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sgfxi -! 6
Thanks for any ideas? I tried looking for anyone with debian or mepis with this that got it fixed, but didn't find any posted. Maybe I just wasn't searching correctly...
This page might have the cause/answer, but its beyond me to know what to do with it to implement because the directory structure appears different here and I don't know what I'm looking for
url was:""
linktext was:" ... a-drivers/"
I pasted in the most relevant looking stuff below
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There are two ways this can be fixed:
The first way is fixing the nvidia installer side.
Extract the nvidia installer package with -x as argument passed to the sh package then go in the folder it was extracted to (should be /tmp)
Then go to the kernel sub folder and open the search for
CFLAGS=”$CFLAGS -I$SOURCES/arch/x86/include” and replace it with CFLAGS=”$CFLAGS -I$SOURCES/arch/x86/include -I$SOURCES/arch/x86/include/generated”
this way the files needed for the conftest will be included and it will succeed.
You can use this script to get it done easily. It will cleanup after running the installer so it will look like a normal install.
The second way is hacking a bit the include folders
Go in /lib/modules/<kernelname>/source/arch/x86/include/ and do cp generated/asm/unistd*.h ./asm/
This will copy the required files where they were expected and all will go well.
Enjoy the new kernel with your nvidia drivers!