You may have noticed a little aberration, or oddity in the style, however. If you have yet to notice it, switch to the antix style and open a terminal. The very thin line at the bottom of the terminal is blue. If you are working with an all black or gray wallpaper this can be annoying.
The little corner on either side of the window, used to resize the window, is called the"grip". The long strip between the two is called the"handle". Go to:
url was:""
linktext was:" ... ts_classic"
for a thorough explanation of fluxbox styles.
To change the handle and grip to match the rest of the antix theme, navigate to /usr/share/fluxbox/styles/antix and open the theme.cfg
Look for the following lines, roughly half way down, and change them to reflect the following:
You can even eliminate the lines preceded by # if you want...instead of commenting them out with the #. All we have done is tell the style to use one of the pixmaps to determine the size and shape of the grip and handle. As opposed to manually telling the style the color and shape of them, which the commented out lines do.#window.grip.focus: Raised Bevel1 Gradient Vertical
#window.grip.focus.color: #076ba4
#window.grip.focus.colorTo: #000000
window.grip.focus.pixmap: bar1.xpm
#window.grip.unfocus: Raised Bevel1 Gradient Vertical
#window.grip.unfocus.color: #076ba4
#window.grip.unfocus.colorTo: #000000
window.grip.unfocus.pixmap: bar1.xpm
#window.handle.focus: Raised Bevel1 Gradient Vertical
#window.handle.focus.color: #076ba4
#window.handle.focus.colorTo: #000000
window.handle.focus.pixmap: bar2.xpm
#window.handle.unfocus: Raised Bevel1 Gradient Vertical
#window.handle.unfocus.color: #076ba4
#window.handle.unfocus.colorTo: #000000
window.handle.unfocus.pixmap: bar2.xpm
Now you will have grips and a handle that are consistent with the rest of the style.
While you are in the theme.cfg you might consider one other change that might speed you up in the future if you want to change the style of font used in the antix style.
At the very top of the theme.cfg add the following line:
This effectively tells the style to use the same font for all aspects of the style. The menu font will be the same as window label font, etc.*.font: Kristen ITC-9
You can then find the various places in the theme.cfg where the font is individually called for and comment them out. As in:
You should find about seven instances where Kristen is called for. Don't eliminate these lines because you may find a reason in the future when you want the menu font to be a different size than the window label font.#menu.frame.font: Kristen ITC-9
Why go to this trouble? Maybe you have found a wonderful wallpaper and you want to tweak the font in the antix style to match it. Now you just have to open theme.cfg and change the first line to your new font. As in the following example:
! Style name: antiX
! Style Author: anticapitalista
! Style Date: 01/04/07
! Style Comments: hacked from abbot which was a combination of
! Graphite-Integration (ikaro) and metallistic (ikaro)
*.font: prime minister of canada-10
menu.bevelWidth: 2
Hope this gave you a few ideas and something to think about!