Posts: 26
Joined: 07 Aug 2016
Hi antixers...

Although this topic is not screen's screenshot, I positioned here (I did not know where to post it __{{emoticon}}__ ).

I did changes in script. I reordered the the position of some buttons and well I maked 2 new entries in GUI antixcc, a tab for packages's management named"Packages" and other tab for system's maintenance named"Maintenance".

I place"new" Antix Control Center screenshots below, and your script modified:




Here is 1

Here is 2

Here is 3








Here is 4


Here is the modified script (In paths, I renamed"etc directory" to"/ etc" or post it)

Code: Select all


## File Name:
## Version: 2
## Purpose: all-in-one control centre for antiX
## Original authors: OU812 and minor modifications by anticapitalista
## Modified by: fdm
## Latest Change: 20 August 2008
## Latest Change: 11 January 2009 and renamed
## Latest Change: 15 August 2009 some apps and labels altered.
## Latest Change: 09 March 2012 by anticapitalista. Added Live section.
## Latest Change: 22 March 2012 by anticapitalista. Added jwm config options and edited admin options.
## Latest Change: 18 April 2012 by anticapitalista. mountbox-antix opens as user not root.
## Latest Change: 06 October 2012 by anticapitalista. Function for ICONS. New icon theme.
## Latest Change: 26 October 2012 by anticapitalista. Includes gksu and ktsuss.
## Latest Change: 12 May 2013 by anticapitalista. Let user set default apps.
## Acknowledgements: Original script by KDulcimer of TinyMe.
## Lastest update: 10/07/2016 17:28 by fdm
## Lastest upadte: 18/07/2016 00:16. Change gksudo by gksu and sudo by"su -c" with a new anti_sudoers_local in / etc/sudoers.d directory.
##                                   When run ktsuss and gksu command will be gksudo instead because at command-alias specified in $HOME/.bash_aliases.
# Copyright (C) <2016>  <fdm>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# Variables

# Options
ED2="medit -w"
TERM="urxvt -display $DISPLAY -sb -sr"
Desktop=$"Desktop" System=$"System" Packages=$"Packages" Network=$"Network" Session=$"Session"
Live=$"Live" Disks=$"Disks" Maintenance=$"Maintenance" Hardware=$"Hardware"

export ControlCenter=$(cat <<End_of_Text
<window title="antiX Control Center" icon="$ICONSALT3/48x48/categories/gnome-control-center.png" window-position="1">
  <notebook tab-pos="0" labels="$Desktop|$System|$Packages|$Network|$Session|$Live|$Disks|$Maintenance|$Hardware">
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-desktop-wallpaper.png"</input>
          <action> &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Background"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-desktop-theme.png"</input>
          <action>lxappearance &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Appearance"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/utilities-system-monitor.png"</input>
          <action>$ED1 ~/.conky/conkyrc_icewm &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Conky Monitor"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT2/icewm_48x48.png"</input>
          <action> &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"IceWM Settings"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/desktop-effects.png"</input>
          <action>$ED1 ~/.fluxbox/overlay ~/.fluxbox/keys ~/.fluxbox/init ~/.fluxbox/startup ~/.fluxbox/apps ~/.fluxbox/menu &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Fluxbox Settings"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/desktop-effects.png"</input>
          <action>$ED1 ~/.jwm/preferences ~/.jwm/keys ~/.jwm/tray ~/.jwm/startup ~/.jwmrc ~/.jwm/menu &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"JWM Settings"`"</label>
                  <input file>"$ICONS/computer.png"</input>
                  <action>yad --geometry="216x202+208+117" --window-icon="$ICONSALT2/antix-logo.png" --title="AntiX Information" --image="$ICONS/computer.png" --text="Press the buttons below for known information on present system" --form --field="System Info!$ICONSALT6/devices.png!Hardinfo:FBTN" --field="PC Information!$ICONSALT6/computer.png!Inxi-gui:FBTN" --field="Kernel Modules Upload at Boot!$ICONSALT2/tux_22.png!/ etc/modules:FBTN" --field="Kernel Modules Status!$ICONSALT2/tux_22.png!lsmod:FBTN" --field="Xorg Setting File!$ICONSALT2/xsf_22.png!/ etc/X11/xorg.conf:FBTN" --field="Xorg Display Info!$ICONSALT2/xsf_22.png!xdpyinfo:FBTN" --field="Devices Partitions List!$ICONSALT6/hdd.png!fdisk:FBTN" --field="Partitions UUID!$ICONSALT6/hdd.png!blkid:FBTN" --field="Block Devices List!$ICONSALT6/cdrom.png!lsblk:FBTN" --field="SCSI Devices List!$ICONSALT6/usbfldisk.png!lsscsi:FBTN" --field="USB Devices List!$ICONSALT6/usb.png!lsusb:FBTN" --field="PCMCIA Sockets Status!$ICONSALT6/pcmcia.png!If not device connected, not display socket list:FBTN""bash -c hardinfo""bash -c inxi-gui""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'Kernel Modules Upload at Boot' -hold -e cat / etc/modules\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'Kernel Modules Status' -hold -e lsmod\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'Xorg Setting File' -e nano -v / etc/X11/xorg.conf\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'Xorg Display Info' -hold -e xdpyinfo\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'Devices Partitions List' -hold -e echo \"Please, wait at moment while the information is collected.\" && sleep 1 && sudo fdisk -l\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'Partitions UUID' -hold -e sudo blkid -o full\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'Block Devices List' -hold -e lsblk -flm\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'SCSI Devices List' -hold -e lsscsi -L\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'USB Devices List' -hold -e lsusb -v\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title 'PCMCIA Sockets Status' -hold -e sudo pccardctl ls\"" --columns 2 --no-buttons --timeout="180" &</action>
                  <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
                  <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Information"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/applications-system.png"</input>
          <action>yad --geometry="230x202+208+117" --window-icon="$ICONSALT2/antix-logo.png" --title="AntiX System" --image="$ICONS/preferences-desktop.png" --text="Press the buttons below for edit the present system configuration" --form --field="Set Name, Locales, GRUB Repair!$ICONSALT7/22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-locale.png!" --field="Edit / etc/fstab!$ICONSALT7/22x22/status/changes-prevent.png:FBTN" --field="Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst!$ICONSALT7/22x22/status/changes-prevent.png:FBTN" --field="Edit / etc/slim.conf!$ICONSALT7/22x22/status/changes-prevent.png:FBTN" --field="Edit / etc/rc.local!$ICONSALT7/22x22/status/changes-prevent.png:FBTN" --field="Edit / etc/network/interfaces!$ICONSALT7/22x22/status/changes-prevent.png:FBTN" --field="Edit / etc/inittab!$ICONSALT7/22x22/status/changes-prevent.png:FBTN" --field="Edit / etc/X11/xorg.conf!$ICONSALT7/22x22/status/changes-prevent.png:FBTN" --field="Edit Sudoers File!$ICONSALT7/22x22/status/changes-prevent.png!/ etc/sudoers.d/antiusers:FBTN" --field="Check Status Sudoers File!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png!/ etc/sudoers.d/antiusers:FBTN""bash -c \"gksu -u $USER\"""bash -c \"if [ ! -e / etc/fstab.old ]; then sudo cp -u / etc/fstab / etc/fstab.old; fi && ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/ etc/fstab' / etc/fstab\"""bash -c \"if [ ! -e /boot/grub/menu.lst.old ]; then sudo cp -u /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.old; fi && ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/boot/grub/menu.lst' /boot/grub/menu.lst\"""bash -c \"if [ ! -e / etc/slim.conf.old ]; then sudo cp -u / etc/slim.conf / etc/slim.conf.old; fi && ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/ etc/slim.conf' / etc/slim.conf\"""bash -c \"if [ ! -e / etc/rc.local.old ]; then sudo cp -u / etc/rc.local / etc/rc.local.old; fi && ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/ etc/rc.local' / etc/rc.local\"""bash -c \"if [ ! -e / etc/network/interfaces.old ]; then sudo cp -u / etc/network/interfaces / etc/network/interfaces.old; fi && ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/ etc/network/interfaces' / etc/network/interfaces\"""bash -c \"if [ ! -e / etc/inittab.old ]; then sudo cp -u / etc/inittab / etc/inittab.old; fi && ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/ etc/inittab' / etc/inittab\"""bash -c \"if [ ! -e / etc/X11/xorg.conf.old ]; then sudo cp -u / etc/X11/xorg.conf / etc/X11/xorg.conf.old; fi && ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/ etc/X11/xorg.conf' / etc/X11/xorg.conf\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title '/ etc/sudoers.d/antiusers' -hold -e sudo visudo -f / etc/sudoers.d/antiusers\"""bash -c \"$TERM -title '/ etc/sudoers.d/antiusers' -hold -e sudo visudo -cf / etc/sudoers.d/antiusers\"" --columns 2 --no-buttons --timeout="180" &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX System"`"</label>
          <input file>"/usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/nvidia-settings.png"</input>
          <action>nvidia-settings &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"NVIDIA X Server Settings"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/config-users.png"</input>
          <action>gksu user-management &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Users"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/gnome-settings-default-applications.png"</input>
          <action>$TERM -e su sysv-rc-conf &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Choose Startup Services"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/time-admin.png"</input>
          <action>$TERM -e su"dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Set Date and Time"`"</label>

          <input file>"$ICONS/synaptic.png"</input>
          <action>gksu synaptic &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Manage Packages"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT2/metapackage-installer.png"</input>
          <action>gksu install-meta &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Meta Package Installer"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-desktop.png"</input>
          <action>ktsuss -u $USER $ED1 / etc/apt/sources.list / etc/apt/sources.list.d/various.list / etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list / etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Repositories"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT3/48x48/apps/wine.png"</input>
          <action>playonlinux &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Run MS-Windows Apps"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT2/package-converter.png"</input>
          <action>package-converter &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Package Converter"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT4/applications.svg"</input>
          <action>$TERM -title Updating_system -name Updating_system -font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-130-75-75-c-70-iso10646-1 -geometry 114x41+35-40 -hold -bg yellow -e /usr/local/bin/ &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Update"`"</label>

          <input file>"$ICONSALT5/48x48/apps/ceni.png"</input>
          <action>$TERM -e sudo ceni &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Network Interfaces"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/network-wired.png"</input>
          <action>umts-panel &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Configure GPRS/UMTS Connection"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT5/48x48/apps/wicd-gtk.png"</input>
          <action>wicd-gtk &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Network Connection Manager"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/network-wireless.png"</input>
          <action>ktsuss -u $USER rutilt &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Wireless Network Manager"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/network-wired.png"</input>
          <action>gnome-ppp &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Configure Dial-Up Connection"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-system-firewall.png"</input>
          <action>gksu gufw &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Manage Firewall"`"</label>

          <input file>"$ICONS/keyboard.png"</input>
          <action> &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Keyboard Layout"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-desktop-wallpaper.png"</input>
          <action>ktsuss -u $USER</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Slim Background"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT3/48x48/apps/display-capplet.png"</input>
          <action>ktsuss -u $USER arandr &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Set Screen Resolution"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/gnome-session.png"</input>
          <action>gksu -k update-default-desktop &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Window Manager"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/gdm-setup.png"</input>
          <action>ktsuss -u $USER slim-login &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Login"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/video-display.png"</input>
          <action>set-screen-blank &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Set Screen Blanking"`"</label>

          <input file>"$ICONS/palimpsest.png"</input>
          <action>gksu &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"RemasterCC"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-desktop.png"</input>
          <action>gksu persist-makefs &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Set Up Live Persistence"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/drive-removable-media-usb.png"</input>
          <action>gksu &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"antiX2usb"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/palimpsest.png"</input>
          <action>gksu persist-save &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Save Root Persistence"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-desktop.png"</input>
          <action>gksu remaster-live &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Remaster Live"`"</label>

          <input file>"$ICONS/gparted.png"</input>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Partition a Drive"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT2/testdisk.png"</input>
          <action>$TERM -title 'Testdisk' -hold -e sudo /usr/bin/testdisk &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Lost Partitions Recovery"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/file-roller.png"</input>
          <action>ktsuss -u $USER luckybackup &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Backup"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/drive-harddisk-system.png"</input>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Image a Partition"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT2/photorec.png"</input>
          <action>$TERM -title 'Photorec' -hold -e sudo /usr/bin/photorec &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Image and Multimedia Files Deleted Recovery"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-desktop-remote-desktop.png"</input>
          <action>grsync &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Synchronize Directories"`"</label>

                  <input file>"$ICONSALT5/48x48/apps/baobab.png"</input>
                  <action>baobab &</action>
                  <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
                  <label>"`gettext $"Disk Space Viewer"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT5/48x48/apps/gsmartcontrol.png"</input>
          <action>gsmartcontrol &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"GSmartControl"`"</label>
                  <input file>"$ICONSALT2/bug.png"</input>
                  <action>yad --geometry="230x202+208+117" --window-icon="$ICONSALT2/antix-logo.png" --title="Problems in System?" --image="$ICONSALT3/48x48/apps/logviewer.png" --text="Press the buttons below for read some Log file or \nfstab\/mtab files" --form --field="Kernel Messages!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/var/log/kern.log!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/var/log/syslog!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/var/log/Xorg.0.log!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/var/log/slim.log!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/var/log/auth.log!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/var/log/user.log!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/ etc/ftab!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN" --field="/ etc/mtab!$ICONSALT7/22x22/emblems/emblem-readonly.png:FBTN""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name 'Kernel Messages' /var/log/messages\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/var/log/kern.log' /var/log/kern.log\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/var/log/syslog' /var/log/syslog\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' /var/log/Xorg.0.log\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/var/log/slim.log' /var/log/slim.log\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/var/log/auth.log' /var/log/auth.log\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/var/log/user.log' /var/log/user.log\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log' /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/ etc/fstab' / etc/fstab\"""bash -c \"ktsuss -u $USER $ED2 --app-name '/ etc/mtab' / etc/mtab\"" --columns 2 --no-buttons --timeout="180" &</action>
                  <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
                  <label>"`gettext $"Problems in System?"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONSALT2/clamav.png"</input>
          <action>$TERM -title 'ClamAV Database Update' -hold -e sudo /usr/bin/freshclam &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"ClamAV Database Update"`"</label>
          <input file>"/usr/share/pixmaps/bleachbit.png"</input>
          <action>bleachbit &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Bleachbit (Regular User)"`"</label>
          <input file>"/usr/share/pixmaps/bleachbit.png"</input>
          <action>gksu -u $USER bleachbit &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Bleachbit (Superuser)"`"</label>

          <input file>"$ICONS/drive-removable-media.png"</input>
          <action>mountbox &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"Antix Mountbox"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/printer.png"</input>
          <action>system-config-printer &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Printer"`"</label>
                  <input file>"$ICONSALT3/48x48/apps/xsane.png"</input>
                  <action>xsane &</action>
                  <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
                  <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Scanner"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/input-mouse.png"</input>
          <action> &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Mouse"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/keyboard.png"</input>
          <action>  &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Keyboard"`"</label>
          <input file>"$ICONS/preferences-desktop-sound.png"</input>
          <action>yad --window-icon="$ICONSALT2/antix-logo.png" --title="AntiX Sound" --image="$ICONS/preferences-desktop-sound.png" --text="Press the buttons below \nfor set system sound" --button="Alsa Mixer!$ICONSALT7/22x22/devices/audio-card.png!alsamixer:$TERM -title 'Alsa Mixer' -hold -e alsamixer" --button="Test Sound!$ICONSALT7/22x22/devices/audio-speakers.png!speaker-test:$TERM -title 'Test Sound' -hold -e speaker-test --channels 2 --test wav --nloops 3" --timeout="30" &</action>
          <text use-markup="true" width-chars="25">
          <label>"`gettext $"AntiX Sound"`"</label>

gtkdialog --program=ControlCenter
unset ControlCenter
My hardware is a desktop PC with these characteristics:

Code: Select all

$ inxi -Fxx
System:    Host: Tesistas Kernel: 3.2.0-4-686-pae i686 (32 bit gcc: 4.6.3)
           Desktop: IceWM 1.3.7 dm: slim
           Distro: antiX-13.2_386-full Luddite 4 November 2013
Machine:   Mobo: Intel model: D850GB v: AAA48527-906
           Bios: Intel v: GB85010A.86A.0063.P14.0107182015 date: 07/18/2001
Battery    Using dmidecode: you must be root to run dmidecode
CPU:       Single core Intel Pentium 4 (-UP-) cache: 256 KB
           flags: (pae sse sse2) bmips: 3389 speed: 1694 MHz (max)
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400]
           bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:0110
           Display Server: X.Org 1.12.4 driver: nvidia
           Resolution: 1024x768@50.0hz
           GLX Renderer: GeForce2 MX/AGP/SSE2
           GLX Version: 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.23 Direct Rendering: Yes
Audio:     Card Intel 82801BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller
           driver: snd_intel8x0 ports: e800 ef00 bus-ID: 00:1f.5 chip-ID: 8086:2445
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: 1.0.24
Network:   Card: Intel 82801BA/BAM/CA/CAM Ethernet Controller
           driver: e100 v: 3.5.24-k2-NAPI port: df00
           bus-ID: 02:08.0 chip-ID: 8086:2449
           IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: half
           mac: 00:03:47:c6:7a:82
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 13.5GB (63.8% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: ST310212A size: 10.2GB serial: 6EG0TV00
           ID-2: /dev/sdb model: SAMSUNG_WU33205A size: 3.2GB serial: ST58029091ffffffa815
Partition: ID-1: / size: 5.8G used: 4.5G (82%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda1
           ID-2: /home size: 3.7G used: 2.7G (77%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2
           ID-3: swap-1 size: 1.07GB used: 0.03GB (3%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sdb2
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 54.0C mobo: 27.8C gpu: 0.0:
           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu: N/A fan-1: 0 fan-2: 3835
Info:      Processes: 87 Uptime: 6:47 Memory: 201.6/502.1MB
           Init: SysVinit v: 2.88 runlevel: 5 default: 5
           Gcc sys: 4.7.2 alt: 4.6
           Client: Shell (bash 4.2.371 running in roxterm) inxi: 2.3.0
Posts: 4,164
Joined: 20 Feb 2009
I moved your topic to AntiX 13 forum. Since this is a AntiX 13.2 tweak and AntiX 13 is in the title of the thread.
I will be moving your usb automount thread incorporating Puppy Linux icons to AntiX 13 section also.

Nice tweaks/customization you do there bro. Keep them coming. I for one love customising everything I own to match my
url was:""
linktext was:"druthers"
/ preferences
Posts: 26
Joined: 07 Aug 2016
Hi rokytnji[\b].

Thanks for locate the posts into appropriate category.

I've learned for next time. __{{emoticon}}__

Regarding this specific topic, I do not known yet how to do that the window gtkdialog icon be displayed in icewm environment. I have to discard a gtkdialog's bug and so, set this in IceWM winoptions/prefoverride/preferences files.
Posts: 1,444
Joined: 09 Feb 2012
Thanks for sharing the details of your customizations. I hope it inspires more topics of a similar nature (instead of folks just showing up to post help requests).

Today I don't have much time to write; I hope to followup here in a few days. A couple quick reactions:

-- adding a"Packages" submenu (page, notebook tab) seems like a great idea

-- the item"Check Status Sudoers File" along with most everything in that submenu... few curators (distro maintainers, sysadmins) would choose to expose such things to any (every) user. I'm torn, unsure whether or not I would choose to do so.

-- splitting the"edit suchandsuch file" into separate entries, my initial reaction was"that seems like a step backward, in terms of convenience"
(compared to having multiple files open in one geany"project" window)... but then I realized it's a great way to expose/remind which individual files are involved,
AND that aside from initial system setup after a new install... editing one of 'em doesn't usually involve editing all of 'em.

-- Using one of the items in the"Packages" submenu as an example:
My customizations have usually tried to expand the text of each label. For example"AntiX Repositories" label contains no VERB...
I understand that the"for general use" version of controlCenter is intentionally designed to be terse/small
(window size to fit low-resolution displays, shortshortshort labels to fit within small window and to reduce translation burden)
...I understand, yet I think we all suffer as a result of that, in terms of impaired convenience/discovery which leads to unnecessary help requests,
how to do that the window gtkdialog icon be displayed in icewm environment.
I have to discard a gtkdialog's bug and so, set this in IceWM winoptions/prefoverride/preferences files.
Try rephrasing the question(s). I can't understand what you're saying/asking here.
What is the"gtkdialog bug"?
Something about an icon and icewm.
The only thing that comes to mind for me here: one of the window managers (icewm? JWM?) does not support PNG imagefiles as icons.
Maybe your solution is to specify an alternative XPM file in place of the problematic PNG imagefile.
Posts: 26
Joined: 07 Aug 2016
skidoo wrote:Thanks for sharing the details of your customizations. I hope it inspires more topics of a similar nature (instead of folks just showing up to post help requests).
Yes, this is the idea... I am a amateur user in programming and posts explanatory just like that, help much, until a novice user to take more experience...
skidoo wrote:-- adding a"Packages" submenu (page, notebook tab) seems like a great idea
It just seemed important that existed in the control center... I imagine that come included in lastest versions of antiX.
skidoo wrote:-- the item"Check Status Sudoers File" along with most everything in that submenu... few curators (distro maintainers, sysadmins) would choose to expose such things to any (every) user. I'm torn, unsure whether or not I would choose to do so.
I confess that these are my firsts scripts with gtkdialog and I was thrilled to do so ... __{{emoticon}}__
but I understand the reason for exposing security system with multiple users... This is transient only.
skidoo wrote:-- splitting the"edit suchandsuch file" into separate entries, my initial reaction was"that seems like a step backward, in terms of convenience"
(compared to having multiple files open in one geany"project" window)... but then I realized it's a great way to expose/remind which individual files are involved,
AND that aside from initial system setup after a new install... editing one of 'em doesn't usually involve editing all of 'em.
Although use multiple tabs in geany is a great idea, for me it is easier to read some individual log file.
skidoo wrote:My customizations have usually tried to expand the text of each label. For example"AntiX Repositories" label contains no VERB...
I understand that the"for general use" version of controlCenter is intentionally designed to be terse/small
(window size to fit low-resolution displays, shortshortshort labels to fit within small window and to reduce translation burden)
...I understand, yet I think we all suffer as a result of that, in terms of impaired convenience/discovery which leads to unnecessary help requests,
Yes, I am still working on it...
skidoo wrote:Try rephrasing the question(s). I can't understand what you're saying/asking here.
What is the"gtkdialog bug"?
Something about an icon and icewm.
The only thing that comes to mind for me here: one of the window managers (icewm? JWM?) does not support PNG imagefiles as icons.
Maybe your solution is to specify an alternative XPM file in place of the problematic PNG imagefile.
... sorry, I must improve my use of English language...
I well believe that I have use XPM imagefile in icewm... I try...
Posts: 1,444
Joined: 09 Feb 2012
I well believe that I have use XPM imagefile in icewm... I try...

install and use 'meld' or 'diffuse' to compare original copy vs your edited copy.
Double, triple check, look for any spelling/typographic errors

launch controlCenter from a terminal prompt instead of via the desktop menu
and check for any error messages in the terminal (you might see 'blahblahbha ...xpm' or something helpful)

use 'mirage' image viewer (it's in antix16, I can't recall whether that was preinstalled in v13.2)
load the problematic xpm imagefile, then click mirage toolbar: File }} Properties
and note the details displayed for:
bits per sample
Compare those details those of other xmp files which ARE correctly displayed in icewm.
Maybe icewm isn't able to handle some aspect of that particular imagefile?