My little non-spectacular screen, it is just fluxbox-rox, and wallpapers and stuff that comes with antix __{{emoticon}}__
I will try to make the text on the toolbar a little less"POW!!" blue.
I kinda like the toned down look.
Oh, and maybe get rod of the box conky makes, but it is no big deal.
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- Joined: 27 Dec 2011
Posts: 765
- Joined: 27 Dec 2011
And again... nothing special, just antiX m12 icewm-rox toolbar from the included ones, and a halfway functioning conky I stole from someone here, and mixed up with someone elses, also from here...and adjusted slightly.
I still have to figure out the xmms part... it doesn't do anything.

Oh, and the way the wallpaper gets messed up behind the conky is really annoying.
I still have to figure out the xmms part... it doesn't do anything.

Oh, and the way the wallpaper gets messed up behind the conky is really annoying.
Posts: 765
rust collector - Joined: 27 Dec 2011
And the same as the last, but with a different background.
I think this one works ok.

I think this one works ok.

Posts: 279
- Joined: 17 Oct 2009
One of the best things about antiX is the ability to set up the desktop the way YOU want it to look.
Some like icons ond some (like me) prefer a bare desktop with only a conky on top.
With so many options available there is something for everyone.
Rusty, I think if you try the iceWM with no Rox desktop (no icons) the conky"box" will disappear.
Some like icons ond some (like me) prefer a bare desktop with only a conky on top.
With so many options available there is something for everyone.
Rusty, I think if you try the iceWM with no Rox desktop (no icons) the conky"box" will disappear.
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On a SD flashy card till I get my new hardrive.
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Here's my present desktop.
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- Joined: 20 Jan 2010
I think conky is messed up because it is showing the wallpaper without the stretching from rox desktop.
If I remember correctly adding these lines
fixes the issue if it is not those lines here is my full main config section of .conkyrc
Note that I do not use rox desktop, however I do use xfdesktop which had a similar ( if not the same ) problem.
I think conky is messed up because it is showing the wallpaper without the stretching from rox desktop.
If I remember correctly adding these lines
Code: Select all
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
Code: Select all
background yes
font Zero Threes:size=8
xftfont Zero Threes:size=8
use_xft yes
xftalpha 0.1
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer yes
draw_shades yes
draw_outline yes
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
minimum_size 250 5
maximum_width 250
default_color 999999
default_shade_color 000000
default_outline_color 000000
alignment top_right
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
no_buffers no
cpu_avg_samples 10
override_utf8_locale no
uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
use_spacer no
Posts: 765
- Joined: 27 Dec 2011
Thanks! I will give that a try!
So todays look, for now... kinda windows-ish with that background:

So todays look, for now... kinda windows-ish with that background:

Posts: 765
- Joined: 27 Dec 2011
Yes, Afab4, it works fine without the rox pinboard.

And Yes Dave... there was no wierd distorted sky after I added those 2 lines. __{{emoticon}}__
BUT there was a big black box there in stead __{{emoticon}}__ __{{emoticon}}__ Oh well...thanks anyway!

And Yes Dave... there was no wierd distorted sky after I added those 2 lines. __{{emoticon}}__
BUT there was a big black box there in stead __{{emoticon}}__ __{{emoticon}}__ Oh well...thanks anyway!
Posts: 765
- Joined: 27 Dec 2011
Hey Anti! I decided to try wmii, and I want to kill myself now __{{emoticon}}__

I still have no idea how to do... well, anything... I can open a terminal, and go from there, or use win+p and type the name of the program I want. and what exactly are the lines at each end of the screen for? Ya, I can move then here and there...but???
Yea, I am unusually confused, even for being me __{{emoticon}}__

I still have no idea how to do... well, anything... I can open a terminal, and go from there, or use win+p and type the name of the program I want. and what exactly are the lines at each end of the screen for? Ya, I can move then here and there...but???
Yea, I am unusually confused, even for being me __{{emoticon}}__
Posts: 765
- Joined: 27 Dec 2011
New theme installed, which is a first for me!
My background is still bright blue and green, so I put a browser window up, to block that out.
uuh, it is still icewm, with the korstro dark themed toolbar/menu etc, and the mira gtk theme for the rest. I think it works ok, but I need to change some stuff, so I can read text, and such little details.

My background is still bright blue and green, so I put a browser window up, to block that out.
uuh, it is still icewm, with the korstro dark themed toolbar/menu etc, and the mira gtk theme for the rest. I think it works ok, but I need to change some stuff, so I can read text, and such little details.

Posts: 765
- Joined: 27 Dec 2011

A little better, maybe... this is all cut/paste.
Icewm, with the mira theme, conky from some ubuntu forum, uh... I think that's it!
Now, is there a simple-ish way to change the pinboard icons?

A little better, maybe... this is all cut/paste.
Icewm, with the mira theme, conky from some ubuntu forum, uh... I think that's it!
Now, is there a simple-ish way to change the pinboard icons?
Posts: 765
- Joined: 27 Dec 2011
Just trying some of the new included themes in 12...
So I ended up with windows again!

So I ended up with windows again!

Posts: 765
- Joined: 27 Dec 2011
So, this is an old f/siemens laptop we got for free.
The battery last about 7-10 minutes, and it is well worn,
but works well enough for the kids to play games on.
And because they are kids, I made it simple to"start internet"
That is the chrome icon up to the left, and an"off" button,
which is the one up to the right, below the antix"badge"
This is just antix base 12.5, fluxbox with the tint2 bar-thingie, chrome, and vlc for videos.

I still have things to figure out, especially with the toolbar setup, but it does what I wanted it to do very well!
The battery last about 7-10 minutes, and it is well worn,
but works well enough for the kids to play games on.
And because they are kids, I made it simple to"start internet"
That is the chrome icon up to the left, and an"off" button,
which is the one up to the right, below the antix"badge"
This is just antix base 12.5, fluxbox with the tint2 bar-thingie, chrome, and vlc for videos.

I still have things to figure out, especially with the toolbar setup, but it does what I wanted it to do very well!
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- Joined: 20 Feb 2009
Test 2 64bit base.