But I have to learn how to go from Demo to Root for to be able to listen to my music on the NTFS. But that is another thread.
My old text
I use"frugal install" a lot in puppy linux because it is rather fast way to test a distro.
So to my joy I read that anticapitalista actually are using that on the latest version of AntiX8.5 Final he develops.
Is that possible to use on the prefinal too for frugal isntall of an internal hdd? As of now I have it on an usb but my old Compaq Presario refuse to boot from usb.
and when reading this.
url was:"antix.freeforu ms.org/post14974.html#p14974"
linktext was:"antix.freeforu ms.org/post14974.html#p14974"
I very much would like to do the same but I am not clever enough to figure out what to write in the menu.lst of grub4DOS or grub2 in case that is needed?I have just been running antiX as a frugal install (in Puppy language) on a partition on my harddrive with rootfs persistence set. It works very well. It is very much like how Puppy runs and all savings are carried over to next boot. No real need to install.
So hope that Anticapitalista read this and want to share the cheat code needed to get it to work.
Looking forward with great expectations to the final version of 8.5 but would be cool to test frugal install even now if that is possible with the prefinal iso.