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Hello again, long time no read! Very long time indeed.
I hope someone can help me with this, as this release is old and I just wanted the machine to get on date, for web browsing and such.
I use antix-12 with Antix-stable & Stable-old (wheezie) repositories, and yesterday I decided to update to now-stable Jessie & Antix-Testing, and do also a kernel upgrade (4.05). The problem that arises after the update work is that after a series of uninstalls and installs of certain programs, I used jwm-update-menu (Desktop > JWM > update jwm menu), and now the menu is disarranged/messed up from the Antix's customized menu order (Accesories, graphics, systemtools, internet, games, office...), to show only"Accesories" (not altered it seems) and"Debian", which comprises of"Applications","Help","Games", and inside the first of these it has many groups such as"Science","Editors","File Managing" and such; the thig is, arranged NOT in the original way Antix list or groups them (apart of new programs of course).

Before, the Antix Menu was something like this:
Zim Wiki
System Tools
Sound & Video

Desktop (except this one entry, all others are one-sublevel program groups)
Tools // Help // Run / ControlCenter // Setup // Config // Logoff (these entries are all shared between JWM / IceWM / fb)

But after update & update JWM menu, the JWM antix menu is this:
Zim Wiki
Accessories (not changed / same af before updating)
Debian (many-sublevel program group)
Desktop (not changed / same af before updating)
Tools // Help // Run / ControlCenter // Setup // Config // Logoff

So, Debian again does it. The colored-red groups are gone now.
My questions are:
How do I recover my old menu customization? Or, is there a way to tell jwm-xdg-menu to use the old personalized menu, or just use ALL program entries (for instance, bless hexeditor not appearing inside any of"Debian" program group) ??
How is it that jwm-xdg-menu does not detect"bless" hex editor as a program, for it not appearing on any menu entry? (another example being"fish fillets" fihy puzzle czech game)
In advance, my thanks.

(Edited answer to add details that I forgot.)
Last edited by tanian on 18 Sep 2015, 17:46, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1,444
Joined: 09 Feb 2012
Did the package"menu-manager-antix" get installed when you upgraded?
If not, that package probably needs to be installed (to automatically update the menus when future packages are un/installed).
Is your installed"menu-jwm-antix" the current version of the package? (version 0.3.3)
How is it that jwm-xdg-menu does not detect"bless" hex editor as a program
Just now, to test, I installed bless.
Its installation did trigger automatic creation of a JWM DesktopMenu entry
Applications --} Progamming --} Bless Hex Editor
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Hello again! And so-soorry for the long delay. (busy-ness)
I found nothing on"menu-manager-antix", but I have"menu" (with debian icon) installed, which takes fluxbox with it if uninstalled. The dave server rep is apparently up-to-date, but now I wonder about its integrity, because menu-jwm-antix is 0283 instead of 0330 as you mention.
I also installed from
url was:""
linktext was:" ... .1_all.deb"
, but I see no changes updating menu afterwards, so I uninstalled it.
Also, in synaptic there IS"menu-data-antix" 011, which brings thunar if installed (which I DON'T need nor want !), and makes no change to the menu, either by restarting JWM or update-jwm-menu.
Thank you for your suggestion. I hope this gets resolved. More suggestions/tips are welcomed.
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Joined: 09 Feb 2012
menu-jwm-antix is 0283 instead of 0330
No, it is not. Check it right here, via your browser:

url was:""
linktext was:" ... jwm-antix/"

Since you're not seeing version 0.3.3 available, you probably need amend to your sources.list (nowadays aka"etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list" )

Code: Select all

# Use with Debian Stable/Jessie repositories. Set as default for antiX-15.
deb jessie main nosystemd
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Hello again.
Thanks for your reply. When I wrote"menu-jwm-antix is 0283 instead of 0330", I meant what synaptic/apt showed me (numbers no to be taken to the letter please, just for missing the dots).
Maybe this is dumb to comment, but, the moment I read your response, I JUST remembered that I myself changed Debian repos, just replacing"testing" with"jessie" (and of course"stable" with"wheezie" or smthng), but forgetting to do the same with daveserver's. So due to that I had just upgraded Debian not Antix. Yes, one can't be too careful when tinkering with resources. Tip learned for next time.
So this very moment I'm upgrading the system packages. I'm confident that this time all will turn out well. Thank you very much.
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wasn't about the dots (or not). Just pointed out that the correct repository (correct for you, now) does have the expected package version.
Post back to let us know how it turns out.
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Well, it did nothing in the end.
Might be the"update jwm menu" script is updated? Because there is no the typical screen flick whenever I use"Desktop / JWM / update jwm menu". I even used the new entry at antix-cc"menu edit" to show ALL applications, but that didn't show results. (UPDATE: Well, is gone, so no more auto updating, just restartjwm, BUT EVEN THAT does no changes to menu) Desperate, I"cleaned" (should say"purged"?) menu-applications inside ./jwm --I mean, deleted everything on that file, hoping that restart-jwm would update it again but to no effect. Now there is no"applications" entry in menu, which means I use cmd/terminal to access programs. Only good thing is that that"Debian" menu entry is gone now.
So now, Antix Menu is like this:

Code: Select all

Zim Wiki
Desktop   (inside is JWM/update-jwm-menu, which does nothing)
Tools /// Help /// Run / ControlCenter / Setup /// Config /// Logout
Besides this, there is now another problem, with slim. Some message about 'failed to issue login command' or such. So i cannot login on slim now, but I can do outside x and then startx. But this circunvention is not neat to use in the long time.
This is the diagnostics:

Code: Select all

$ jwm -p
JWM: warning: .jwm/startup[7]: invalid entity:"&

JWM: warning: .jwm/startup[13]: invalid entity:"&
JWM: warning: .jwm/startup[14]: invalid entity:"&& toram"
JWM: warning: .jwm/startup[14]: invalid entity:"& toram-"
JWM: warning: .jwm/startup[14]: invalid entity:"&
JWM: warning: .jwm/startup[15]: invalid entity:"&& sudo"
JWM: warning: .jwm/startup[15]: invalid entity:"& sudo p"
JWM: warning: .jwm/startup[15]: invalid entity:"&
JWM: warning: .jwm/menu-antix[14]: invalid included menu: .jwm/menu-applications
So for now, I thing the action to take on the menu issue is to run a certain script which parses every installed application and writes to menu-application. Which I havent clue about as the former auto-jwm-menu is no more on disk, unless it changed its name. And on slim, I think its just modifyin .jwm/startup, maybe ONLY deleting those invalid"entities" and then good-to-go? How I would know that (besides more and more tinkering)?
Thank you for your patience.

EDIT: By the way, Desktop> Background (Screen) in CC does nothing. Maybe a missing softlink? Just a minor comment, as I changed BG using rox config files.
Moreover, I see in synaptic that menu-jwm-antix put many (all?) of installed files on"/usr/share/fluxbox/jwm-antiX/.fluxbox/jwm-antiX/.jwm/", I mean, inside Fluxbox. Was that intentional? Do I have to modify JWM files inside FB folders instead?
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My first... BUMP !
Pretty please! I just need .jwm/menu-applications to be remade/rewritten. I cannot find"" on the entire drive after the update. What happened just there!?? After getting rid of debianmenu, just this script goes AWOL when most needed. __{{emoticon}}__ __{{emoticon}}__
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you probably need to install desktop-session-antix and its related apps, but I'm not sure as I do not have an antiX 12 install to try with. There is so much different now between antiX 12 and 15 in the menus and apt hooks that really, it might be easier to just reinstall. That has been replaced with a whole desktop-session-menu system that updates the menus for all 3 supported wm's.
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I just need .jwm/menu-applications to be remade/rewritten.
Just to achieve jwm menu management and auto-update-menus, looks like at least these packages must be installed:

After installing these, I would restart the PC, then choose some random new package to install and check to see whether the menu autoupdate occurs.
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(Hey! I just wanted to post this 2 hours after my last reply, and I only got 403 Forbidden. What the... So I just waited until later for posting this in the hopes 403 had cooled.)
Thank you for your reply.
I already have skidoo's suggestions installed:

Code: Select all

$ dpkg -l |awk '{print $2"\t" $3}' | grep -e menu -e desktop | grep antix
add-desktop-antix    0.3.6
desktop-defaults-base-antix    0.5.2
desktop-defaults-core-antix    0.5.1
desktop-defaults-full-antix    0.4.0
menu-fluxbox-antix    0.3.1
menu-icewm-antix    0.3.3
menu-jwm-antix    0.3.3
menu-manager-antix    0.1.1
Except, I cannot install desktop-session-antix. Something about"Copied subprocess terminated by signal (Broken pipe), E: /var/cache/apt/archives/desktop-session-antix_0.2.5_all.deb, could not install because trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/antiX-1/network.svg' was also in"exit-antix 0.2.3"
dpkg returned error code (1)".
So, when an installation like mine is probably broken, how do I update/reinstall while preserving the most of my customizations? Last time 2 years ago w/ M11->M12 I used liveCD to upgrade system, but it mostly did a clean installation (except /home dir), but then I had to reconfigure everything (copying backups configs from [/ etc], /home folders and renaming accordingly/updating permissions didn't work.)
More help is welcomed. Thank you both very much.

PD: (After ~6 hours) THE moral I have to sticky (for myself and/or people interested/unbeknowing):
"If I (me) do not separate /(slash symbol) from etc when posting locations, I (me) get a http 403"
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Hi; and sorry for being insistant on this.
I have desktop-session-antix installed now, I just had to remove exit-antix from installed programs. Then as skidoo suggested, I rebooted the LT by cmd line and then installed xtron (a game) just to see if autouptade occurs, but no, I still do not have the applications menu.".jwm/menu-applications" is there, just empty, and I only want it to rewrite itself, in the past auto-jwm-menu did the work just fine, but now I do not know which script does that same job. JWM says invalid menu-applications, because it's empty, I just need to repopulate the menu with a certain script which will do the same job as auto-jwm-menu (sorry, I think I'm feeding myself up with this script name).
What other actions are there to take (barring reinstalling everything --that would be"trivial solution")??
Thank you all for your patience again.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2007
try this:

desktop-menu --write-out-global
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Thank you again.
I just did what you wrote; there was"the screen flicker" during the process, alas, no menu appeared afterwards. Same thing runing that line as root, and same thing after reboot.
I thought"Maybe there is a NEW 'menu-applications' file?", so I searched that, and I found them in [/ u s r ]/share/dektop-menu/.jwm/menu-applications. Next thing to do was to copy that to /.jwm, replace the old file. But some programs do not appear in antix menu-applications, namely gltron & xtron, as if not recognized as installed. A homework for another day.
Then, on exit-antix, I donwloaded exit-antix_0.2.3_all.deb from daveserver and dpkg -i --force-overwrite that, and now I have exit-menu back. (I could not find a force option for this package in synaptic.) I hope did not cause broken packages with this action.
Now, back to re-customize my menus. I do not install many programs much often, just update.
For now I mark this thread as solved. Thank you for all the help. __{{emoticon}}__