I just did a fresh install of antiX-M11 Jayaben Desai, and following the advice on
url was:"antix.freeforu ms.org/post23952.html#p23952"
linktext was:"this posting"
, got wireless up and running no problem. I specifically used this chain of commands
Code: Select all
modprobe -r b43
modprobe -r ssb
modprobe -i b43
I did the same thing earlier today, so this recent reinstall is a sort of confirmation that my wireless card is working properly and that antix has everything needed to get my card receiving signals.
The reason I just did this reinstall was also to revert back to whatever settings allowed my wireless to work. Earlier today, after doing
Code: Select all
apt-get upgrade
This is where I am stumped. My wlan0 still exists and shows up with ifconfig, etc. but in wicd and ceni, a scan for available networks yields nothing:"No wireless networks found." I figure that the upgrade must have created a change in configuration or introduced a driver/firmware incompatibility, but I am not sure how. I thought apt-get upgrade did not introduce new packages, just updates to existing ones. And if there are things I need to remove to eliminate the incompatibility, I am not sure what to remove or even how to remove it.
Would anyone be willing to help me troubleshoot this one? I am willing to post whatever I need to and will continue to experiment until I get to the bottom of it. I am hoping also that this process might reveal some possible fixes that can be applied to antix12, in light of the recent exchange about wireless drivers in
url was:"antix.freeforu ms.org/post23952.html#p23952"
linktext was:"this posting"