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In a
url was:""
linktext was:"breath-taking ruling"
a US judge said it was fine for the New York Police Department to spy on Muslims based solely on their religious preference with no probable cause:
... Plaintiffs in this case have not alleged facts from which it can be plausibly inferred that they were targeted solely because of their religion. The more likely explanation for the surveillance was a desire to locate budding terrorist conspiracies. The most obvious reason for so concluding is that surveillance of the Muslim community began just after the attacks of September 11, 2001. The police could not have monitored New Jersey for Muslim terrorist activities without monitoring the Muslim community itself.
IOW it is fine to violate the Constitution of the United States of America, as long as you are looking for terrorists.

IOOW: Because 9/11.
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People better read up more. Islam is not a religion. It is a copy of Judah-Christian beliefs to mask a totalitarian mindset of total male dominance and hatred. It is a rule by violence. Even the Koran says that"Allah" is the great deceiver. Even the Koran says that Peace will only come with the death of all non-believers. It is a Political mindset of racism,violence, and hatred. Pedophilia is considered normal.
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jdmeaux1952 - all you just posted was - in a word - bollox!
and racist bollox at that.

All religions have their 'terrorist fanatics' to justify domination over others whether the others be women, gays, other religions etc. Also, there is no such thing as a unified Islam in exactly the same way as there is no unifying thought of Christianity. Pedophilia is not considered normal in Islam in the same way as it is not considered normal in Christianity. I'm sure that the overwhelming majority of practicing Muslims are disgusted with pedophilia, as you and I are.

I'm an atheist. I detest all religions, but I bellieve everyone has the right to follow whatever religious beliefs they hold without the state intervening.
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I hope you made a bad joke.
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US Judge says it is okay to spy on folks based on religion
Just substitute anything for religion and you pretty much have covered Southern and parts of Western USA and The Midwest.
Judges are different from state to state.

url was:""
linktext was:"Hell, even states are trying to outlaw being gay."

Feds are saying no. States are saying Yeah.

Believe me when I say TX is watching this closely.

I know it is kinda off topic but there are lots of control laws being enacted to tighten up on how people can be persecuted legally.
Personal opinion and laws are like oil and water. They should not mix.
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rokytnji wrote:
US Judge says it is okay to spy on folks based on religion
Personal opinion and laws are like oil and water. They should not mix.
Like buck shot and the human body. They don't mix nicely.
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Next thing will be"[some dimwit] says it is okay to spy on folks".
Religion, sex, political stance, everything; it doesn't matter what it's based on: it is okay to do it....

Hell no, it's not okay at all
Not even for [forum dimwits] that have no clue about what constitutes Islam (or probably any other religion).

I'm not religious; I'm an atheist. But I respect religious motives/beliefs in people, but I detest organized religions, since they manipulate people.
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rust collector
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Same here, I am not an atheist, I am just not religious.
And my wiew is that religion is not the issue, it is"the church"

I put it in the same box as sport.
I don't have a problem with people playing football/soccer,
but professional players, in a"industry-fc" is something I don't like.
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rust collector wrote:Same here, I am not an atheist, I am just not religious.
And my wiew is that religion is not the issue, it is"the church"

I put it in the same box as sport.
I don't have a problem with people playing football/soccer,
but professional players, in a"industry-fc" is something I don't like.
__{{emoticon}}__ __{{emoticon}}__ __{{emoticon}}__
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I believe everyone has the right to follow whatever religious beliefs they hold without the state intervening.
The problem is that if the religious that you are being so tolerant towards were to get their way,"unbelievers" wouldn't be tolerated. They would show no tolerance at all, as history has long shown. You only need to actually read a Bible to discover some of the recorded atrocities, and here are a few to begin with:

url was:""
linktext was:""

"The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked." (Psalms 58:10)
Why should any sane person trust any"follower of The Book" and back to the subject of the thread, why wouldn't the state keep a very watchful eye on such people?

As an anarchist I don't trust the state very much but I trust the people who follow this disgusting book even less.

And while we're being tolerant, let's have a look at the true nature of their deity:

url was:""
linktext was:""

I repeat, although I know I'm not going to get an answer, why shouldn't the state be watching such people? For once the state is protecting"The People".
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I believe everyone has the right to follow whatever religious beliefs they hold without the state intervening.
Ignorance even lies in the Linux community . I'm sorry, (not really __{{emoticon}}__ ), but if one of my gay friends was standing next to me when the below is said. I am not even going to bother to post the link. Like ignorance and hate are not online.
Hi nooby...

Frankly, homosexuality is a sin and is something that is offensive to God. Pkease see here.

I'd hurt their feelings also. I don't argue with fence posts. I jerk them out.

Religion in my view is part of the problem in the world. Above quote is spoken by probably someone who can vote. Dangerous.

Spoken by a former altar boy. Spying is wrong. Calling some one a sinner is wrong. Judging folks is wrong. Lots of things wrong in this world
and I don't ever see it changing for the better. Now to crawl back into my shop. __{{emoticon}}__
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I know I'm not going to change the World. The only things I can change is my attitude and my underwear.
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I don't believe in any organized religion, but I'm not an atheist ether.
Probably because of my grandmothers teaching at an early age in my life.
She was, a native American. Her believe was everyone has a following spirit that guides us.
It could be good, or evil.
The after life is your spirit guiding the next generations, here on earth.

But regardless what organized religion you belong to, you have both good, and evil.
The governments have no business, spying on folks based merely on religion.
Posts 0
The governments have no business, spying on folks based merely on religion.
But over the past ten years, or so, you Americans have shown the whole world that you are perfectly willing to trade your freedoms for security.

Someone, was it Patrick Henry, once made a famous speech about those who would trade freedom for security.
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Alanarchy wrote: But over the past ten years, or so, you Americans have shown the whole world that you are perfectly willing to trade your freedoms for security.

Someone, was it Patrick Henry, once made a famous speech about those who would trade freedom for security.
Not this American, and there are more than me that thinks this way, than the current politicians think.
It's time they get voted out.