Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Only in the South

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Some of you may disapprove. Butt I have seen the look on a group of guys faces (Bandidos) thinking they were going to rat pack me ,(gang up on me),
ignoring my wife. She shut them down in 1 second while we left them in the dust. I was in a walker, (broken hip and other busted bones from a car wreck),
when I inadvertently brought down one of my walker legs down on a Bandidos boot , (friggin dude should have had steel toed boot). Hence the altercation started when I said FU to the dude when he started bitching. I have this personal problem of not backing down from anyone or anything.

I love girls with guns. __{{emoticon}}__

So if picking a scrap with someone. You better keep a eye on his ol lady. The 6 foot 7'" tattooed guy might not be the one to worry about. __{{emoticon}}__
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Girls from south of Birmingham, Al are pretty handy to have around too.

Dontchaknow G.R.I.T.S rule and the South shall rise again?

Those frigging Yankees in Washington threatened to take her house if she didn't pay tax to them while living here so she had to go home. And to think they once had a tea-pary in Boston about paying taxes.
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Put red hair and freckles on the girl in the video and have her come from GulfPort Mississippi and you see my old lady.