Services On/Off

Posts: 316
Joined: 26 Oct 2007
I've been installing antiX (Base 7.2p2) on a 450mhz PIII (Laptop) with 128mb ram and 5 gig HD. Obviously this is quite a low spec, but antiX os running really well on it, and i've even installed the LXDE desktop (Not as a package, as that brings in a load of extra unwanted stuff, but as individual packages) and it's running very fast.

I've also removed quite a few apps that i don't need or want, and all seems to be going well (Especially since it's residing on a 1.4gb partition!!). But i've noticed that there are a lot of services running, many of which i don't need. I've turned a few OFF (The ones that i know it's OK to turn off) but would like to optimise as much as poss and turn off as many as possible.

Does anyone here know of a list of services anywhere, (For antiX or maybe Mepis) that describes both what they do, and also which ones it's safe to disable?
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Joined: 07 Oct 2007
I know in sysvconfig there are several services listed and some of them say"Do Not Touch". I would try a few of them as a test. You can back up the original configuration and restore it if needed.

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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Also try the lean and Xtralean cheatcodes at boot menu.

BTW That is not a base.iso as I haven't released a preview yet!

antiX-M7.2 is delayed due to xorg upgrades in testing and other upgrades breaking gxine and rss feeder in claws-mail.

Once that is sorted, antiX should be ready.
Posts: 316
Joined: 26 Oct 2007
eriefisher wrote:I know in sysvconfig there are several services listed and some of them say"Do Not Touch". I would try a few of them as a test. You can back up the original configuration and restore it if needed.

Thanks eriefisher. I'm kind of just trying them"one by one" at the moment, and all seems to be going well so far. (Fingers crossed) __{{emoticon}}__
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Joined: 26 Oct 2007
anticapitalista wrote:Also try the lean and Xtralean cheatcodes at boot menu.
Thanks for that anti - i didn't know the cheatcodes worked on an installed system? I thought they only worked from the Live CD. That's really cool! __{{emoticon}}__

[quote[BTW That is not a base.iso as I haven't released a preview yet! [/quote]

Oooops, well it's the last base system that was released then for sure, as it's not got all the stuff that the regular iso has. Runs like lightning though, eeven on this old crate! LOL!
antiX-M7.2 is delayed due to xorg upgrades in testing and other upgrades breaking gxine and rss feeder in claws-mail.

Once that is sorted, antiX should be ready.
I just read that in the other forum. Shame, but better to have a sound release than one that breaks. Strange about xorg as well, because i did some upgrading on both my test machines today, and they both broke. I had to re-install antiX on both of them. I don't really know the cause, but both machines came up with the same messages & had the same problems. Ivman & Cryptdisk i believe. Also, neither would boot into X at all after the break. Said something about"X" not being an executable.
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I should put this in the wiki I suppose. This is what lean and Xtralean (only in M7.2 series) disable at boot, if installed.

lean: hplip, spamassassin, clamav-freshclam, cupsys, lighttpd, rsync, powersaved, mpd, boinc-client, samba, avahi-daemon, bluetooth, wicd, cron

Xtralean: 915resolution, acpid, bootlogd, cryptdisks, cryptdisks-early, hdparm,,, ipw3945d, irda-utils, isdnutils, klogd, lm-sensors, nvidia-kernel, pcscd, pppd-dns, screen-cleanup, stop-bootlogd, stop-bootlogd-single, sysklogd, umountfs,, umountroot, urandom

Now some of them may not even be installed in antiX-base, and some may be best not disabled on a running, installed to hd system. But there shouldn't be any problems.
Posts: 316
Joined: 26 Oct 2007
anticapitalista wrote:I should put this in the wiki I suppose. This is what lean and Xtralean (only in M7.2 series) disable at boot, if installed.
I think it would be a great idea to out it in the wiki. I never realised there were so many services starting up at boot, and some of them i don't even know what they are! __{{emoticon}}__
lean: hplip, spamassassin, clamav-freshclam, cupsys, lighttpd, rsync, powersaved, mpd, boinc-client, samba, avahi-daemon, bluetooth, wicd, cron

Xtralean: 915resolution, acpid, bootlogd, cryptdisks, cryptdisks-early, hdparm,,, ipw3945d, irda-utils, isdnutils, klogd, lm-sensors, nvidia-kernel, pcscd, pppd-dns, screen-cleanup, stop-bootlogd, stop-bootlogd-single, sysklogd, umountfs,, umountroot, urandom

Now some of them may not even be installed in antiX-base, and some may be best not disabled on a running, installed to hd system. But there shouldn't be any problems.
The"sysvconfig" util seems pretty good, and the really important ones are marked as such, so shouldn't be a problem. But there are a few that i'm uncertain of, like"nvidia-kernel for instance, but then i thought"Well i don't use nvidia at all on this machine" so i turned it off, and all is still well! (Phew) __{{emoticon}}__

There are also a few that are"off" by default that i expected to be"on", like hdparm for instance. I enabled that on my old laptop in the hope that it may improve the transfer speed of the hard drive.

I think i need to do some more reading though, in an effort to understand what all of these things are & their role. Thanks for the list anti - now i know the names i can do a bit more research into what they do & how they work.