Posts: 1
Joined: 06 Sep 2017
I wonder if not faults found with a lynis audit would be the creators of antix to have it solved , included in latest iso downloadable over https , instead each secretary or individual to do such work? Kind regards Jan kajander probably setting up a non gui box as well with mystic bbs and just textbased fixed ip adress on a debian server as well. Instead of the rest.Since it is measurable and reports could be done from this. I was thinking isp and telco has this sort of things ready towards their customers, but that after 3 months of awaiting did not was there so easy, to my surprise after 19 years with internet When adding the lynis result here in the forum and cloudflare blocked the posting so i had to remove the result of lynis audit, so a file is included-
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and found spamspamspam nonsense

this topic should be deleted?