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Thunar shows two instances of the same drive.
(see screen grab)
One is mounted on boot via the fstab entry:
UUID=<uuid hash> /home/myname/backup ext4 defaults,users 0 2
The other would seem to be a ghost of when i attempted to get Disk Manager to mount the same disk (partition). When i click the ghost i get the following error message:

Failed to mount"backup".
mount: /dev/sda4 already mounted or /home/myname/backup busy
mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda4 is already mounted on /home/myname/backup

How do i get did of the ghost entry please?

i have already tried the GhostBusters

Last edited by Guest on 13 Nov 2014, 18:24, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2,238
Joined: 16 Dec 2007
in the"white space" under the devices/places area, right click on nothing and you'll get a secret menu for hiding/showing things. in the rightclick>devices menu just uncheck the duplicate entries.

what happens is that you get duplicate entries in the thunar devices for any entry in fstab because thunar/xfce tries to make the devices list itself. the ones in fstab are mounted first though. same thing happens with my datapartition on my laptop. the device hiding is persistent so you only have to do it once.
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Many, many thanks Dolphin, that's an amazing tip.
I figured it would be something like you kindly explained ... just beat me how to fix it!

Now, one more thing. My daughter has just returned from holiday and she informed me that she had been swimming with dolphins. Do we need to speak privately? __{{emoticon}}__

Thanks again, you're a star.
Posts: 2,238
Joined: 16 Dec 2007
lol! no swimming for me!