topic title: Stray Penguins
Posts: 1
Joined: 31 Jul 2017
Hey everyone. You might have heard by now that Manjaro OpenRC is not going to be a thing anymore. Sometime between tomorrow and a vague point in the autumn, support for it is said to be going away.

There's a fork underway, but it's pretty disorganized, and a lot of us are weighing options.

I've run AntiX before--even built up from core-libre to Xfce over a winter break once--and am considering coming back for the long term.

I was glad to see the eudev note on the beta announcement yesterday. Will probably hold out until 17 is official before installing, but I just wanted to touch base and say hello early on.

Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Howdy and Welcome.
Posts: 850
Joined: 26 Jul 2012
Welcome aboard. __{{emoticon}}__

AntiX is a great choice - otherwise I wouldn't be here. __{{emoticon}}__

Edit: I came from Crunchbang when it deceased. __{{emoticon}}__
Posts: 667
Joined: 01 Nov 2013
Welcome & Howdy from Cajun Country. It's our normal wet weather.

Been with AntiX since version 13 and I keep going for more. One great thing is that AntiX keeps those older pc's going to.