topic title: openbox m8
Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
I've been playing around with the idea of doing an lxde remaster of m8, but I'm just not up to the task at this time. However, after my experiences with lxde, both past and present, I decided to try openbox + lxpanel (pypanel is not in the repos - and was buggy anyway, and fbpanel isn't quite as friendly or as good-looking as lxpanel). So far I really like the look and feel of this combination better than lxde. Plus it seems more antix than lxde. Here is my first attempt at aping the look of m8 in openbox. (BTW the conky config is available at their website.)


P.S. I still enjoy using icewm.
Posts: 903
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
That looks really good! Did you start out from antix-base?

Posts: 1,081
Joined: 29 Sep 2007
Pedro. Thanks for the kind words. I did not start from base - I've decided to try my hand at a remaster, but postponed the project indefinitely (too much work already). Here's basically what I did (to my m8 full install):

1. installed openbox, obconfig, obmenu, and lxpanel (I think that's all of them).
2. created a startup file for openbox (based on the one from the openbox website).
3. created an lxsession exit script - links to ours.
4. created a link in nitrogen so openbox would have its own wallpaper.
5. installed a tile app to tile the windows.
6. small edits to lxpanel.

Since lxpanel relies on populating its menu using .desktop files, I was thinking that I might ask dreamlinux if I get my hands on their app for creating said files. (We're both debian-based distros, so the app may work here.) I also need to edit the right-click menu by hand - I want it to match the feel of the icewm menu. Perhaps I'll post a how-to if there's enough interest.

Posts: 1,520
Joined: 07 Oct 2007
Nice work John.

About .desktop files:

When you install an application most will also place a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications as well as a few other places. If a particular application does not have one then they are easy to create. One example would be the antix control center, since it's just a script no .desktop file was created but one could easily be created and then it would show up in the menu.

When I first wrote zenscreen and made a .deb there was a .desktop file shipped with it. I could create a .deb for the control center and associated scripts and include a .desktop file if you wish. It may be easier to update for future releases.