Should the xdg autostart "standard" be worked and enabled by default?

No, leave it off the same as it is now
Yes, please enable it.
Enable it only when there is a tool/howto to modify it
Total votes: 8
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Startup is currently achieved with a startup file similar to xinitrc. This file is located in / etc / desktop-session / startup. There is the option to allow starting of xdg compliant startup items as well. Currently the default is off, but you can change this in / etc / desktop-session / desktop-session.conf by setting xdg autostart to true. Currently there is no utility to edit this form of autostart (but there is thoughts about it) However it is the"standard" form of auto start and therefor any package or option in a program for autostart uses this format.
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you had me at"standard".
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Echoing D.O. you got me at
Currently there is no utility to edit this form of autostart (but there is thoughts about it)
Can't leafpad or Geany edit it? Like I did when I tested it for you earlier.
Maybe include it in antixcc edit config files?
Just wondering because I am not awake yet.
And because I am just on my 1st cup of coffee.

Is the 100% cpu spike bug fixed with autostart on older grear? Like P3?
I won't vote till later so I can make a informed vote.
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with xdg-autostart, its usually configured by the individual app. so for instance (and I tested it) dropbox will autostart when you check the box in preferences for"start at login" or whatever the option is, and doesn't when you uncheck the box.
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rokytnji wrote:Echoing D.O. you got me at
Currently there is no utility to edit this form of autostart (but there is thoughts about it)
Can't leafpad or Geany edit it? Like I did when I tested it for you earlier.
Maybe include it in antixcc edit config files?
Just wondering because I am not awake yet.
And because I am just on my 1st cup of coffee.

Is the 100% cpu spike bug fixed with autostart on older grear? Like P3?
I won't vote till later so I can make a informed vote.
Well that will enable it and disable it, as a whole. However take a gander at / etc / xdg / autostart and all the files in there. This is what I mean about a utility to edit / add / remove those files. As D.O has pointed out though is that most applications that use this standard format allow you to change this within the app.
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However take a gander at /etc/xdg/autostart and all the files in there.
this is on my my antix 13.2 IBM t23. Hmmm, higher case t quit working. I am in JWM so maybe that is the cause? Edit: Test TTTTTT. Yes. In Icewm, no problemo. Weird as usual.
Maybe this old laptop is finally biting the dust? Edit: Not yet __{{emoticon}}__

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$ cd / etc/xdg/autostart
harry@biker:/ etc/xdg/autostart
$ ls
clipit-startup.desktop          notify-osd.desktop    wicd-tray.desktop
gsettings-data-convert.desktop  print-applet.desktop
harry@biker:/ etc/xdg/autostart
I'll move over later to my AntiX 14 RV A3 install and post what I find in there later. Edit: I see no differnce between above readout in code tags and my M/C shop testing 14a3 full install, so I guess nothing extra was added in 14.a3.
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Does fluxbox abide xdg autostart entries? (i thought fluxbox ignores, so separate debian package"fbautostart" is necessary)

Does JWM abide xdg autostart entries? (i thought not)

Does iceWM abide xdg autostart entried? (i believe it does)

Will antiX 14 ship any additional"desktops"? (window manager and/or panel and/or desktop menu and/or cheezwiz)

Can individual user override/overshadow the etc_xdg_autostarts by creating ? ~/.config/autostart/ (i think not, but am not certain of this)

Wait... whatif i tickmark"run at startup" in cherrytree (awesome notes app) but I _ONLY_ want cherrytree to autostart in my _fluxbox_ sessions?
example of similar FAQ -ish question: How can I prevent wbar from starting up...
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"Autostart Editor" is one of the examples provided on the yad samples page:

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^--- Blech! a half-passed"editor GUI" compared to xfce4-autostart-editor or lxsession.
Instead, howabout adding some simple docs into the antiX User Guide. Here's a start:

Startup applications to be autostarted each session can be initiated by referencing them in Xinitrc

For JWM, you can also declare custom autostarts by editng ~/.jwmrc

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# Load and fork parcellite from parcellite package as a background daemon when JWM starts:
    <StartupCommand>parcellite -d</StartupCommand>

# Recursively force the removal of selected directories as a general housekeeping measure when JWM starts:
    <StartupCommand>rm -rf $HOME/.adobe $HOME/.cache $HOME/.local/share/Trash $HOME/.macromedia $HOME/.recently-used.xbel $HOME/.Xauthority</StartupCommand>

# ( examples retrieved from )
For iceWM, you can declare custom autostarts by editing ~/.icewm/startup

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 for speciic details, refer to
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Fluxbox, no
Jwm, no
Icewm, no
Yes, I think one tiller is installed
Yes, desktop-session is designed that way ( or should be)
Then you need to add it to the fluxbox startup, this is for desktop-session startup. This can be done manually or with the add-start utility
I think the docs already include per window manager documents, however this is for desktop-session. This would load with / etc / desktop-session / startup