Posts: 852
Joined: 19 Oct 2007
Here are some questions about what do we think of this life event?

please, write your own interpetration of it if you are willing to participate.

1.Why do we suffer?

2.How does suffering becomes suffering?

3.Can we end with suffering?

I will really like to know a little about how we all feel about this subject. I think it is important but I know for many of us, is a hard thing to talk about when we have, or had deceptions, personal problems or are under stress. I'm like some of you, under one situation of these mention above. But I belief that the only way to change any of these 3 subjects is to confront these. If it becomes a positive thread maybe we can all make positive chages to ourselves or maybe learn from others. All I ask please, is to put your own opinion about this three questions and allow others to do the same without interfering even if disagree with others view. This way the thread does not become a negative thread.

This thread is for everyone that will like to talk about this subject. I will also include my own opinion about it.

You can write simply to the questions on your own view. I'am not a psychology but I do have my own vision on this issue of suffering. I will respect everyone opinion because this is a real serious issue for some, while not to important to others.

1. Why do we suffer?

because I am attached to something, I expect for the future, I have my own mental condition, I think of me being different. I care for others. not enough acceptance. bad health, etc..

2. How does suffering becomes suffering?

my own expectations, my own past interfere with the reality of the present and the future, my attachment to others and material needs, not accepting. health problems, etc....

3. Can we end with suffering?

yes, I will call suffering an entity or entities inside myself in my mind.

The moment I observe each of these entity that surfaces in my mind from my past to deal with the present environment it is to my Understanding that is my I or Ego.

This Ego or I is a complete pack of many different entties, only an illusion with many small entities. Each entity will surface according to how I programed it in the past and it will try to surface and adapt to the any similar environmental situation by modifying itself.

These entitties are different from the suffering? Not the entity is the suffering. Different entities will act and surfaces differently when perception of the environment intitiates it.

This entity is only something from the past that not necessarely will see the reality of a total new fresh present, while it interferes by past judgement mechanism into the reality of the present and is future while taking me to a similar sensation or emotion from the past, continuing the suffering and limiting the reality of the present which is fresh, new, etc...

If I observe this entity honestly, profoundly, process, without judgement, realizing that is not who I'am, that is only a small part of what I think I am, then it surely disolves. Example: is like when we are sick we find the cause and fix it through, by realizing the cause we can become healthier in its totallity.

When these entities disolves then I can live brand new see things fresh and not being limited.

All individual suffering is born from the past because how we were brought up, country, goverment influence, our religion, culture etc... these made us our past, our mental conditions, and Ego, that we have attached and belief to be the real thing, while tending to expect all the time in our way our form etc...,

Also according to these entities, I become an individual that separates me from each of us through religion, habits, country, goverment, culture, etc...

A thought is time and time always creates conflicts through humanity.

To live free from suffering is to live in accordance only with the present and totally honestly disolving the past that it is an illusion not longer existing and it interferes with the reality and spontaniety of the present.

This is a small part of my own opinion on this issue, respecting everyones opinions like something sacred, I hope we can all learn something from those wanting to be involve. Suffering to me is a thing that I don't really take time to understand, it is a thing not deeply look into it because I have fear to see it, therefore it remains with it's different entities in me. Until I confront it, not through my own entities or conditions but through observing the behaviour of is own real process and mechanism I will not liberate myself from these.

Hope suffering can be ended.

Please, I try to do my best with the English here, I am hopeful you can understand it correctly.

Sincerely, Sakasa