Posts: 107
Joined: 10 Sep 2011
Hi everyone,
I had a few questions regarding audio performance. For example, how can I get persistence across reboots so that CPU is set to performance rather than on-demand. (and would there be any advantages to staying with on-demand?)

Also, a snippet from the page regarding threading:
Using the threadirqs kernel option

This is only needed for so-called generic kernels, ie. standard kernels that are not tweaked for lowlatency performance. You can check if your kernel already includes this option with the following command:

$ grep -e"CONFIG_IRQ_FORCED_THREADING=y" -e"CONFIG_PREEMPT=y" /boot/config-`uname -r`

If it returns CONFIG_IRQ_FORCED_THREADING=y and CONFIG_PREEMPT=y then your kernel is using IRQ threading and you don't have to proceed with the following steps. If it only returns CONFIG_IRQ_FORCED_THREADING=y you can add the threadirqs boot option as described below. If the command returns nothing you have a kernel that cannot use threaded IRQs.

Open / etc/default/grub with your favorite editor as root. Look for the line that starts with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and add threadirqs to the list of options:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash threadirqs"

Save the file and update the grub configuration:

sudo update-grub

Now reboot and you should have threaded IRQs.
Any thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance, and kudos to all you developers of AntiX! __{{emoticon}}__

Posts: 1,445
Joined: 09 Feb 2012
antix16 64bit I tested livesession performance of the stock kernel under each of the available schedulers.
Results indicated a negligible difference. I concluded that, on my hardware, scheduler is not a limiting factor.
how can I get persistence across reboots so that CPU is set to performance rather than on-demand.
On the liveboot screen, append elevator=yourchoice to the custom bootline, and choose F8=save

"the threadirqs kernel option"
I'm clueless -- I've never tinkered with 'threadirqs' option
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
I used this way back when on my eeepcs

url was:""
linktext was:""

My oldy thread here. I sold those netbooks so I do not have them anymore.


Edit: Oh. I downloaded this but I am no musician. I just thought it would be kool to have on external drive for later in case someone I knew locally needed something.
$ ls
4MLinux-20.0.iso md5_4m md5sum.txt q4os-live-1.6.2-i686pae.iso studio_4.iso
I picked it up here

url was:""
linktext was:""
Posts: 1,445
Joined: 09 Feb 2012
In the other topic where you mentioned 'audacity', I didn't realize you were inquiring about hardcore performance (latencies, etc.)
If that's what you're asking, unfortunately that's over my head. I'm just a casual"audacity is useful for editing torrented songs" user.
Posts: 107
Joined: 10 Sep 2011
@skidoo: no problem! __{{emoticon}}__

I'm copying here what Gale at Audacity forums recommended regarding Audacity and the Wx widgets. Any suggestions on what my best road to take might be?
So there will be many bugs and possible crashes:
url was:""
linktext was:" ... ts_Version"


If the problems with 2.0.6 worry you then you could build 2.0.6 or 2.1.2 yourself from source code. Personally I would build and install wxWidgets 2.8.12 (if you want Audacity 2.0.6) or wxWidgets 3.0.2 (if you want Audacity 2.1.2) then build Audacity against that local build of wxWidgets, rather than try to build 2.1.2 against system wxWidgets 3.0.2 which is your other alternative.
Is anyone here using Audacity and experiencing problems? (If not, then I suppose my PC might be ok as is...)
