The Ultimate Distro

Posts: 21
Joined: 13 Jan 2013
Here is my idea for the ultimate distro.

1) It's fast and comes with lightweight WM's or DE's/Shells. Kind of like antiX.

2) Has a software center like Ubuntu, without Ubuntu spying on you. Perhaps this software center could have a log file so you can debug it.

3) Has one central location were an admin can manage anything, like YaST.

4) Make it so admins can remotely access computers, like WebYaST.

5) Works once installed, without having to be a guru to set it up?

6) LiveDVD and LiveUSB with many flavors.

7) Manages dependencies, unlike Slackware.

__{{emoticon}}__ Have a kernel free of non-free blobs. Well it would be nice, but I'd settle for a non-free kernel if needed.

9) Supports: i685 (32bit) and x86_64. Secondary Arches would be nice but optional.

10) Supports non-free stuff via a non-free repositories.

11) Supports Skype?

12) UEFI support, with Secure Boot disabled. grub2-efi is the file need for this, I believe.

OpenSUSE seems to fit this description the most; aside from missing Skype support, doesn't work 100% once installed, has non-free blobs in the kernel, and no Ubuntu Software Center counterpart.

Sometimes you got to do things yourself, if you want it done right. Though, I think what I listed is more than a one person job.
Posts: 325
Joined: 04 Nov 2011

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