Saving Session Video settings to Hard Disk

Posts: 1
Joined: 13 Jan 2013

I am an AntiX Newbie. I installed AntiX OS to Hard Disk. I can boot but by default, the screen resolution has problems. I need to lower it to something like 800x600, 60Hz. I tried using the GUI to save the settings but when I shutdown, the settings are lost. I believe I also tried using Grandr but I think that may only be for single session settings.

So, How do I make the resolution changes permanent so that when I boot, I will have a video resolution that is compatible with my system and monitor?

I am using an old Compaq desktop with PII, non-PAE system. It was designed for use with Windows 98. If I can get the video resolution saved for hard disk boot, I will be all set for now.

After that, my next questions would be related to configuring a lexmark Z25 printer and a flat bed scsi scanner. Although the scanner is far less important.

Thanks in advance.

Update: 2013-01-18
I searched the site posts. I will check and see where this info leads me:

... boot menu removed and add by typing xres=1366x768 (or use the no cheats optiom at boot menu screen and type xres=1366x768) If it boots to correct resolution, then copy your etc/X11/xorg.conf when running live to your installed partiton etc/X11/xorg.conf

noxorg cheat is used running live so screen detection is automatic. If you remove noxorg cheat then an / etc/X11/xorg.conf file will be created. You can use other cheats to set the screen resolution if you remove noxorg cheat.