Posts: 75
Joined: 02 Jan 2010
I've never started an open source project before, but I would like to very soon.

I'm interested in starting a rescue/forensics remaster of antiX Linux. The existing distros that specialize in rescue/forensics have one of the following flaws:
1. Slow and bloated, usually due to having a Ubuntu base
2. Not user-friendly, usually due to making you use a command line and having no GUI or a very poor GUI, as if still stuck in the Linux world of the 1990s

What I aim to do is provide a wide variety of rescue/forensic tools in a distro that is lightweight and user-friendly. Ubuntu's base is too bloated while Debian is a pain to work with. antiX Linux offers a lightweight AND user-friendly base.

Any suggestions? Should I use Launchpad, Sourceforge, or another host? (I'm guessing that most of you will suggest Launchpad given that antiX is already on Launchpad.) Is it better to be affiliated with antiX and MEPIS, or should this be a separate project (much like Mint vs. Ubuntu, Ubuntu vs. Debian, etc.)?
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Gee jhsu. I am just a country boy. So no clue

Any suggestions? Should I use Launchpad, Sourceforge, or another host

.) Is it better to be affiliated with antiX and MEPIS, or should this be a separate project (much like Mint vs. Ubuntu, Ubuntu vs. Debian, etc.)?

I use
url was:""
linktext was:""
for what you describe. Kinda like a special wrench in a tool box.
Posts: 1,308
Joined: 31 Aug 2009
You know, this is what attracted me to antiX. It was what motivated me to add persistent to the antiX liveUSB. It's now trivial to remaster a LiveUSB and only slightly more difficult to remaster a LiveCD.

I used to use Gentoo based
url was:""
linktext was:"System Rescue CD"
but I jumped ship to antiX when System Rescue stopped providing a high resolution frame buffer console. Their site seem to be down ATM but they've been in the rescue business a while and have a good list of tools.

I wanted high rez framebuffer consoles and zsh. I thought it would be easier to add zsh to antiX than framebuffers to System Rescue CD (who now offer framebuffers).

There is a maxvc boot parameter for antiX that bumps the number of virtual consoles from 3 up to 6 (although the default might be 6 now).

IMO, the biggest drawback to using antiX for rescue work is that it only comes in a 32-bit version, there is no 64-bit version. Of course the fast booting of antiX especially with the lean, mean, and xtralean boot parameters is totally awesome.