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Joined: 12 Aug 2009
We rebuild computers to go back out to the community rather than have them go into the waste steam and really like the default IceWM on Antix 8.2 for old or low capacity computers except that you can't drag an icon onto the desktop. Switching to a Rox pinboard is not the preferred solution. Would it be possible to have drag and drop incorporated into the default IceWM? If we could drag and drop into the panel too and move icons on the panel, that would be even better.

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You can do that with rox-pinboard and set rox-pinboard (and panel) to start as default by commenting out in icewm/startup file.

You can also use pcmanfm to set a background. Preferences->Desktop->Manage the Desktop...

For apps, best to drag from /usr/share/applications
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Joined: 29 Sep 2007
Other than using rox pinboard, there is no drag and drop for desktop icons.

1. In pcmanfm, you need to drag and drop .desktop files into your desktop folder.
2. In idesk (button in the control center) you need to create each icon that you want. There's also a how-to for getting device icons to work in idesk.
3. In rox pinboard, you can drag and drop. Once a device is plugged in, you can drag and drop it's icon onto the desktop. Then you can mount/unmount it from there.


4. You could install wbar and have a launcher similar to mac's.
5. You could install fbpanel and modify it so it shows only application icons.

Let us know if you need any help setting up any of these options. (As for myself, I'm currently using rox panel on my icewm setups because I like having device icons on the desktop and easy access to rox when I need it. On my fluxbox setups I use a modified fbpanel.)

Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
I understand how having icons on the desktop makes things easier. However, I prefer an entirely clean desktop. Therfore, I think it would be great to have the option to set up icons, as explained above, but I would not like to see it as default. Or if it's going to be set up as default, then a very quick way to undefault it __{{emoticon}}__

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Joined: 12 Aug 2009
I did try the KDE lite option on Antix 8.2 but am not up to speed on KDE4 yet and couldn't drag into the panel. Currently I use KDE 3.5 in Mepis 8.2 which I really like and would like to see continued as an option. KDE on Antix might be too big and slow for older or low capacity computers but Puppy Linux had a KDE version at one time that seemed plenty fast. I wonder if KDE3 is faster than KDE4 and therefore might be better suited for Antix.
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Joined: 15 Jun 2008
As you mentioned Puppy: there's jwm in antix's (Debian's) repos. It's completely barebones so I suppose one should create its configuration files and so.

Edit - I'm playing with an antiX-M8-base cd I have here and just installed"xfce lite" through the metainstaller: it's really great; if it would work well with your target pc's it's an option to consider.