topic title: screenfetch info
Posts: 142
Joined: 10 Aug 2013
_,met$$$$$gg. Alessandro@antix1
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Unknown 15 jessie
,g$$P"""""Y$$.". Kernel: i686 Linux 4.0.5-antix.1-486-smp
,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 1m
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 1162
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: bash 4.3.30
$$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 1024x768
$$: $$. - ,d$$' WM: BlackBox
$$\; Y$b._ _,d$P' WM Theme: Gray
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' GTK Theme: Raleigh [GTK2], Raleigh [GTK3]
`$$b"-.__ Font: Sans 10
`Y$$ CPU: Intel Celeron M 1.40GHz @ 1.4GHz
`Y$$. RAM: 52MB / 2012MB

Why os unknown? GTK Theme: Raleigh [GTK2], Raleigh [GTK3]??
Posts: 2,238
Joined: 16 Dec 2007
because the screenfetch author did not include antiX or MX in his list of distros he provides names for. His code in this case is a little iffy. He/she sets the initial distro name to"Unknown" then runs thru a long list of if/then/elseif statements to provide a new name. if your disto of choice isn't in the code, then the distro name remains unknown. the author does not bother with all of this for the version number and codename.

as far as the theme detection, I can't tell you. It doesn't work in mx either. there is something screwy in the detection algorithm.
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
look through this thread for posted command line options instead of using screen fetch.
