Posts: 19
Joined: 21 Jan 2012
Hi guys,

I was really impressed with the slick initial install of Antix, and the backdrop, and managed to find the icenoir theme (nom). I guess I always wanted a macbook, and so I'd love to do away with the menu bar totally. But It'd be a pain to have to root around in the menus when I want to shutdown or change the volume. Does anyone know what the terminal command is that pulls up the logout box (ie not just shutdown, I found a script for that, but to bring up the box with all the options). Also is there a GUI volume interface that can be called using a terminal command also?

Thanks muchly.

Edit: Also any with the script for the button that changes/pics a desktop (ie one of the four). I've gotten to like being able to hop between desktops for different tasks. It's really useful.
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Not using icewm, but your keys file should have something like this for volume control. (If not, add it.) KP=Keypad.

Code: Select all

key"Alt+Ctrl+KP_Divide" aumix -v -5 # lower volume
key"Alt+Ctrl+KP_Multiply" aumix -v +5 # raise volume
For logout dialog box, you could add this:


A gui for volume control is alsamixer.

key"Alt+Ctrl+v" roxterm -e alsamixer

In icewm prefernces file, change ShowTaskBar=1 to ShowTaskBar=0
Posts: 19
Joined: 21 Jan 2012
Thanks anti. A fresh look this morning helped. My aumix install was buggy for some reason, but I stumbled across the
url was:""
linktext was:"Commandlinefu"
website. Specifically this command:
amixer -c 0 set Master 1+ unmute

So now I have keyboard shortcuts set, like you suggested, I went with the original Ctrl+Alt+m for mute, Ctrl+Alt+j for volume down (amixer -c 0 set Master 5-) and Ctrl+Alt+k for volume up (amixer -c 0 set Master 5+) - thanks for the suggestion though, it set me on the right track - keyboard shortcuts.

Same goes for your directions for the I did a locate for it (damn I love that command) and now have the button run the following: /usr/share/antiX/localisation/en/local-bin/

I also discovered that Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right Arrow key switches between desktops, so I have all I need to do away with the taskbar, and for the rest there's always the Windows Key (Super Key?) and menu. Thanks for your help __{{emoticon}}__ . I'm really loving this distro.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2008
Tanga wrote: I also discovered that Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right Arrow key switches between desktops...
You can use Super(Windows)+Left/Right Arrow too (IIRC, in .icewm/preferences you can set it to use the Super key as Ctrl+Alt - which is the default - or not).
Posts: 19
Joined: 21 Jan 2012
Thanks secipolla, my windows key wasn't easily accessible (poky little button on the top right), but I've remapped it to caps-lock now, so that's a neat trick - cheers.