SamK wrote:
rokytnji wrote:I'm just lost is all I can say.
I have not figured out how to mod yet in this new environment. I have spent a couple of hours exploring this new interface, As usual. Un-informed change trips my pissed off trigger but hell
If you find a way to switch to a non-mobile phone view, please post how to do it.
I searched at and for mention of"tapatalk". Nothing.
Also tried a general websearch"tapatalk custom style"... again, nothing.
Firefox makes it easy (albeit time-consuming) to
DIY to customize css on a per-domain basis...
... and if you create a stanza specific to, it'll be applied to any tapatalk -hosted"group", not just antiX.
to get started:
Tools -} WebDeveloper -} Inspector from the firefox Menu Bar, or (quicker)
right-click -} Inspect Element from the context menu.
You can make adjustments to any DOM element in the right pane; changes are immediately applied.
save your customizations to
(create the"chrome" subdirectory within your profile directory, if it doesn't already exist)
and the custom style will automatically be applied to tapatalk pages after you restart the browser.
I hacked around for about an hour, managed to override the annoying"position:fixed" elements and negate the circular avatar background clipping. So far, I have a passable (to me) topics page styling and (coincidentally) userControlPanel + PM pages styling. I've successfully pared the too-tall index page header (masthead?) but haven't achieved a satisfactorily compact layout within each row (for subforums displayed on index page, topics displayed in subforum pages). These screenshots aren't quite"lifelike"; I used Ctrl+minus to zoomOut the page prior to screengrab, and the forum is applying some wonky auto-resizing to the embedded images. Ignore the"tofu" present in the WIP (due to missing unicode glyphs, returnToTop button, Prev/Next buttons) ~~ the style wants to insert FontAwesome glyphs, but I disallow downloading of remote fonts.
If I find the patience to fix0r the index page layout, I'll post the custom style. If not, I'll just followup by posting, or attaching, the WIP styling info, as-is, to serve as a starter/template.