man xterm and got nothing , but here's what I use.
Check and see if you have a file named .Xdefaults
If not here's mine.
## urxvt config
URxvt*termName: rxvt
URxvt*transparent: true
URxvt*background: #101010
URxvt*foreground: #f2f2f2
URxvt*reverseVideo: false #True
URxvt*scrollBar_right: false
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*borderLess: false
URxvt*internalborder: 1 #6
URxvt*cursorUnderline: True
URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
URxvt*geometry: 80x36+3+4 #80x64+3+3
URxvt*tint:Blue #white
#URxvt*font: xft:terminus-font:size=12x24
#URxvt*font: xft:terminus-bold-24
urxvt*font: xft:Terminus:Regular:pixelsize=18
urxvt*boldFont: xft:Terminus:Bold:pixelsize=18
URxvt*perl-ext-common: default,clipboard,matcher
URxvt.keysym.C-C: perl
URxvt.keysym.C-V: perl
URxvt.keysym.C-A-V: perl
URxvt.iso14755: False
URxvt.iso14755_52: false
! black
URxvt.color0 : #808080
URxvt.color8 : #555555
! red
URxvt.color1 : #F54E00
URxvt.color9 : #FF0000
! green
URxvt.color2 : #45ED6F
URxvt.color10 : #00FF11
! yellow
URxvt.color3 : #C4DE50
URxvt.color11 : #DDFF00
! blue
URxvt.color4 : #3480f0
URxvt.color12 : #5090ff
! magenta
URxvt.color5 : #EE69FA
URxvt.color13 : #FF00DD
! cyan
URxvt.color6 : #6CF7EB
URxvt.color14 : #07B099
! white
URxvt.color7 : #AAAAAA
URxvt.color15 : #FFFFFF
## make links clickable
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt.urlLauncher: /usr/bin/iceweasel
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
## xterm config
xterm*termName: xterm
xterm*loginShell: true
xterm*background: #000000
xterm*foreground: #d3d3d3
xterm*geometry: 80x60+1+1
xterm*saveLines: 2000
xterm*ScrollBar: false
This is my custom config for rxvt and xterm.
Just make the file named .Xdefaults in your /home directory and paste this text into it and save.
I have used this for a few years for a custom look for my rxvt-unicode terminal.
This also supposes that you have xfonts-terminus installed , or use your favorite font.
Is this what you meant , to get larger fonts in the terminal?
It also makes the backround transparent which is kinda cool.
You only need the font calls if this is all you require.
This also makes web links active if you need them.
If you use roxterm , just customize it from the roxterm menu itself.
Check and see if you have a file named .Xdefaults
If not here's mine.
## urxvt config
URxvt*termName: rxvt
URxvt*transparent: true
URxvt*background: #101010
URxvt*foreground: #f2f2f2
URxvt*reverseVideo: false #True
URxvt*scrollBar_right: false
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*borderLess: false
URxvt*internalborder: 1 #6
URxvt*cursorUnderline: True
URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
URxvt*geometry: 80x36+3+4 #80x64+3+3
URxvt*tint:Blue #white
#URxvt*font: xft:terminus-font:size=12x24
#URxvt*font: xft:terminus-bold-24
urxvt*font: xft:Terminus:Regular:pixelsize=18
urxvt*boldFont: xft:Terminus:Bold:pixelsize=18
URxvt*perl-ext-common: default,clipboard,matcher
URxvt.keysym.C-C: perl
URxvt.keysym.C-V: perl
URxvt.keysym.C-A-V: perl
URxvt.iso14755: False
URxvt.iso14755_52: false
! black
URxvt.color0 : #808080
URxvt.color8 : #555555
! red
URxvt.color1 : #F54E00
URxvt.color9 : #FF0000
! green
URxvt.color2 : #45ED6F
URxvt.color10 : #00FF11
! yellow
URxvt.color3 : #C4DE50
URxvt.color11 : #DDFF00
! blue
URxvt.color4 : #3480f0
URxvt.color12 : #5090ff
! magenta
URxvt.color5 : #EE69FA
URxvt.color13 : #FF00DD
! cyan
URxvt.color6 : #6CF7EB
URxvt.color14 : #07B099
! white
URxvt.color7 : #AAAAAA
URxvt.color15 : #FFFFFF
## make links clickable
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt.urlLauncher: /usr/bin/iceweasel
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
## xterm config
xterm*termName: xterm
xterm*loginShell: true
xterm*background: #000000
xterm*foreground: #d3d3d3
xterm*geometry: 80x60+1+1
xterm*saveLines: 2000
xterm*ScrollBar: false
This is my custom config for rxvt and xterm.
Just make the file named .Xdefaults in your /home directory and paste this text into it and save.
I have used this for a few years for a custom look for my rxvt-unicode terminal.
This also supposes that you have xfonts-terminus installed , or use your favorite font.
Is this what you meant , to get larger fonts in the terminal?
It also makes the backround transparent which is kinda cool.
You only need the font calls if this is all you require.
This also makes web links active if you need them.
If you use roxterm , just customize it from the roxterm menu itself.
Posts: 142
- Joined: 10 Aug 2013