Right arrow key physically broken (SOLVED)

Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
I am running AntiX 13.1 based on Debian Wheezy running
Icewm Window Manager. My netbook right arrow key broke, (excited dog claw this morning __{{emoticon}}__ ). This is a M&A Companion Netbook which is rare
as hens teeth so a new keyboard or key hinge and cap are very hard to find. I would like to use the right shift key as the right arrow key.
I see a ~/.xmodmaprc text file in /home. There is no .Xmodmap text file or folder. What line insert should I use to remap the right shift key to
reuse it as a right arrow key?

keycode 62 is for right shift key on keyboard.

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$ xev

KeyRelease event, serial 38, synthetic NO, window 0x2200001,
    root 0xaa, subw 0x0, time 55934969, (-591,92), root:(156,119),
    state 0x1, keycode 62 (keysym 0xff53, Right), same_screen YES,
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes: 
    XFilterEvent returns: False

~/.xmodmaprc file

Code: Select all

$ cat .xmodmaprc
! File .xmopmaprc
! List of instructions for xmodmap program to modify keyboard and
! pointer device inside of X-windows.  Called from .xinitrc.

pointer = 1 2 3 4 5

! Reverse buttons on mouse
! pointer = 3 2 1

! Convert Caps-Lock to an extra Control key
! clear lock
! keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
~/.xinitrc file

Code: Select all

$ cat .xinitrc
# .xinitrc 
# Created by /usr/share/antiX/lib/make-xinitrc
# on 1 June 2013 @ 16:44:58 EDT
# Please add any modifications to .xinitrc-custom and not this file.
# This file will be re-written by update-default-desktop.  The
# DEFAULT_DESKTOP line will be edited by antiX-init if you select
# a desktop via the bootloader menu or a"desktop=xxx" boot parameter.

[ -x ~/.xinitrc-custom ] && ~/.xinitrc-custom

[ -f ~/.Xmodmap ] && xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap


DESKTOP_CODE="$(echo"${1:-$DEFAULT_DESKTOP}" | tr"[A-Z]""[a-z]")"

mkdir -p $sdir
echo"$DESKTOP_CODE" > $sdir/desktop-code$DISPLAY
echo $$              > $sdir/xinitrc-pid:$display

case"$DESKTOP_CODE" in
        rox --pinboard=antiX-fluxbox
        exec /usr/bin/startfluxbox
        spacefm --desktop &
        exec /usr/bin/startfluxbox
        exec /usr/bin/startfluxbox
        rox --pinboard=antiX-icewm
        exec /usr/bin/icewm-session
        spacefm --desktop &
        exec /usr/bin/icewm-session
        exec /usr/bin/icewm-session
        rox --pinboard=antiX-jwm
        exec /usr/bin/jwm
        spacefm --desktop &
        exec /usr/bin/jwm
        exec /usr/bin/jwm
        exec wmii
        echo"Unknown DESKTOP_CODE: $DESKTOP_CODE" >&2
        echo"Setting DESKTOP_CODE to rox-icewm" >&2
        echo"$DESKTOP_CODE" > $HOME/.antix-session/desktop-code$DISPLAY
        rox --pinboard=antiX-icewm
        exec /usr/bin/icewm-session
Greping right arrow shows

Code: Select all

# xmodmap -pk |grep Right
     85        0xff98 (KP_Right)    0xffb6 (KP_6)    0xff98 (KP_Right)    0xffb6 (KP_6)    
    114        0xff53 (Right)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff53 (Right)    
Greping right shift key shows

Code: Select all

# xmodmap -pk |grep Shift_R
     62        0xffe2 (Shift_R)    0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    0xffe2 (Shift_R)0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    

I've been reading
url was:"https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xmodmap#Special_keys.2Fsignals"
linktext was:"https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xm ... .2Fsignals"
I have yet to make any sense out of it. Especially since I have a .xmodmaprc instead of .Xmodmap.

I hope I provided enough info
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
More information overload.

Code: Select all

# xmodmap -pk
There are 7 KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from 8 to 255.

    KeyCode    Keysym (Keysym)    ...
    Value      Value   (Name)     ...

      9        0xff1b (Escape)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff1b (Escape)    
     10        0x0031 (1)    0x0021 (exclam)    0x0031 (1)    0x0021 (exclam)
     11        0x0032 (2)    0x0040 (at)    0x0032 (2)    0x0040 (at)    
     12        0x0033 (3)    0x0023 (numbersign)    0x0033 (3)    0x0023 (numbersign)    
     13        0x0034 (4)    0x0024 (dollar)    0x0034 (4)    0x0024 (dollar)
     14        0x0035 (5)    0x0025 (percent)    0x0035 (5)    0x0025 (percent)    
     15        0x0036 (6)    0x005e (asciicircum)    0x0036 (6)    0x005e (asciicircum)    
     16        0x0037 (7)    0x0026 (ampersand)    0x0037 (7)    0x0026 (ampersand)    
     17        0x0038 (8)    0x002a (asterisk)    0x0038 (8)    0x002a (asterisk)    
     18        0x0039 (9)    0x0028 (parenleft)    0x0039 (9)    0x0028 (parenleft)    
     19        0x0030 (0)    0x0029 (parenright)    0x0030 (0)    0x0029 (parenright)    
     20        0x002d (minus)    0x005f (underscore)    0x002d (minus)    0x005f (underscore)    
     21        0x003d (equal)    0x002b (plus)    0x003d (equal)    0x002b (plus)    
     22        0xff08 (BackSpace)    0xff08 (BackSpace)    0xff08 (BackSpace)    0xff08 (BackSpace)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xfed5 (Terminate_Server)    
     23        0xff09 (Tab)    0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)    0xff09 (Tab)    0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)    
     24        0x0071 (q)    0x0051 (Q)    0x0071 (q)    0x0051 (Q)    
     25        0x0077 (w)    0x0057 (W)    0x0077 (w)    0x0057 (W)    
     26        0x0065 (e)    0x0045 (E)    0x0065 (e)    0x0045 (E)    
     27        0x0072 (r)    0x0052 (R)    0x0072 (r)    0x0052 (R)    
     28        0x0074 (t)    0x0054 (T)    0x0074 (t)    0x0054 (T)    
     29        0x0079 (y)    0x0059 (Y)    0x0079 (y)    0x0059 (Y)    
     30        0x0075 (u)    0x0055 (U)    0x0075 (u)    0x0055 (U)    
     31        0x0069 (i)    0x0049 (I)    0x0069 (i)    0x0049 (I)    
     32        0x006f (o)    0x004f (O)    0x006f (o)    0x004f (O)    
     33        0x0070 (p)    0x0050 (P)    0x0070 (p)    0x0050 (P)    
     34        0x005b (bracketleft)    0x007b (braceleft)    0x005b (bracketleft)    0x007b (braceleft)    
     35        0x005d (bracketright)    0x007d (braceright)    0x005d (bracketright)    0x007d (braceright)    
     36        0xff0d (Return)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff0d (Return)    
     37        0xffe3 (Control_L)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffe3 (Control_L)    
     38        0x0061 (a)    0x0041 (A)    0x0061 (a)    0x0041 (A)    
     39        0x0073 (s)    0x0053 (S)    0x0073 (s)    0x0053 (S)    
     40        0x0064 (d)    0x0044 (D)    0x0064 (d)    0x0044 (D)    
     41        0x0066 (f)    0x0046 (F)    0x0066 (f)    0x0046 (F)    
     42        0x0067 (g)    0x0047 (G)    0x0067 (g)    0x0047 (G)    
     43        0x0068 (h)    0x0048 (H)    0x0068 (h)    0x0048 (H)    
     44        0x006a (j)    0x004a (J)    0x006a (j)    0x004a (J)    
     45        0x006b (k)    0x004b (K)    0x006b (k)    0x004b (K)    
     46        0x006c (l)    0x004c (L)    0x006c (l)    0x004c (L)    
     47        0x003b (semicolon)    0x003a (colon)    0x003b (semicolon)    0x003a (colon)    
     48        0x0027 (apostrophe)    0x0022 (quotedbl)    0x0027 (apostrophe)    0x0022 (quotedbl)    
     49        0x0060 (grave)    0x007e (asciitilde)    0x0060 (grave)    0x007e (asciitilde)    
     50        0xffe1 (Shift_L)    0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    0xffe1 (Shift_L)0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    
     51        0x005c (backslash)    0x007c (bar)    0x005c (backslash)    0x007c (bar)    
     52        0x007a (z)    0x005a (Z)    0x007a (z)    0x005a (Z)    
     53        0x0078 (x)    0x0058 (X)    0x0078 (x)    0x0058 (X)    
     54        0x0063 (c)    0x0043 (C)    0x0063 (c)    0x0043 (C)    
     55        0x0076 (v)    0x0056 (V)    0x0076 (v)    0x0056 (V)    
     56        0x0062 (b)    0x0042 (B)    0x0062 (b)    0x0042 (B)    
     57        0x006e (n)    0x004e (N)    0x006e (n)    0x004e (N)    
     58        0x006d (m)    0x004d (M)    0x006d (m)    0x004d (M)    
     59        0x002c (comma)    0x003c (less)    0x002c (comma)    0x003c (less)    
     60        0x002e (period)    0x003e (greater)    0x002e (period)    0x003e (greater)    
     61        0x002f (slash)    0x003f (question)    0x002f (slash)    0x003f (question)    
     62        0xffe2 (Shift_R)    0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    0xffe2 (Shift_R)0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    
     63        0xffaa (KP_Multiply)    0xffaa (KP_Multiply)    0xffaa (KP_Multiply)    0xffaa (KP_Multiply)    0xffaa (KP_Multiply)    0xffaa (KP_Multiply)    0x1008fe21 (XF86ClearGrab)    
     64        0xffe9 (Alt_L)    0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    0xffe9 (Alt_L)    0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    
     65        0x0020 (space)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x0020 (space)    
     66        0xffe5 (Caps_Lock)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffe5 (Caps_Lock)    
     67        0xffbe (F1)    0xffbe (F1)    0xffbe (F1)    0xffbe (F1)    0xffbe (F1)    0xffbe (F1)    0x1008fe01 (XF86Switch_VT_1)    
     68        0xffbf (F2)    0xffbf (F2)    0xffbf (F2)    0xffbf (F2)    0xffbf (F2)    0xffbf (F2)    0x1008fe02 (XF86Switch_VT_2)    
     69        0xffc0 (F3)    0xffc0 (F3)    0xffc0 (F3)    0xffc0 (F3)    0xffc0 (F3)    0xffc0 (F3)    0x1008fe03 (XF86Switch_VT_3)    
     70        0xffc1 (F4)    0xffc1 (F4)    0xffc1 (F4)    0xffc1 (F4)    0xffc1 (F4)    0xffc1 (F4)    0x1008fe04 (XF86Switch_VT_4)    
     71        0xffc2 (F5)    0xffc2 (F5)    0xffc2 (F5)    0xffc2 (F5)    0xffc2 (F5)    0xffc2 (F5)    0x1008fe05 (XF86Switch_VT_5)    
     72        0xffc3 (F6)    0xffc3 (F6)    0xffc3 (F6)    0xffc3 (F6)    0xffc3 (F6)    0xffc3 (F6)    0x1008fe06 (XF86Switch_VT_6)    
     73        0xffc4 (F7)    0xffc4 (F7)    0xffc4 (F7)    0xffc4 (F7)    0xffc4 (F7)    0xffc4 (F7)    0x1008fe07 (XF86Switch_VT_7)    
     74        0xffc5 (F8)    0xffc5 (F8)    0xffc5 (F8)    0xffc5 (F8)    0xffc5 (F8)    0xffc5 (F8)    0x1008fe08 (XF86Switch_VT_8)    
     75        0xffc6 (F9)    0xffc6 (F9)    0xffc6 (F9)    0xffc6 (F9)    0xffc6 (F9)    0xffc6 (F9)    0x1008fe09 (XF86Switch_VT_9)    
     76        0xffc7 (F10)    0xffc7 (F10)    0xffc7 (F10)    0xffc7 (F10)    0xffc7 (F10)    0xffc7 (F10)    0x1008fe0a (XF86Switch_VT_10)    
     77        0xff7f (Num_Lock)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff7f (Num_Lock)    
     78        0xff14 (Scroll_Lock)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff14 (Scroll_Lock)    
     79        0xff95 (KP_Home)    0xffb7 (KP_7)    0xff95 (KP_Home)    0xffb7 (KP_7)    
     80        0xff97 (KP_Up)    0xffb8 (KP_8)    0xff97 (KP_Up)    0xffb8 (KP_8)    
     81        0xff9a (KP_Prior)    0xffb9 (KP_9)    0xff9a (KP_Prior)    0xffb9 (KP_9)    
     82        0xffad (KP_Subtract)    0xffad (KP_Subtract)    0xffad (KP_Subtract)    0xffad (KP_Subtract)    0xffad (KP_Subtract)    0xffad (KP_Subtract)    0x1008fe23 (XF86Prev_VMode)    
     83        0xff96 (KP_Left)    0xffb4 (KP_4)    0xff96 (KP_Left)    0xffb4 (KP_4)    
     84        0xff9d (KP_Begin)    0xffb5 (KP_5)    0xff9d (KP_Begin)    0xffb5 (KP_5)    
     85        0xff98 (KP_Right)    0xffb6 (KP_6)    0xff98 (KP_Right)    0xffb6 (KP_6)    
     86        0xffab (KP_Add)    0xffab (KP_Add)    0xffab (KP_Add)    0xffab (KP_Add)0xffab (KP_Add)    0xffab (KP_Add)    0x1008fe22 (XF86Next_VMode)    
     87        0xff9c (KP_End)    0xffb1 (KP_1)    0xff9c (KP_End)    0xffb1 (KP_1)    
     88        0xff99 (KP_Down)    0xffb2 (KP_2)    0xff99 (KP_Down)    0xffb2 (KP_2)    
     89        0xff9b (KP_Next)    0xffb3 (KP_3)    0xff9b (KP_Next)    0xffb3 (KP_3)    
     90        0xff9e (KP_Insert)    0xffb0 (KP_0)    0xff9e (KP_Insert)    0xffb0 (KP_0)    
     91        0xff9f (KP_Delete)    0xffae (KP_Decimal)    0xff9f (KP_Delete)    0xffae (KP_Decimal)    
     92        0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)    
     94        0x003c (less)    0x003e (greater)    0x003c (less)    0x003e (greater)    0x007c (bar)    0x00a6 (brokenbar)    0x007c (bar)    
     95        0xffc8 (F11)    0xffc8 (F11)    0xffc8 (F11)    0xffc8 (F11)    0xffc8 (F11)    0xffc8 (F11)    0x1008fe0b (XF86Switch_VT_11)    
     96        0xffc9 (F12)    0xffc9 (F12)    0xffc9 (F12)    0xffc9 (F12)    0xffc9 (F12)    0xffc9 (F12)    0x1008fe0c (XF86Switch_VT_12)    
     98        0xff26 (Katakana)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff26 (Katakana)    
     99        0xff25 (Hiragana)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff25 (Hiragana)    
    100        0xff23 (Henkan_Mode)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff23 (Henkan_Mode)    
    101        0xff27 (Hiragana_Katakana)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff27 (Hiragana_Katakana)    
    102        0xff22 (Muhenkan)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff22 (Muhenkan)    
    104        0xff8d (KP_Enter)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff8d (KP_Enter)    
    105        0xffe4 (Control_R)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffe4 (Control_R)    
    106        0xffaf (KP_Divide)    0xffaf (KP_Divide)    0xffaf (KP_Divide)    0xffaf (KP_Divide)    0xffaf (KP_Divide)    0xffaf (KP_Divide)    0x1008fe20 (XF86Ungrab)    
    107        0xff61 (Print)    0xff15 (Sys_Req)    0xff61 (Print)    0xff15 (Sys_Req)    
    108        0xffea (Alt_R)    0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    0xffea (Alt_R)    0xfe08 (ISO_Next_Group)    
    109        0xff0a (Linefeed)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff0a (Linefeed)    
    110        0xff50 (Home)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff50 (Home)    
    111        0xff52 (Up)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff52 (Up)    
    112        0xff55 (Prior)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff55 (Prior)    
    113        0xff51 (Left)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff51 (Left)    
    114        0xff53 (Right)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff53 (Right)    
    115        0xff57 (End)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff57 (End)    
    116        0xff54 (Down)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff54 (Down)    
    117        0xff56 (Next)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff56 (Next)    
    118        0xff63 (Insert)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff63 (Insert)    
    119        0xffff (Delete)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffff (Delete)    
    121        0x1008ff12 (XF86AudioMute)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff12 (XF86AudioMute)    
    122        0x1008ff11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume)    
    123        0x1008ff13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume)    
    124        0x1008ff2a (XF86PowerOff)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff2a (XF86PowerOff)    
    125        0xffbd (KP_Equal)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffbd (KP_Equal)    
    126        0x00b1 (plusminus)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x00b1 (plusminus)    
    127        0xff13 (Pause)    0xff6b (Break)    0xff13 (Pause)    0xff6b (Break)    
    128        0x1008ff4a (XF86LaunchA)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff4a (XF86LaunchA)    
    129        0xffae (KP_Decimal)    0xffae (KP_Decimal)    0xffae (KP_Decimal)    0xffae (KP_Decimal)    
    130        0xff31 (Hangul)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff31 (Hangul)    
    131        0xff34 (Hangul_Hanja)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff34 (Hangul_Hanja)    
    133        0xffeb (Super_L)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffeb (Super_L)
    134        0xffec (Super_R)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffec (Super_R)
    135        0xff67 (Menu)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff67 (Menu)    
    136        0xff69 (Cancel)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff69 (Cancel)    
    137        0xff66 (Redo)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff66 (Redo)    
    138        0x1005ff70 (SunProps)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1005ff70 (SunProps)    
    139        0xff65 (Undo)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff65 (Undo)    
    140        0x1005ff71 (SunFront)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1005ff71 (SunFront)    
    141        0x1008ff57 (XF86Copy)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff57 (XF86Copy)    
    142        0x1005ff73 (SunOpen)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1005ff73 (SunOpen)    
    143        0x1008ff6d (XF86Paste)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff6d (XF86Paste)    
    144        0xff68 (Find)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff68 (Find)    
    145        0x1008ff58 (XF86Cut)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff58 (XF86Cut)    
    146        0xff6a (Help)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff6a (Help)    
    147        0x1008ff65 (XF86MenuKB)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff65 (XF86MenuKB)    
    148        0x1008ff1d (XF86Calculator)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff1d (XF86Calculator)    
    150        0x1008ff2f (XF86Sleep)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff2f (XF86Sleep)    
    151        0x1008ff2b (XF86WakeUp)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff2b (XF86WakeUp)    
    152        0x1008ff5d (XF86Explorer)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff5d (XF86Explorer)    
    153        0x1008ff7b (XF86Send)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff7b (XF86Send)    
    155        0x1008ff8a (XF86Xfer)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff8a (XF86Xfer)    
    156        0x1008ff41 (XF86Launch1)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff41 (XF86Launch1)    
    157        0x1008ff42 (XF86Launch2)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff42 (XF86Launch2)    
    158        0x1008ff2e (XF86WWW)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff2e (XF86WWW)    
    159        0x1008ff5a (XF86DOS)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff5a (XF86DOS)    
    160        0x1008ff2d (XF86ScreenSaver)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff2d (XF86ScreenSaver)    
    162        0x1008ff74 (XF86RotateWindows)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff74 (XF86RotateWindows)    
    163        0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail)    
    164        0x1008ff30 (XF86Favorites)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff30 (XF86Favorites)    
    165        0x1008ff33 (XF86MyComputer)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff33 (XF86MyComputer)    
    166        0x1008ff26 (XF86Back)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff26 (XF86Back)    
    167        0x1008ff27 (XF86Forward)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff27 (XF86Forward)    
    169        0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)    
    170        0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)    0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)    0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)    0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)    
    171        0x1008ff17 (XF86AudioNext)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff17 (XF86AudioNext)    
    172        0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)    0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause)    0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)    0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause)    
    173        0x1008ff16 (XF86AudioPrev)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff16 (XF86AudioPrev)    
    174        0x1008ff15 (XF86AudioStop)    0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)    0x1008ff15 (XF86AudioStop)    0x1008ff2c (XF86Eject)    
    175        0x1008ff1c (XF86AudioRecord)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff1c (XF86AudioRecord)    
    176        0x1008ff3e (XF86AudioRewind)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff3e (XF86AudioRewind)    
    177        0x1008ff6e (XF86Phone)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff6e (XF86Phone)    
    179        0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools)    
    180        0x1008ff18 (XF86HomePage)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff18 (XF86HomePage)    
    181        0x1008ff73 (XF86Reload)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff73 (XF86Reload)    
    182        0x1008ff56 (XF86Close)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff56 (XF86Close)    
    185        0x1008ff78 (XF86ScrollUp)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff78 (XF86ScrollUp)    
    186        0x1008ff79 (XF86ScrollDown)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff79 (XF86ScrollDown)    
    187        0x0028 (parenleft)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x0028 (parenleft)    
    188        0x0029 (parenright)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x0029 (parenright)    
    189        0x1008ff68 (XF86New)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff68 (XF86New)    
    190        0xff66 (Redo)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff66 (Redo)    
    191        0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff81 (XF86Tools)    
    192        0x1008ff45 (XF86Launch5)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff45 (XF86Launch5)    
    193        0x1008ff46 (XF86Launch6)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff46 (XF86Launch6)    
    194        0x1008ff47 (XF86Launch7)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff47 (XF86Launch7)    
    195        0x1008ff48 (XF86Launch8)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff48 (XF86Launch8)    
    196        0x1008ff49 (XF86Launch9)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff49 (XF86Launch9)    
    199        0x1008ffa9 (XF86TouchpadToggle)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ffa9 (XF86TouchpadToggle)    
    200        0x1008ffb0 (XF86TouchpadOn)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ffb0 (XF86TouchpadOn)    
    201        0x1008ffb1 (XF86TouchpadOff)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ffb1 (XF86TouchpadOff)    
    203        0xff7e (Mode_switch)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff7e (Mode_switch)    
    204        0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffe9 (Alt_L)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffe9 (Alt_L)    
    205        0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffe7 (Meta_L)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffe7 (Meta_L)    
    206        0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffeb (Super_L)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffeb (Super_L)    
    207        0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffed (Hyper_L)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xffed (Hyper_L)    
    208        0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)    
    209        0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff31 (XF86AudioPause)    
    210        0x1008ff43 (XF86Launch3)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff43 (XF86Launch3)    
    211        0x1008ff44 (XF86Launch4)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff44 (XF86Launch4)    
    212        0x1008ff4b (XF86LaunchB)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff4b (XF86LaunchB)    
    213        0x1008ffa7 (XF86Suspend)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ffa7 (XF86Suspend)    
    214        0x1008ff56 (XF86Close)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff56 (XF86Close)    
    215        0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff14 (XF86AudioPlay)    
    216        0x1008ff97 (XF86AudioForward)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff97 (XF86AudioForward)    
    218        0xff61 (Print)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff61 (Print)    
    220        0x1008ff8f (XF86WebCam)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff8f (XF86WebCam)    
    223        0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff19 (XF86Mail)    
    224        0x1008ff8e (XF86Messenger)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff8e (XF86Messenger)    
    225        0x1008ff1b (XF86Search)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff1b (XF86Search)    
    226        0x1008ff5f (XF86Go)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff5f (XF86Go)    
    227        0x1008ff3c (XF86Finance)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff3c (XF86Finance)    
    228        0x1008ff5e (XF86Game)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff5e (XF86Game)    
    229        0x1008ff36 (XF86Shop)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff36 (XF86Shop)    
    231        0xff69 (Cancel)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0xff69 (Cancel)    
    232        0x1008ff03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown)    
    233        0x1008ff02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp)    
    234        0x1008ff32 (XF86AudioMedia)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff32 (XF86AudioMedia)    
    235        0x1008ff59 (XF86Display)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff59 (XF86Display)    
    236        0x1008ff04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff)    
    237        0x1008ff06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown)    
    238        0x1008ff05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp)    
    239        0x1008ff7b (XF86Send)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff7b (XF86Send)    
    240        0x1008ff72 (XF86Reply)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff72 (XF86Reply)    
    241        0x1008ff90 (XF86MailForward)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff90 (XF86MailForward)    
    242        0x1008ff77 (XF86Save)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff77 (XF86Save)    
    243        0x1008ff5b (XF86Documents)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff5b (XF86Documents)    
    244        0x1008ff93 (XF86Battery)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff93 (XF86Battery)    
    245        0x1008ff94 (XF86Bluetooth)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff94 (XF86Bluetooth)    
    246        0x1008ff95 (XF86WLAN)    0x0000 (NoSymbol)    0x1008ff95 (XF86WLAN)    
Posts: 325
Joined: 04 Nov 2011
does it work as root?

Code: Select all

xmodmap -e"remove lock = Shift_R"
xmodmap -e"keycode 62 = Right"
Posts: 1,308
Joined: 31 Aug 2009
Roki, on my machine, the output of xmodmap -pke includes:

Code: Select all

keycode 102 = Right NoSymbol Right
keycode  62 = Shift_R NoSymbol Shift_R
So to use the Shift_R key as a Right Arrow key I just run:

Code: Select all

xmodmap -e"keycode 62 = Right NoSymbol Right"
To make the change permanent I add the following line to ~/.Xmodmap:

Code: Select all

keycode 62 = Right NoSymbol Right
Note that I use quotations marks in the command line version but not in the file.

Edit: -kpe --> -pke
Last edited by BitJam on 26 Jul 2013, 03:47, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
male wrote:does it work as root?

Code: Select all

xmodmap -e"remove lock = Shift_R"
xmodmap -e"keycode 62 = Right"
Nope. I even logged in and out to be sure after running those commands. I used alsamixer to test and
a forum page in my browser that requires right arrow to span the the whole page. Thanks though male.

Code: Select all

$ sux
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
root@biker:/home/harry# xmodmap -e"remove lock = Shift_R"
root@biker:/home/harry# xmodmap -e"keycode 62 = Right"
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Roki, on my machine, the output of xmodmap -kpe includes:

Code: Select all

$ xmodmap -kpe
usage:  xmodmap [-options ...] [filename]

where options include:
    -display host:dpy            X server to use
    -verbose, -quiet             turn logging on or off
    -n                           don't execute changes, just show like make
    -e expression                execute string
    -pm                          print modifier map
    -pk                          print keymap table
    -pke                         print keymap table as expressions
    -pp                          print pointer map
    -grammar                     print out short help on allowable input
    -                            read standard input

Because it is hectic here today with multiple things occupying my attention. Certain things must be flying over my head.

..xmodmaprc now, cuz I have no .Xmodmap.>Edit: anyone else but me noticing my text in xmodmaprc (what the file is named anyhows) has xmopmaprc as text in it? __{{emoticon}}__ I know"!" stands for comment I guess like"#" does but still it don't seem right maybe.

Code: Select all

root@biker:/home/harry# xmodmap -e"keycode 62 = Right NoSymbol Right"

Code: Select all

! File .xmopmaprc
! List of instructions for xmodmap program to modify keyboard and
! pointer device inside of X-windows.  Called from .xinitrc.

pointer = 1 2 3 4 5

! Reverse buttons on mouse
! pointer = 3 2 1

! Convert Caps-Lock to an extra Control key
! clear lock
! keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L

keycode 62 = Right NoSymbol Right
I will test now after this post to see if this works.

Success Above command and .xmodmaprc entry gives me Right_S (right shift key) right arrow scrolling in alsamixer. In Iceweasel at that forum (LinuxForumsorg) it is not working but I can live with that as it me be something caused outside of key mapping in browser.
I am marking this as solved and I thank you guys profusely. Beer is on me.
Posts: 1,308
Joined: 31 Aug 2009
Oops."xmodmap -kpe" should have been"xmodmap -pke".