Well, the Athlon is busy installing antiX to the laptop's redneck SSD right now (and I'll be booting from the CF, if I can get it to work that way, and updating to testing repos on the much faster Athlon system); I'll try checking that when I get the CF card and its adapter back into the laptop and can use the Athlon from the HDD again.
Edit: Grrr, I'd swear I prefixed every instance of leading slash to get around the bug in this board's software, but I can't get my reply (with the outplut of the blkid command, and cats of menu.lst and fstab) to post. I get the 403 Forbidden, even though I put [ before every slash (which has to be legit, it's the format of bbcode close tags). But, I swear to you, the UUIDs in fstab are the same as the real ones -- and with UUID used in both fstab and menu.lst, if they were wrong, it would fail in 3.10.7 kernel just as much as in 3.12.6.
I do see it's the root and home folders, not root and swap, that are giving the"start job" error.
Edit: Sorry, it's home and swap that are failing (but only when I start the 3.12.6 kernel).
Here's fstab:
Code: Select all
# Pluggable devices are handled by uDev, they are not in fstab
UUID=fc2bcc4a-da37-4e43-9238-aaa0f94283a8 [/] auto defaults,noatime 1 1
UUID=9621880f-986e-4921-8fb6-3819bf00db22 swap swap sw,pri=1 0 0
proc [/]proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts [/]dev/pts devpts mode=0622 0 0
UUID=152b43d6-66d9-46bc-a560-8558950fc5be [/]home auto defaults,noatime 1 2
UUID=201C-1901 [/]media/sda1 vfat noauto,users,gid=users,dmask=002,fmask=113,relatime 0 0
and here's the blkid output:
Code: Select all
blkid -c /dev/null -o list
device fs_type label mount point UUID
[/]dev/sda1 vfat SEAGATE 40G (not mounted) 201C-1901
[/]dev/sda2 ext4 [/] fc2bcc4a-da37-4e43-9238-aaa0f94283a8
[/]dev/sda3 swap <swap> 9621880f-986e-4921-8fb6-3819bf00db22
[/]dev/sda4 ext4 [/]home 152b43d6-66d9-46bc-a560-8558950fc5be
I've been through those UUIDs character by character; I don't see a problem (and as noted, if that were the error, it would fail under 3.10.7 also). Just for good measure, here's my GRUB menu.lst:
Code: Select all
cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
timeout 5
color cyan/blue white/blue
foreground ffffff
background 0639a1
gfxmenu [/]boot/grub/message
title antiX at sda2, latest kernel
root (hd0,1)
kernel [/]boot/vmlinuz root=UUID=fc2bcc4a-da37-4e43-9238-aaa0f94283a8 ro
initrd [/]boot/initrd
title antiX at sda2, kernel 3.12.6-antix.1-486-smp
root (hd0,1)
kernel [/]boot/vmlinuz-3.12.6-antix.1-486-smp root=UUID=fc2bcc4a-da37-4e43-9238-aaa0f94283a8 ro
initrd [/]boot/initrd.img-3.12.6-antix.1-486-smp
title antiX at sda2, kernel 3.7.10-antix.5-486-smp
root (hd0,1)
kernel [/]boot/vmlinuz-3.7.10-antix.5-486-smp root=UUID=fc2bcc4a-da37-4e43-9238-aaa0f94283a8 ro
initrd [/]boot/initrd.img-3.7.10-antix.5-486-smp
title memtest86+
root (hd0,1)
kernel [/]boot/memtest86+.bin
title MS-DOS 5.x/6.x/Win3.1 at sda1
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
My default start uses links akin to the ones Ubuntu uses to avoid having to change GRUB every time they issue a kernel update through their channels, but I get the same result if I use the explicit entry for the 3.12.6 kernel. The"start job" messages appear after a short pause with"generic explorer mouse" on screen, but there's quite a lot of stuff in the journal (viewed with"journalctl something-or-other" after the system enters emergency mode).