I've since discovered that PolicyKit also interferes with the function of the exitantix.sh script (the logout/suspend/shutdown menu), and while reboot and shutdown options work (I suspect do to the way the sudoers file is set up), the hibernate and suspend functions did not. applying what I learned when dealing with the removable storage issue, I made another mod to PolicyKit.conf.
Below is my new PolicyKit.conf file, with all mods. there may be ways to fine tune it to make it more restrictive or secure, but it got my functionality back.
Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE pkconfig PUBLIC"-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://hal.freedesktop.org/releases/PolicyKit/1.0/config.dtd">
<!-- See the manual page PolicyKit.conf(5) for file format -->
<config version="0.1">
<match action="org.freedesktop.hal.storage.*">
<return result="yes"/>
<match action="org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.*">
<return result="yes"/>